View Full Version : David Letterman!!!!!!!!!!!

08-28-2002, 11:55 PM
I dunno who watches David Letterman, i myself don't watch much tv. But in was laying in bed, almost asleep... and my dad came in and said "Nelly is going to be on david letterman" I jumped up, put some pants on, tripped over my backpack and ran out there. as i got out there my dad says ".....not yet you dork" lmao.

anyways. The preformance was AWESOME. I'm so hyper right now lol. The only time i watch tv nomrally is when Nelly is on....[This thursday he's going to be on the VMAs woohoo!!!!] anywho.... It was like the late show band or whatever playing the music to the song with guitars and such and Nelly there rapping along with it. What could get better??? My favorite instrument with the BEST and my favoritest person in the world, Nelly?!? I'm sorry from blabbing on and on but im just so excited lol. I was like glued to the tv watch john trvolatra until Nelly got on with my finger on the record button on the remot control lmao. Anyways, im off to bed. Weeee another great day and THE WORLD'S BEST high school on the planet. GO Spongers, I'm out.

[lmao, my principal always says that after announcments, which we have announcements EVERY period :rolleyes: .... 1st period, he gets on say good morning. 2nd period we have announcements on the TV, 3rd period at the end of class he has lunch announcements and 4th period at the end, he says bye to us all... and he always says "i'm out" or "....out". He's like the best principal ever..... and he ALWAYS plays a song in the morning as our "warning bell"..... When the song comes on we have to start heading to class and by the end of the song we should be in our first period..... I'm still trying to get myself trust them with my Nelly cd..... i dunno it's like handing my life over to them. I carry that cd around like it's a bible or something. lol ok enough blabbing... sorry :(

Aspen and Misty
08-29-2002, 12:03 AM
LOL that was great! I know what you mean abotu the whole bible cd! I have a mix of songs on this one cd and it goes everywhere with me! I know you love Nelly so I am sure you absolutly loved the show!

08-29-2002, 12:39 AM
KayAnn I was in bed earlier and turned the tv on (normaly don't) and heard that Nelly was going to be on later and I thought of you right away! No, I didn't watch it tho.

08-29-2002, 11:02 AM
I watch him sometimes, I didn't see Nelly, but I think I've seen him on Jay Leno or Conan before..Personally, I just watch Conan O'Brien. He's insane. lol.