View Full Version : How can I leave my girls for such a long time? :(

05-25-2008, 02:57 PM
Well, this evening, it hit me that I have only two days left with Luna and Lily, before I have to leave them (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=141817) for at least 6 weeks. I really breaks my heart to look at them, it makes me so sad that I have to leave them alone. 6 weeks is a terribly long time to live without their cuteness and loveliness, without seeing their sweet faces, or touching their soft fur. I will miss their purring, their little voices, their weight on my blanket at night. How I can live such a long time without all this???

And even more I fear for their safety!! Lily has started to sneak out of the apartment door, she never did that before but now she tried it a couple of times, and one time, she was already in the stairways. I wrote down instructions for the catsitters about what to do in such a case, but unfortunately, my neighbor, who was supposed to look after them, took that wrong and thought I would consider her to be too stupid to care for them, which resulted in a terrible fight (she has many problems herself atm and is acting somewhat manic, which is why I wouldn't feel comfortable with the thought of her looking after my cats anyway). She also did something else which caused a lot of stress and trouble for me, and we had a bad argument, and now don't talk anymore. But now there's only her husband left to look after Luna and Lily, and my mother of course.

I'm so afraid that something happens while I'm away. I don't feel my girls are safe here without me. Maybe I'm just overprotective, but it worries me that Lily tried to escape. Especially at night, I have visions of the most horrible things that could possibly happen, and it really makes me ill. I'm afraid that being seperated from my girls makes me so sad and nervous that the entire therapy at the clinic will be counterproductive.

Right now, I'm really sitting here in tears because it hurts so much to leave my beloved girls. 6 weeks is too long a time to think it will soon be over. And it could be very well that I have to stay even longer. I would gladly leave here (especially after the incident with my neighbor, who lives one floor down), but the thought of parting with my girls is simply unbearable!

Sorry for venting,

05-25-2008, 03:19 PM
Kirsten - you know you can vent here any time.

Do you have a friend from work, or a tech at the vet's, who might look in once in a while? It seems sad that you don't mention any friends nearby.

I don't know what your faith is...but whatever your higher power is, please turn them over to his or her care. If the worst happens and Lily escapes? I am sure she will be retrieved...perhaps the caretakers can have a large blanket or towel in case, to toss over her (less scary that way).

Dearest Kirsten - I hope you can trust in 'turning this over'...if you derail your own health because of your dear girls, that will not be good for you or them.

Remember that time you communicated with pictures, with Lily? Have a 'talk' with your girls, imagine pictures of where you are going - and show them you getting healthy and happy! Show pictures of them, getting fed and patted by your mom and your neighbour's husband - and show them staying behind the barrier and not going out! ;)

You can do this visualization even when you are away.

HUGS. :love::love::love:

05-25-2008, 03:27 PM
Yes, it's sad, but I don't have any friends nearby. They all moved away, or are busy with their families now; I'm always on my own. And my illnesses - and some bad experiences with so-called friends - made it hard for me to go out and make new friends. Sadly, I live a very lonely life these days.

I have no religion, but if there's any higher power, I'll ask it to protect my girls. I have also printed out my favourite photos of them, and will sure try to "communicate" with them. Maybe it works, who knows?

That's all I can do, I fear... :(


05-25-2008, 05:00 PM
Oh, Kirsten, I wish I could just pop over to Germany.. I'd come and stay with your girls!

05-25-2008, 06:17 PM
Kirsten, I think you and I are alike in many ways. I, too, had to leave my beloved cats and a dog behind when my husband and I separated. I was without them for nearly 2 years. When we were first separated, I cried every day and cried myself to sleep every night but, eventually, I had to come to terms w/our being separated and trust that God would take care of them. And it was so. Also, like you, I can count the number of friends that I have on one hand, except, of course, for my PT family. Fortunately, I do have a good catsitter but her mother and I had been friends for 20 years and, after all those years of verbal abuse from her, I'd had enough and told her so a few months ago. I haven't heard from her since. No apology, nothing. Seeing that her daughter is my catsitter, I worry that she may decide not to watch my kitties for me any more, (so far, she has been wonderful) which would inhibit my visits to my son until I could find someone else that I can trust. However, I know how the Law of Attraction works: what we give our attention to expands. So I've chosen not to focus on the possibility of something negative happening and instead to focus only on the good. My pets were all fine while we were separated and yours will be, too. You will only be separated by miles. Love knows no distance. Trust. All is well, Kirsten. :)

05-25-2008, 07:17 PM
I know you only have a few days to figure this out but I think that if you are able to find a solution that provides you with comfort and peace, it will be so worth it. I don't know much about the trip you are taking but from your posts, it seems that you will be seeking healing of some kind and if you are stressed with this, it might make things difficult for you.
Do you have boarding places in your area, or better yet, in the area of the hospital that you are going to? Some boarding places are just for cats and have great facilities that have rooms that cats from the same home can share and scratching posts and windows to watch birds etc.. Your cats might miss home but they would be safe without the possibility of escaping.

I was also thinking that maybe you could find a pet sitter that you could pay. You might find some advertised up at some animal hospitals or pet stores on their bulletin boards. I know it would be scary to leave them in the care of a stranger but perhaps your animal hospital can recommend someone that they know and trust. It might cost a few hundred dollars but could be well worth it if you know that your cats are being well cared for.

Lastly, is it possible for your cats to go and live with your mom for 6 weeks? Maybe she has a room that they could have all to themselves for this period of time? Or a basement area?
Just some thoughts. :)
I hope things go smoothly for you.

