View Full Version : I am so PISSED OFF!!!

08-28-2002, 03:16 PM
First let me say I HATE MY NEIGHBORS! :mad: This letter arrived in my mailbox today:

Dear Dog Owner:
I'm sure you are aware of the non-stop barking your dog does both day and night. But did you know you don't have to annoy your neighborhood? You can purchase a bark collar at Petsmart or Petco to stop all that barking. We are sure you look into this as soon as possible. The neighborhood would really appreciate it.

FIRST OFF how the hell can my dogs bark both day AND night when all 3 of them sleep INSIDE my house at night! And they are not barking, they are SLEEPING! All of my dogs are inside for 90% of the day! Reggie and Smokey are in kennels in the house when we leave, and Nebo is in his dog run. ONE TIME I left him and he barked/howled for about 45 minutes and we had some asshole call and hang up 4 times (the 4th time was at 11:00 and my parents and i were on the deck TALKING!) Nebo is in his dog run right now, and has been for about 2 hours and he is not making a peep! Can't this (insert curse word here) have the decency to just call me up? I would like to know who it is and give them a piece of my mind! What about all the cats running free that poop in our flower bed? There is a dog behind us (the one the kids were throwing the rock at ) that DOES bark all the time, why don't they talk to them! When I've been up on the net at night I've heard dogs barking at 2 a.m. and past! This is a really sore subject because we are not legally allowed to have 3 dogs, the limit for our city is 2...so I don't want to get in trouble. :( I don't dare show the letter to my parents, they will throw a fit! Ugh it looks like the dog run I spent $200 on won't work because I'll have to leave Nebo in a crate inside when I'm gone! Because if he whines I'll have the cops called on us! (wouldn't be the first time!)
:mad: :mad: :mad:

08-28-2002, 03:21 PM
Gosh, sounds like trouble. maybe you should try speaking to your neighbors and apologizing but also expressing your right to own animals and their obligation to leave you alone. If you don't think that their barking is a big issue, then it probbaly isn't. It is just some stuck up neighbor that has nothing better to do than rant. Do you think that their barking is a problem?

Aspen and Misty
08-28-2002, 03:24 PM
O my god! What the ****! Some people! Now I could understand if the dog barked all night and they were upset but you said your dogs stay inside! I am gald we have nice neighbors but our one neighbor. I feel so bad for you! I hope the police don't get called you cna't have one of your puppies taken away! Don't these people care at all about how much you love your dogs?!?!?!?!?!

08-28-2002, 03:24 PM
I would talk to them but I don't know who sent it! The entire neighborhood is made up of a bunch of pricks! :mad: We are not the only people on this street to have dogs, actually several people do!

08-28-2002, 03:27 PM
that is so unfair. someone has too much time on their hands. i am so sorry that you have to deal with that. all that i can say is some people just suck!

08-28-2002, 03:28 PM
Wow! I can see why your pissed off! Urg, that would be so irratating! Is there anyway you can reason with your neighbors?? Like perhaps its some other dog thats barking and they think its yours, or most likely, its just them. Could you convince them Nebo (or whichever dog) isn't as bad as they think, and maybe take him over to meet them, and maybe they'll realized what a sweety he is. I've used bark collars before when my dad made Jo use one, and I don't think I'd ever use one again. One, it just seemed to hurt her, and two, it didn't seem to work. I hope your neighbors calm down and take a chill pill..

08-28-2002, 03:50 PM
Do you think this is a random letter that was sent to all dog owners inthe neightborhood, and maybe not addressing your dogs specifically? I wonder beucase of the intro "Dear Dog owner" Send back a letter to all those with out dogs..."dear dog hater...my dogs don't bark. Reasrch who your are complaing to and leave the rest of us alone" :) I wouldn't worry too much yet. Just make sure your dogs don't get obnoxious

08-28-2002, 05:02 PM
No I'm betting it was sent to me. They hate me I swear. We had those calls/hanging up. I really am not exaggerating when I say my neighbors are all (you know whats!) My two main suspects are Todd the nextdoor neighbor and a guy that lives diagonally behind us (I don't know his name). Todd has always hated us, and has always hated animals. When he had another neighbors cat in his flower bed, he didn't bother to call the neighbor up and talk to her. No, he set out some gourmet cat food, trapped the cat, and I don't know what he did with it! He has also called the cops on us (and half the neighborhood) more than once. This so called guy diagonal behind us is somebody who works at my mom's school. She says he's about 22 and had his rich daddy buy the house for him. I heard somebody yelling "shut up" coming from that yard (Reggie and Peking the dog behind us were barking through the fence). Our course there's always Mr. Moto (don't know his real name either) across the street. Has 3 dogs also, and we had some "issues" with them a year or so ago because they let their little white dogs out every morning to poop on our lawn. And Dibbs, the neighbors on the other side, have the stupid little kid who was throwing rocks at Peking. Ahh now that I think of it, it could have been anyone! I think there are maybe 2 neighbors on my little street that I even half-way like, and they don't even know me.

