View Full Version : Miss Hoppy Has Died

05-24-2008, 06:40 PM
Miss Hoppy, the best bunny in the whole wide world, has passed away just a little while ago. We had been worried, but she was just sleeping more and more and more, and had some trouble moving, and had not eaten much at all in the past day. She never appeared to be in any pain, and for that we are grateful. She was lively enough, early today when I was holding her for a snuggle, to move her head away when Paul was cleaning her nose. So we had a nice snuggle then, and she had plenty of petting today.

She was not only the best bunny in the whole world, but loved by many, including all of you, the neighborhood children (and adults), and many others who got to meet her. Her regular vet called her "The Miracle Bunny" ever since her survival from the treatment of the thymoma last fall, and remarked just last week what an intelligent and spirited rabbit she was.

We are sure it wasn't a return of the thymoma, as her heartbeat was normal (I could always feel it when I held her), and her eyes weren't bulging, and she could breathe just fine, none of which were true before the treatment this fall.

She had turned 11 sometime this week - we never knew exactly what her birthday was, but guessed because she was around 8 weeks old when we got her for my birthday in July. And, as all the books when we got her said rabbits live 5-7 or maybe 8 years, we were fortunate to have her as long as we did, and she never even acted like an "old" rabbit until the past few days.

We will miss her, I had wanted a bunny of my very own for as long as I can remember, and she was that wish come true! She taught us so much about rabbits, how smart they can be, how the proper way to pet a bunny is, how great raisins are, and countless other little things. I am sure I will see her out of the corner of my eye for years to come.

She was the smartest, best bunny in the whole wide world, and maybe the most beloved.

Run free at The Rainbow Bridge, Miss Hoppy - I am sure the fields are full of dandelion flowers and clover blossoms and all sorts of yummy grass.

Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.

Karen and Paul

05-24-2008, 06:55 PM
Karen and Paul,

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Miss Hoppy:( I know she's been having some difficulties lately but was not prepared (if ever we are:() for this news. What a sad, sad day.

Thankfully you had some special time with her today and she left this world knowing she was the best loved bunny in the universe. It's just so tough knowing how very much you will miss her in all ways.

Rest in Peace dear Miss Hoppy and please let your mommy and daddy know you're okay. Have fun in the clover little one and play nice with all the other bunnies.

Hugs, Betty

critter crazy
05-24-2008, 06:56 PM
ooooo.....Karen I am so sad to hear of Miss Hoppy's passing!! But you must be so blessed to have had her as long as you have. We have all been blessed, she sure was a one of a kind bunny! RIP miss hoppy! :(

05-24-2008, 06:59 PM
OH no!!... I´m so sorry!!!!... I can´t even think of what to say......

please be sure you´ll all be in our thoughts... and you are sure she was a bunny loved by many....even by those like me that never got a chance to met her...

may that fuzzy tail of yours hop and hop along the RB.... you will be greatly missed and I bet you´ll be honoured at this years PT meeting....

R.I.P. Miss Hoppy.... the best bunny and our proud PT founder pet

05-24-2008, 07:11 PM
Karen & Paul, I am so sorry :( :( such sad news.

RIP, dearest Miss Hoppy. You were probably the most loved bunny on the planet, with tons of admirers!!!

Your spirit will live on forever!

05-24-2008, 07:13 PM
Oh sweet Miss Hoppy, may you have your fill of dandelions and muchies at the Bridge. You will be missed by many, and we are richly blessed that your Mommy and Daddy shared you with us for the short time you were here.

Godspeed Miss Hoppy.

Much love and hugs to you, Karen and Paul, at this difficult time. And Thank you so much for enriching our lives by sharing Miss Hoppy with all of us.

05-24-2008, 07:24 PM
Oh, Karen, I am so, so, sorry. :(

05-24-2008, 07:28 PM
Oh no, I was just checking back to see how Miss Hoppy was doing and saw her thread was locked.:( I'm so sorry Karen and Paul.:( Miss Hoppy was such a pretty bunny and I loved hearing how popular she was with the neighborhood children. She will surely be missed here and I'm sure both of your hearts are broken. Miss Hoppy will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. {{{hugs}}}

05-24-2008, 07:38 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss. It just does not seem like it could be real, that little Miss Hoppy has passed on. :( But she certainly lives on in the hearts of people all over the world. Rest well, beautiful Miss Hoppy. You will be so very missed.