05-25-2008, 08:19 PM
Oh Kirsten, we do what me must, and find strength we never knew we had. You can leave the girls for 6 weeks because you know they will be happier with a healthier Mommie, and even if they don't understand now, they will forgive you when you come back, no doubt about it.

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-26-2008, 05:06 AM
Isn't there a "cat-hotel" or so nearby? I know it costs a lot, but at least you would be sure about their safety then.... .

Pawsitive Thinking
05-26-2008, 05:25 AM
Isn't there a "cat-hotel" or so nearby? I know it costs a lot, but at least you would be sure about their safety then.... .

Was thinking the same thing - I am sure we could help you out with the cost :love:

05-26-2008, 11:07 AM

I only wish I was closer. I could sure use a vacation from my humble dump and would GLADLY fly to Germany to stay with your babies. Unfortunately, can't afford the airfare let alone GAS!!!!

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers while you're away.:love:;)

Pawsitive Thinking
05-26-2008, 12:55 PM
Kirsten - have you looked into something like this?


05-26-2008, 01:38 PM
I think after all the kitties will feel best when they stay at home. I know your heart will break- but a cat heart is much more solid.
They will go into a different mode and love you even more when you come back and feel better:)
And nothing will happen- I am sure your feeders will know how much it means to you and take care.

05-26-2008, 03:16 PM
Thank you everyone for your suggestions! And thanks for offering your help with the costs for a cat hotel, or a cat sitter. :) Thank you very much!

phesina, moosmom... I wish you'd live closer! I know you would do everything to help Luna and Lily through these difficult times.

Medusa, I'm very sorry these things happened to you! :( Hopefully your cat sitter decides to continue to do the job, and isn't too much influenced by her mother. And it must have been so hard to leave the pets with your hubby when you seperated. Two years is such a long time!! :(

I think I cannot give Luna and Lily to a cat hotel because it's a while ago that they got their rabies and feline leukemia shots (Lily's always feeling so crappy after them, and Luna had lumps in her fat tissue twice after such a shot, so I decided not to have them vaccinated every year, as they are indoor cats). But I would never expose them to other cats without a 100% protection. Besides, the cat hotels won't take them because their last shots are too long ago.

It would also be too risky to bring them to my mother's house. It's just a small house in the forest, and they have the restaurant there, and the doors are always open. They could escape. And they have Emma, who would probably accept no other cats but Peggy and Emma. And Luna is terribly afraid of dogs. :(

Like Barbara said, usually it's the best for cats to stay in their familiar environment. I totally agree, but I'm still a bit worried about my neighbor. She's acting so weird lately, and from what I've heard, I'm the number one on her personal hate list now - for whatever reason! :(

My mother was here today, and she agreed to be the ONLY caretaker as long as things haven't calmed down with my neighbors. Luna and Lily like her, and she likes them, and I think all I can do is to try to trust her (which is always difficult for me when it comes to my girls; I guess I'm one of the persons who have problems to give up responsibilities and leave them to others :o).

Now I have only one day left with my girls, and it's so hard to believe that I will be without them for such a long time. :(

But I'm just thinking... the clinic is only 80 kilometers away from my home, so... if I miss my girls too much, I could visit them for a couple of hours at the weekends! ;)


05-26-2008, 06:44 PM
Oh, that's great, Kirsten, that your mother will be taking primary responsibility so you don't have to depend on those flaky neighbors.. and fantastic if you can get home for a couple of hours on weekends to see the girls!

You will miss them greatly, and they will miss you greatly, but just think how much happier all of you will be when you come back in much better health!

God bless, Kirsten. We will all be thinking of you and the girls and praying for you and the girls throughout this time that you're separated.

Love, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~,
Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and Priscilla Angel who is making a special trip to Germany to keep watch on you all

05-27-2008, 08:05 AM
Thank you! Yes, I really hope I feel a bit better and healthier after the treatment, so that I'll be able to find some new perspectives. For such a long time I'm feeling so ill now, and even now that I'm on sick leave for a while, I'm still so exhausted and feel ill... and the heat wave that's coming now doesn't make it better.

I have already packed, and now I'm spending the last hours with my girls. It's a strange feeling, I don't feel at home here anymore, just as if a part of me has already left. I've never been away from home for such a long time. I wouldn't mind to leave at this point because there is not much that keeps me here - except for my girls, of course!! Too bad that I cannot take them with me!

I'll email my adress to Karen, so if anyone would like to send messages (which will always be welcome, of course! ;)), feel free to contact her.

I don't know if I have internet access there, but if I have, I will stop by. :)

Hope to ttys, I'll miss you all!


Pawsitive Thinking
05-27-2008, 08:26 AM
Take care sweetie - look forward to seeing you again very soon :love:

05-27-2008, 09:22 AM
Kirsten, you have got a lot of good advice above, and I can't really add any. I do understand you worry about Luna and Lily, but I am sure they fine. Cats are toughter than we think. :)

I want to wish you a good and refreshing time away. Focus on getting yourself better, Luna and Lily will benefit from that too, you know.


05-27-2008, 10:11 AM
I have Kirsten's address, and will PM it to anyone who asks.

Pawsitive Thinking
05-27-2008, 10:24 AM
I have Kirsten's address, and will PM it to anyone who asks.

Me please :)

05-27-2008, 11:31 AM
That will be good if your mother is the main caretaker and hopefully will provide you with a sense of peace.
I think it would be so great if you are able to visit with your girls on the weekends. It might help them and you get through the next 6 weeks and before you know it, you'll be back together again. Take care. :)