Sorry I just needed to vent a little frustration here...it was not a good day. My mom was telling me that her friend is selling her siberian husky pups because they were digging under the fence and bugging neighbors. She was kind of giving me the "you know what happens" thing...plus she's completely paranoid.

I think the thing that really pissed me off is that we try not to bug them. We don't have a dog door, so we normally just leave the sliding door open so Reggie/Smokey can go as they please..and not bark to be let in. Nebo really doesn't bark that much! And I can't just go out there and get him everytime he whimpers because then he'll bark more! I just got back from the store. I left him locked in the dog run with something to do...a molecube ball with his dog food lunch in it. When I came back he was sound asleep! I have a kong, that molecube, and a milk bone ball that I've been leaving him with. I can tell that he's been entertained because all of the food is gone. I really wish I knew who sent that and who had been prank calling us, because I would just like to ask them one thing...How my dogs are barking at night when they are asleep in the house???

08-28-2002, 05:57 PM
I am lucky, my house is in a neighborhood thats about 20-25 years old, so we don't have any rules like that. We have 3 dogs and 5 cats currently, I say they can stay and don't care what our neighnors think. Our dogs do bark a little when they are outside, usually when we come home and they want inside.

Dixie Belle
08-28-2002, 07:17 PM
It's times like this that I love living in the middle of nowhere.

08-28-2002, 07:28 PM
Amy, I am sorry to hear about this mess. I can understand how your parents could be paranoid. But what I don't get is how the city has the right to limit how many animals you have?

I would write a letter to whom ever sent you one and ask them to confront you about it. If the run you spent so much money on can not be used, you may be able to sell it. I wouldn't say it was for waste. You must do what is best for Nebo.

I hate neighbors like that. Hope this is resolved. I will be thinking of you. {{{{HUGS}}}

08-28-2002, 07:43 PM
It may very well be that they are hearing the other dogs in your neighborhood barking. It is a shame when the wrong person is unjustly accused. Years ago I had a neighbor who accused me of letting my toy poodle poop on her lawn. He was never allowed outside of our fenced back yard so that was totally impossible. I knew it was the dog across the street because I had seen him do it, but I didn't want to start any neighborhood brawl so I didn't tell her. I just assured her it was not my dog doing the pooping.

In my previous neighborhood I lived next to a nurse who worked the 11:00PM to 7:00AM shift. She slept during the day and consequently I was always paranoid about my dogs barking at any time of day. She never complained but I always brought them right in when they started to bark. It's so hard to keep everybody happy isn't it? Dixie Belle is right. It would be nice to be living on acres and acres of land with no neighbors nearby but unfortunately that is not usually the case. Good luck!

08-28-2002, 08:32 PM
OMG.. your neighbors are crazy! I'm sorry to hear about all that! I hope things will get better soon!! - Rachel

08-29-2002, 12:21 AM
I remember having a neighbor like that many years ago.
My mom and I received an annoymous(sp) letter in the mail box
complaining about my dog barking, than a warning
letter from the animal control stating that a neighbor complained
about my barking dog. It wasn't even my dog, (my dog was kept inside and rarely barked)
It was the next door neighbors dog who was kept
outside that barked all the time.
Their dog's barking ecco'd in between our two houses.
We all new which neighbor complained too, even
though he never signed his name to the letter.
He use to shoot a bebe gun at birds that landed on
his lawn, and if you dared parked your car in the street
in front of your own house he would leave a nasty note on it.
Seems all neighborhood have at least one bad apple.

08-29-2002, 01:07 AM
But what I don't get is how the city has the right to limit how many animals you have?

They don't limit it other places? I don't think there's a cat limit as much as a dog limit. Personally I think that 5 cats roaming free is a lot more annoying then one dog kept in a yard!!

We believe it is Todd the neighbor from hell now. My dad talked to the guy diagonal behind us as well as the people behind us who have the lab/sharpei dog. They said they didn't know anything about it. Todd is such a jerk, I know it's bad to feel this way, but I HATE that man! My gosh, we've lived next door to them for 12 years and they can't even have the decency to speak to us in person!! I mean this letter was actually mailed with a stamp and everything! And is it really necessary to call and hang up on us?! The last time he did it we were outside talking--I guess we're not allowed to talk either! My dad's going to talk to him about it. If it wasn't him then I have no clue who it was.