05-24-2008, 07:45 PM
Karen and Paul, I'm so sorry to read about Miss Hoppy's passing. It's never a good time to lose a pet, but please remember the good times.

05-24-2008, 07:49 PM
Dear Karen and Paul,
I am so sorry to hear about Miss Hoppy. I know how deeply you will miss her. However she had such a good life. I think that every bun should be as lucky as she was.
Play hard sweet angle.

Scooter's Mom
05-24-2008, 08:04 PM
I'm very sorry about Miss Hoppy. She truly was special. You were so kind to share her with us, and let us grow to love her too.

Run and hop freely now, Miss Hoppy. See my Jessie and my BunBun. They've been there for many years and will surely show you around.

05-24-2008, 08:09 PM
Hugs to you two...it doesn't seem like the same PT without Miss Hoppy - but she will always be part of it.

You gave her love and the care last fall that gave her a lot more really good time. I love the stories you would tell about her feisty attitude. :)

She was the bestest bunny with the bestest bunny parents ever. :love:

05-24-2008, 08:10 PM
Karen and Paul, I am so sorry to read this. She was with you a long time and with all of us here at Pet Talk a long time. For many of us, it was the first bunny we ever "knew." Karen, I wish I could write a lovely poem like you often have done for so many here when they have lost a loved pet, but unfortunately I do not have that talent. Please just know that our hearts are with you at this very sad time. (((hugs)))

05-24-2008, 08:14 PM
Oh my. :(

Karen, Paul I'm so very sorry. Words fail me now but you're in my thoughts and prayers.

With teary eyes and a heavy heart,

05-24-2008, 08:20 PM
Oh no. :( Sending you many, many hugs, Karen and Paul.

Miss Hoppy was not only the best bunny in the world, she was the luckiest.
Rest easy little girl, you will be forever missed. :love:

05-24-2008, 08:20 PM
Oh gosh I am so sorry I am just reading this now. :( and I just sent you a pm without even sending my condolences I do apologize. :(:(

05-24-2008, 08:24 PM
I am so sorry to read this! I can only imagine how much you loved Miss Hoppy and I am sure she knew it and had a great life...the bestest life a bunny could ever live :)

RIP Miss Hoppy and run free and eat your little heart out at RB...:love:

05-24-2008, 08:24 PM
Godspeed, Miss Hoppy.

05-24-2008, 08:29 PM
Oh Karen and Paul I'm so very sorry to hear this sad news. Our Mayor Bunny :( I feel like I've lost one of my own. I saw the title and my jaw dropped and I whispered, "oooh noooo" as my eyes filled with tears before even opening the thread.

Hoppy was very special indeed. She's been the dream-come-true bunny for you and I'm so sorry that you had to say goodbye to her today. Wow what a long and full life she lived with you two. How special that you were blessed with such a long lived friend.

Hugs to you both,


05-24-2008, 08:32 PM
I'm so sorry...:(

05-24-2008, 08:36 PM
Like Leslie above, me I saw the title and just had the leaky eyes right away. I am really sorry to read this - Karen you write so sweetly and lovingly when you tell us about Miss Hoppy. I have never even "met" a bunny before. I am glad to know that she had a happy and very long life with her family.


05-24-2008, 08:39 PM
Aww Karen i was so sad reading your post about Miss Hoppy,please accept my sincere condolences for your sad loss, i know how loved miss hoppy was and what a great life she had with you, may she play hard at the RB, Rest in Peace little one, and HUGS to you and paul.

05-24-2008, 08:41 PM
I'm so very sorry. :(
You'll see Miss Hoppy again one day and until that day, she will be munching on heavenly grass and having the most peaceful time. God will take care of her until you are able to be together once again.

05-24-2008, 08:42 PM
Oh my, Karen and Paul I'm so sorry.

Rest in Peace sweet Miss Hoppy, our beloved Mayor Bunny.

05-24-2008, 08:44 PM
Oh no :(

YOu had a wonderful and long life Miss Hoppy. run free at the bridge now.

You are missed.

05-24-2008, 08:45 PM
I'm so sad to read of Ms. Hoppy's passing. I loved reading about her, and seeing the infrequent picture of her.

Play well at the Bridge, dear Ms. Hoppy... you will be sorely missed.

My thoughts and prayers going out to you, Karen, and to Paul.

05-24-2008, 08:49 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. R.I.P. Miss Hoppy.

