View Full Version : I think my Vet approves of Pet Talk

Ginger's Mom
05-28-2008, 07:01 PM
Ginger had to go to the vet this afternoon for meet the doctor who is going to perform dental surgery on her in a few weeks. It is not the doctor we usually see but the one in the practice that specializes in level two dental procedures. This particular doctor has never seen Ginger and she requires a meeting with the patient and owner beforehand to go over the procedure and what it will entail (nice policy :) ). During the exam she asked what dry food Ginger normally eats, and I told her it is a mixture of Evo and Merrick. She looked up suddenly and asked how I learned about the good food. ;) I told her I was a member of an online doggie chat site.Later we went back to the surgery room and were talking about cost associated with the procedure. I told her that I was expecting it cost between $300-600.00. She then asked if this doggie chat site covers all areas of dog ownership. :D I told her that it does. I should have given her the name of the site to check out, but I didn't. Maybe when I take Ginger in for her surgery I will. I think she may be interested in checking us out. :D

05-28-2008, 07:05 PM
Hee hee! Glad to know we have veterinary approval! ;)

05-28-2008, 07:19 PM
I always tell my vet things I learned from PET TALK!!

05-28-2008, 07:37 PM
Good deal! It's nice to see a vet that knows good food! The vet I work for thinks Pedigree is a good dog food.

05-28-2008, 07:39 PM
How funny! :D

05-28-2008, 08:00 PM
Nothing better than approval from your vet! ;) Please keep us posted about Ginger's upcoming surgery.:)

Ginger's Mom
05-28-2008, 10:07 PM
I always tell my vet things I learned from PET TALK!!
Hehehe, do your really?

Good deal! It's nice to see a vet that knows good food! The vet I work for thinks Pedigree is a good dog food.
She said she feeds her dogs Evo. ;)

Nothing better than approval from your vet! ;) Please keep us posted about Ginger's upcoming surgery.:)
I will, Annette, thanks for asking. :)

05-28-2008, 11:21 PM
Cool! That was really nice of her to ask you. Be sure to give her the location - maybe she'll recommend PT to other dog owners.

05-29-2008, 07:11 AM
Hee hee! Glad to know we have veterinary approval! ;)


05-29-2008, 08:05 AM
Oh Ginger honey...good luck with your upcoming dental work! I wish I could be put under to have my dental work done :) I am a big baby! Maybe if I bite his hand next time........:)

05-29-2008, 11:50 AM
Deer Ginger,
I hopez you doesn't wake up wiffout some toofies. That happind to me. The gud part of all of dat is dat I feelz great now wiff the toofies dat I do haz. Gotta go...Mom wantz to get on.
Luv, Ripley

Joyce, we will be thinking of your pretty girl when the time gets closer. Remind us so that we may send up some extra PT prayers for a good dental visit. (I have told my vet about Pet Talk too! :) )

05-29-2008, 02:50 PM
All of my clients are shocked of my knowledge of dogs, and that I am only 17 years old. Before I even began my job, I learned what I know because of PT. :love: PT really has opened my eyes to the quality of dog food.

P.S I feed EVO to Sage and Zoey too. My vet only feeds high quality food, it's great because then I feel like I can really trust her, not to mention she is a dog training friend.

Pawsitive Thinking
05-29-2008, 03:11 PM
Let's spread the word :D

05-29-2008, 11:12 PM
Even I have surprised my vet with the things that come running out of my mouth!

I learn something new everyday! You guys are awesome.

I brag about PT all the time!

What a great vet policy!! A nice preview of what's to come.

I love you Ginger, pretty girl. Not to fear, you'll be fine.

Ginger's Mom
05-30-2008, 06:07 AM
Thank you very much for the comments everyone. :) When we go back I will tell her the name of the site, because she really did sound interested.

Another thing that has had me amused about this surgery; we went back to the surgery room and she showed me that they will have warm air blowing up on Ginger through vents on the operating table. It just struck me funny because she will be asleep, she won't care if it is cold. But the doctor said it is important to keep her body temperature up. Wish I were treated as well when I had dental surgery. :D

Ripley, the doctor said I may have to have a tooth (or maybe two) taken out. Sigh. And after that Mom says I am going to have to start having may teeth brushed. How do all of you other PT dogs like having your teeth brushed?

Pawsitive Thinking
05-30-2008, 06:10 AM
Wish I were treated as well when I had dental surgery.

I've been seriously tempted to register with my vet instead of my doctor on many occasions - he has so much more time for his patients

05-30-2008, 08:03 AM
How do all of you other PT dogs like having your teeth brushed?

I use to brush Beanie's teeth. He didn't really like it, but held still for it anyway.

I don't brush teeth now. I just give them all raw meaty bones. They like that teeth cleaning better. Beanie is 11yrs old and my vet says he has the teeth of a 2yr old pup.

05-30-2008, 10:20 AM
I used to brush some of my dogs teeth, they didn't mind it at all.. actually I had one, several years ago that got ahold of the bottle of dog tooth paste (chicken flavored I think it was) and ate the whole thing LOL But now when I can get ahold of them, I like to give my dogs knuckle bones to chew on... tho they can be hard to get around here for some reason.... or if I have one that doesn't like to chew much, or if I am getting ready to go to a show I will just scale the teeth...

Ginger's Mom
05-30-2008, 10:44 AM
or if I have one that doesn't like to chew much,

That is my problem with Ginger. When she was a pup she loved to chew on knuckle bones and I would give her on once or twice a week (depending on the size). But, once she started learning about treats that she didn't really need to work at my spoiled little girl stopped chewing bones (and eating carrots). Just recently she has started eating pieces of apple again and an occasional bully stick. I may get a knuckle bone this weekend to see if I can get her interested.