I think we need a petition to get rid of him! lol. My mom has talked to other neighbors before and he seriously has called the cops on basically everyone. Don't pound a nail past 8:00 or you might hear sirens around here! He thinks he owns it all. Mr. Perfect Lawn and house, don't step on his sidewalks! He HATES animals. He needs to move somewhere pet free or something, because basically everyone on this street has a pet of some sort. The pathetic thing is that if it was any other neighbor, I might seriously care...right now I just want to let all 3 loose in his yard to poop! Dogs definitely know best---of the few times I've seen him, Reggie and Smokey were coming out of the house as he was coming out of his backyard....they ran after him barking, scared the crap out of him! Good. :mad:

The way it works here there has to be 3 people complain for them to really do anything about it. Do you think if 3 people complained about Todd we could have him put to sleep? lol JUST KIDDING!

08-29-2002, 01:13 PM
I hope things get better, your neighbors are probably the crazed kind of folk that would harm animals. I will pray for your peace with them.

08-29-2002, 01:46 PM
There's a limit on animals in my city too ... umm I think you're only allowed to have 3 total dogs or cats. Thats why when I get a house, I'm moving right outside city limits :)

I wouldn't worry Amy, you're doing everything you can. Everyone has those bad neighbors. My new neighbors hate me already for no reason. They make snotty remarks about my dogs every time I see them. I've been nothing but nice to them and my dogs are soooo well behaved, no one would know I even had them if they didn't see me out waking them.

08-30-2002, 12:02 AM
I think most cities have a regulation of how many dogs you can have ( but someone would have to report you for them to find out I think).
Wolf_Q At least they put it some what nice on the paper and didn't just call the cops. I think some neighbors will complain about anything a pet does just to make you miserable. We have had those hang up calls also and our dog was in the house sleeping ( as we were b/4 the phone call)!

08-30-2002, 12:50 AM
Well my dad talked to Todd tonight and he swears he didn't send it. Not that I completely believe him, I still hate the man. He actually said he was thinking of getting a dog like mine for their kids! I really hope not--huskies are not for the average dog owner, let alone the average dog hater! lol. But if it wasn't him then there's some mystery neighbor who can't stand us or something...

Yeah, I guess a letter is better then calling the cops but...I still wish they would have the guts to talk to us personally. I want to know who it was! And if I could talk to them personally then I could find out if it was *really* my dogs that were bugging them.

08-30-2002, 01:54 AM
I think the letter was condescending and rude. There are a lot nicer ways to approach the problem! Grrr!!!

Dear Amy's Neighbor,

How about I buy a bark collar and put it on YOUR neck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Desert Arabian
08-30-2002, 02:18 AM
LOL Aly! Thats pretty funny. Be sure to put it on the highest setting to give him a good jolt!

Dixie Belle
08-30-2002, 10:34 PM
I love the collar idea! I hate to say it, but even in the middle of no where, I have problems. We have people out here that think it is completly okay to ride four wheelers on our property. One day my husband had Belle running with him while he was riding our four wheeler, and they caught some guys in the woods. Guess what the guys did, they tried to run Belle over, and then yelled that we needed to put her on a leash. Uh, hello, you are on MY eighty acres of land, what right to YOU have to tell me to put MY dog on a leash? Or did we just not read to big NO TRESSPASSING signs that are posted?

Of course, it didn't help that Belle was not scared of them, and almost riped them off their four wheeler, but hey we have big BEWARE OF DOG signs everywhere too. But I think Belle's aproach worked, they haven't been back, but other people have. Wonder what they will do when Missie is grown and is running with us too. She already goes back there if we know we won't be long and it won't tire her, but pretty soon all four of them well be able to run full out again...

Okay, so I got off the point. My point is, stupid people live everywhere, and even in the middle of no where, you can't get away from idots! Just hang in there, it can't get much worse.

08-31-2002, 07:46 AM

Do we have the same neighbour? When we first moved in (about 1year ago) the neighbour on the 1 side of us said the same thing. He didn't put a letter in our mailbox though, he just came over. I told him that it is odd that my dogs were barking all night cause they are in the house at night! And don't you think we would have heard them bark first, since they are in our room sleeping at night! Neighbours really piss ya off.

Maybe you should request that they get a "human collar" that shocks them every time they open their mouths> neighbours really piss me off too!!!:mad: I hope one day we can move where the neighbours are at least 5 miles away from us!!!!!!