My best wishes to you and your family. :love:

05-24-2008, 08:53 PM
Karen and Paul, I am so very saddened to hear of Miss Hoppy's passing. My heart goes out to you both. I'm sitting here trying to think of something to say and I'm at a loss. All I can do is offer my deepest sympathies. Miss Hoppy was our Mascot and she will be deeply missed. You both will be in my thoughts and prayers tonite.

Rest In Peace, Miss Hoppy. We will miss you.

05-24-2008, 08:54 PM
I'm am so very sorry.

Hop, run, and play cheerfully at Rainbow bridge, Miss Hoppy.

05-24-2008, 09:03 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.

05-24-2008, 09:09 PM
dear karen and paul, i am so so sorry. losing a dearly loved family member is always always awful. i hope the comfort of knowing she's running free and eating sweet grass and dancing after butterflies helps in some way. sadly joyce

05-24-2008, 09:18 PM
I am so very, very sorry.

Rest in peace, dearest beloved Miss Hoppy.

Ginger's Mom
05-24-2008, 09:19 PM
What a shock. I hadn't been on all day and didn't realize what you had been going through with our girl today. I am so sorry for your loss. She had a very long, special and happy life with you. And she helped to enrich the life of many others while she was here (and probably will continue to do so).

RIP Miss Hoppy.

05-24-2008, 09:20 PM
oh no! :( I am so sorry Karen and Paul. my thoughts and prayers are with you. she was a beautiful bunny and will certainly never be forgotten. ((((HUGS)))) rest in peace sweet, beautiful Miss Hoppy. :love:

05-24-2008, 09:27 PM
Like many others here I was shocked to see this thread. Reading through this email brought tears to my eyes more and more whie I read everyone's responses. I am so sorry. :(
RIP Miss Hoppy

05-24-2008, 09:33 PM
I'm at a loss for words. What a dear special bunny she was. She will be missed worldwide.

Karen and Paul, lots of hugs coming your way.

05-24-2008, 09:40 PM
JoJoe & I are so sorry to hear of Miss Hoppy's passing. We were just talking about all of you on our nightly walk with the dogs a couple hours ago. Miss Hoppy leaves behind quite a legacy of love, no bunny will ever quite fill her pawprints. She is without a doubt the best bunny angel ever.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v432/cyber-sibes/blinkies/bunny1.gifHop happily at the bridge, sweet Miss Hoppy. Be sure to look in on your family and nuzzle them at night so they know you're near.

(((hugs))) to you and Paul, you're in our prayers.

05-24-2008, 09:44 PM
Oh how upsetting. :( So sorry to see that Miss Hoppy has passed. May she eat as many dandelions as she wants!

05-24-2008, 09:46 PM
Dear Karen and Paul,

I am so SO sorry to hear of Miss Hoppy's passing. I just got home and read this and started sobbing when I read the title of the thread.

Miss Hoppy was a beautiful, kind spirit who had a will like no other bunny I know.

RIP sweet, kind soul. You will be sorely missed by EVERYONE!!:(

05-24-2008, 09:51 PM
I am so sorry for your loss Karen and Paul you gave her a great and long life.

Run and hop free at the bridge sweetie.

05-24-2008, 09:56 PM
Karen and Paul,

I am so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how you must feel. Miss Hoppy was the best bunny in the entire world. She will be missed by many.

((((hugs)))) to you both!

Fly free, Miss Hoppy. We miss ya!


Lilith Cherry
05-24-2008, 10:00 PM
Have a wonderful time at the bridge dear Miss Hoppy! We will all miss you so much.

05-24-2008, 10:14 PM
Karen has written so kindly when other's pets have passed...I offer this attempt in tribute to their furry baby.

Beloved brownest baby bunny
Grew perfectly
To tuck in Mother’s cradled arms
Cuddling and warm.

Bigger bravest funny bunny
Hopped about
To fav’rite spots for raisins
And any treat she wanted.

Wilful, cute and feisty girl -
Medicate? Good luck
To those who dared to
Cross her ways.

But altogether loved and loving,
Miss Hoppy thrived beyond the years
That books had said she ought to –
Those books she hadn’t read, and had she,
Would ignore and prove them very wrong.

And so you did, Miss Hoppy girl,
At 11 years a-sleeping
More and more, til loved and snuggled,
You slept the long and peaceful time.

Play happy at the Bridge, dear one;
Look down and see your parents’ tears,
Visit in their saddened dreams,
Soothe away their night-time fears.

