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05-25-2008, 03:08 PM
As is so often the case, I have been traveling and thus mostly neglecting COTD and my new cat blog, that is not the real blog, as that will come in the fall.

What a strange life I lead! One week ago today I was on the ice of the Chukchi Sea of the Arctic Ocean, being a true frostfrog as I documented an Eskimo village pulling in a bowhead whale, immediately after my friend from there was buried.

Now I am in Salt Lake City, about to go to wedding number 2 for my niece and her husband. Wedding number 1 was in Bangalore, India, where I managed to get a few pretty decent "Cats Met Along The Way" photographs, which will eventually appear in my real blog, sooner or later. As a preview, maybe I will put one of them into an entry that I plan to make soon after I return home.

Yesterday, I spotted a couple of cats here in SLC, but kind of got stiffed in my efforts to photograph and learn about them.

Still, I made my first "in the field" blog entry, based on those two cats. All COTD'ers are invited to check it out. Comments are welcome.

The experimental blog is still most crude, but I am learning little things about it and I think I will soon redo all the entries that I have thus far made to make it flow more like I want it to.

Still, when I start the real blog, I think I am going to have to break away from this pre-packaged, generic, google format, rent some server space (or buy a server) and build the thing completely from scratch.

Here is the learning blog, plus the beginnings of what I hope to make into my comprehensive website:




05-25-2008, 03:20 PM
Wow, You Certainly Do Get Around , And Its Interesting To Rad Your Journals As We Can Travel Along With You, If Only In Spirit.
Thats An Interesting Travelouque, You Need Your Wn Show On Discovery.

05-26-2008, 04:36 AM
Frostfrog I love your blog idea. Wherever we go we always take pictures of local kitties. And while you are away from your own you can at least here and there have a talk to one or the other in other places.:)

05-26-2008, 06:02 AM
Frostfrog, I too love your blog idea, and I'm sure you'll get it all together sooner or later. :) Photographing kitties is a joy, they have SO many different expressions - but you need patience, as I'm sure you know. I'm sorry to read about the reaction you had to taking photo's of this woman's cat. What a strange behaviour! :eek:

Good luck with it all!

05-26-2008, 02:20 PM
Hi Frostfrog!!! Sounds like the blog will be very interesting!!!!

05-27-2008, 02:16 PM
Thanks, all -

I am now back in Alaska and I have three new Salt Lake kitties to put into my blog. Also, I am learning that there are ways to manipulate the Google blogsite to make it a little closer to what I want, but it is very clear to me that, come next fall, when I put up the real site, I must break completely away from this and build an independent site, completely from scratch.

But, in the meantime, I am going to reconstruct this blog and, as time allows, keep fooling around with it, both to see what I can learn and to keep the idea alive, until I put the real one up.

Once I input the Salt Lake kitties and reconstruct what I have already done, I will post here again so that you can check it out. Hopefully, it will not take more than a couple of days for me to do this.

05-27-2008, 05:48 PM
THe calico is very pretty!!! TOo bad you were only " allowed " one photo!!!!