08-31-2002, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by aly

Dear Amy's Neighbor,

How about I buy a bark collar and put it on YOUR neck!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL! Good idea Aly!

09-03-2002, 01:57 AM
LOL maybe I should buy an extra strong shock collar just for Todd! Wahaha! Actually I think I'll buy one for all of my neighbors!

Actually we had another "incident" with him tonight. He came ringing our doorbell around 8:30. Apparently after the letter my dad went to talk to him, he wasn't home, so he chatted with another neighbor who was outside about it. He mentioned that he thought Todd was the one who did it. I guess Todd thought that my dad talked to the neighbor AFTER he had talked to him and he said he didn't do it, which wasn't true. He started out by saying something about shooting our dogs with a 22 gun. He was all pissed off that we would suspect him...umm...who else would we suspect? He's the own who complains 24/7 at EVERYBODY, and has more then once yelled at our dogs. I guess eventually they stopped arguing, but as far as I am concerned, Todd can still go to hell. We're giving up on finding out who wrote the letter.........unless we receive another one of course. I really think they are confusing our dogs with the dog behind us. She goes outside at night, and barks a lot more then are dogs do.

My parents think that moving out into some dinky town in the boonies will solve everything. I doubt it. It's just the way neighbors are. Especially here. I swear, some of them will just be the nicest people, and others are total a-holes! (we always get the latter of course)

09-03-2002, 03:14 AM
Hi Amy !! i just found this thread !!! OMG , what terrible neighbours you've got there !!! We are lucky in that way !!
Just once , we had a neighbour that saw me walking on our drive way with Sydney , my RB-cat . He came closer and said that my cat had bitten one of his daughters and that she was scared of all cats now !!!
I then told this creature that my cat was an indoor cat , and he never ever has been outside once in his life ...
The man turned pale , and apologised ...... . Since then , everything is okay !!!

What disturbs me the most on that letter you've got , is that it is sent anonymous !!!! So cowardly !!!!!!!!!!!

09-03-2002, 10:38 AM

let me give you a heads up: Not everyone on this planet loves animals. However, your neighbors paid for their homes just as you did. They have every right to not be bothered by dogs barking if that is their desire. Furthermore, it is also their right to have a impeccable yard if that is what they want. As a RESPONSIBLE PET OWNER, you are obligated to see that your pets are not bothersome to others.

I personally reside with 2 fun loving Doberman Pinschers. However, I am cognizant of the fact that my neighbors have shelled out thousands of dollars for their homes just as I have. They are only looking to live life as THEY see fit. They have that right. So I make sure that my dogs don't piss on their flowers. And I make sure that my dogs aren't bothersome to others.

I am NOT A PACIFIST...In fact I am truly an aggresive person. But I understand that my rights end outside of my walls. Because that is where yours start...

Be pleasant to those that you disgust because THAT ATTITUDE WILL CHANGE THEIR ATTITUDE ABOUT YOU!

just my opinion...I could be wrong!

09-03-2002, 11:58 AM
Oh I'm aware that not everyone loves animals. And believe me, we DO try to keep our dogs from bothering others. Our dogs sleep inside, are inside most of the time, and when they are outside it's in a fenced yard, and not for extended periods of time. Personally, I feel I have a right to be mad by that letter. I found it very rude, and I think they could have talked to us in person. I don't think it is even our dogs that's bothering them. As far as Todd is concerned, our dogs have never infringed on his rights to have a perfect house and yard. Dogs bark, kids yell, cars honk...if you live in a neighborhood, you should come to expect and deal with a few of these things.

09-03-2002, 01:07 PM
wolf_Q, sometimes you have to "shake the dust off of your feet".

You can be mat at the letter. But it is you that will have your day ruined by being mad. Not the person writing it...Don't give them that power!

Sometimes any and everything you do to try to appease people isn't enough for them.

My advice is ignore them until the next situation rears its ugly head. Make sure your dogs have up to date licenses and that they wear them whenever outdoors. Then let the police know that you are being harassed.

As for this Todd fellow, did you say he threatened to take your dogs out with a .22?

I would be on the phone to the police department with that.

It is called "cyoa"...

09-03-2002, 03:52 PM
Actually, as I mentioned earlier, we have decided to just ignore it. We aren't still trying to find out who wrote the letter anymore. I didn't like my neighbors even before this happened, so me complaining about them is not a new thing. The thing about the gun, that's what he said when he first came over...after a while they I guess made up. So I don't really want to cause anymore issues with him.