No one but you could be so loved;
You ever in our memories be.
Rest well, dear girl, now do rest well,
And peace upon your family be.

05-24-2008, 10:30 PM
Dearest Karen and Paul,

I just don't know what to say. :( I am so sorry. :( :( :( Miss Hoppy was such a sweet bunny.

My thoughts are with you both. *HUGS*

05-24-2008, 10:31 PM
Karen & Paul, I'm so sorry to hear about Miss Hoppy's passing.:( She had a good long wonderful life with you and she'll never be forgotten. Play hard at the bridge Miss Hoppy. RIP sweet girl.:(

05-24-2008, 10:51 PM
please accept my condolences.
hop free Miss Bunny Mayor
much love
Staci and the K's

05-24-2008, 11:01 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Miss Hoppy. She lived a great life. She may have slowed down the past few days, but rest assured she now runs free at the Bridge.

RIP Miss Hoppy.:love:

05-24-2008, 11:03 PM
RIP Miss Hoppy! I'm terribly sorry to hear the news, Karen.

05-24-2008, 11:09 PM
Such a very sad day for PT with our mayor gone :( I am so sorry to learn of Miss Hoppy's passing. You were blessed to have her for the time you did. But as I say, any time is too soon for our dear animals to leave us. Many of us know the deep pain you're feeling from this loss. No words can take away the pain. I hope all our RB pets gave Miss Hoppy a grand welcome.

05-24-2008, 11:09 PM
I seen the title of this thread and had to do a double take.

I know you were staying home this weekend to be with Miss Hoppy.
It's a good thing you did or you wouldn't have been able to share her last moments with her. There's always a reason for everything.

I don't want to say I'm sorry, sorry just doesn't seem to cover what I'm feeling right now.
I'm sad....very, very sad our Pet Talk mascot is gone. But on the other hand happy to know she is at the bridge and feeling better than ever.

Karen, Paul our deepest condolences to you both.

Anna & Mark

05-24-2008, 11:14 PM
I am so sorry. Miss Hoppy was definately the most loved bunny on the planet. You gave her such a good long life. My thoughts are with you at this sad time.

05-24-2008, 11:32 PM
Thank you for your posts everyone. 11 o'clock was very hard, as there was no bunny to give raisins to. It will take time for us to adjust. I miss my bunny, but know you all understand.

05-24-2008, 11:53 PM
Oh Karen I'm so sorry to hear this news. My heart sank when I read the title of this thread. I know she was a very special bunny, loved by so many. We'll all miss her! {{HUGS}}

05-24-2008, 11:56 PM
Karen and Paul,

I am so sorry to hear about Ms. Hoppy. I know how much she meant to you both. She was such the perfect furry one too!

Ms. Hoppy had so many good years with you and in the end, seemed to slide off to Rainbow Bridge, oh so calmly.

You will be missed, Ms. Hoppy.

Love from all the Campers:love:

05-24-2008, 11:57 PM
{{{Gentle hugs, Paul and Karen}}}

There are no words to bring you comfort. So sorry for your loss. Miss Hoppy was a special and cherished bun. Thank you for sharing her with us. She knew she was loved.

Frolic happily at the bridge, sweet Mayor Bun. :(

05-25-2008, 12:24 AM
So sorry Karen & Paul :(. RIP Miss Hoppy.

05-25-2008, 12:39 AM
miss hoppy, it was time for you to go. someone needed you up there - you have had to give your parents three 'extra' years of love.

godspeed and frolic happily little one.

05-25-2008, 02:21 AM
I am so sorry to hear of Miss Hoppy's passing. She was so dear to so many people here on PT. She had such a good, long life with you and Paul, and she was the best mayor PT could ever have.

Play hard at the bridge Miss Hoppy.

05-25-2008, 03:38 AM
I am so so sorry :(

Have fun at the rainbow bridge Miss Hoppy....


Killearn Kitties
05-25-2008, 03:40 AM
Karen and Paul, I am so sorry to hear that our wonderful bunny mascot has had to leave us. Miss Hoppy had a wonderful life, acted as educator for all the neighbourhood kids and achieved international fame. What a full life she lived.

She will be remembered with love.

05-25-2008, 04:44 AM
Karen and Paul I am so sorry to hear our First Bunny has passed away.
But what a good life she had- loved by you like no other bunny in the hole wide world and living longer than most bunnies do.
I hope she eats dandelions, daisy and other sweet flowers at Rainbow Bridge.

05-25-2008, 06:17 AM
Sorry I haven't seen this until now...

RIP Miss Hoppy :(

05-25-2008, 06:48 AM
Karen and Paul, I'm truly sorry about Miss Hoppy's passing. Eleven wonderful years w/her hardly seems long enough, does it, and yet, I understand that's a long life for a bunny. Of course, you know that she's happy at the Rainbow Bridge but is waiting for the day when you'll be reunited. Warm (((HUGS))) to you both. RIP, Miss Hoppy.

05-25-2008, 07:26 AM
I am so sorry to hear this Karen and Paul, and im sorry i just saw this today. My jaw literally dropped and i gasped when i saw this. I have been around here for a long time and i always enjoyed seeing new pictures of Miss Hoppy. Im positive Miss Hoppy live her life to full potential. Again my deepest condolences on Miss Hoppys passing. May Miss Hoppy rest in peace.

05-25-2008, 07:57 AM
Karen and Paul, my heartfelt sympathy goes out to both of you. I know how much the best little bunny meant to you. ((hugs))

05-25-2008, 08:23 AM
I am so sorry for your loss. Like many here, Miss Hoppy was the first bunny I really "knew." She helped to educate many about bunnies.

{Hugs} to you both, Karen and Paul

RIP Miss Hoppy. Enjoy your time at the Bridge, young and care free!

smokey the elder
05-25-2008, 08:30 AM
I'm so sorry about Hoppy! She has been a fixture of Pet Talk since I joined in 2002. Hop freely at the Rainbow Bridge, pretty bunny.

05-25-2008, 08:42 AM
I am so sad for you and Paul. I know you both miss her very much.

Rest in peace, sweetest of all bunnys, Miss Hoppy!


05-25-2008, 08:52 AM
I have tried 3 times to reply but due to bad weather here my net keeps going done and it doesn't go through. Hopefully this time I works.

Karen & Paul please accept my sincerest condolences. You gave Miss Hoppy a wonderful, long and happy life. She was a very blessed bunny to have such caring attentive parents. Likewise you were both blessed with the bestest bunny in the whole world. From all I have read about Miss Hoppy she was very special and had quite a unique personality and plenty of bunnitude as well. Now you both have a wonderful bunny angel to watch over you from the Bridge. And I know she will be bragging up a storm about her great people on 'the ol dirt ball'.

((((HUGS)))) to you both

Miss Hoppy watch over your mommy and daddy ok sweetie. Have fun at the Bridge and be young and strong and full of life again. Play hard and hop freely little girl. You will be greatly missed here by many many people from all over the world. You did your time down here and did a great job of it too and now you earned your wings...enjoy them. And one day you will again be with your mommy & daddy cross the Rainbow Bridge and live together forever in paradise. Until then show all the other PT pets that there is now a 'MAYOR' bunny to keep things running smoothly and help out the 'big guy'.


05-25-2008, 09:01 AM
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this. She was such a great bunny. RIP little one.

05-25-2008, 09:15 AM
I am terribly sorry you had to bid farewell to Miss Hoppy, but I am so happy you can do it while noticing the good she has done for this world.

A little love(or in this case, a ton of love) goes a long way, and it definitely shows with Miss Hoppy. :)

Rest easy. ((((((hugs))))))

05-25-2008, 09:34 AM
I am so sorry that Miss Hoppy has died. Miss Hoppy is happy at the Rainbow Bridge, playing and waiting for the day she will be reunited with you both. Prayers for you during this very difficult time.

05-25-2008, 09:35 AM
Karen and Paul, I was so sad to learn of Miss Hoppy's passing. I do not know very much about bunnies, but I now that 11 yrs is a long time for a bunny!! Miss Hoppy knew how much you loved her and was grateful for all the good care she recieved over the years!
Sleep softly, dear Miss Hoppy.....

05-25-2008, 09:36 AM
I am so sorry for Miss Hoppy, she was a great bunny.

05-25-2008, 09:40 AM
:( Oh My Karen & Paul I am so so sorry to hear this.. RIP wittle baby Miss Hoppy.. May the Angels from RB be taken you to RB to sit in Corinna's lap & be with all the other Beloved PT babies.. You will always be in our hearts.. (((( Hugs))))

Felicia's Mom
05-25-2008, 09:51 AM
I am sorry Miss Hoppy has died. May she RIP at Rainbow Bridge.:love:

05-25-2008, 09:57 AM
Oh my, I am so sorry to read this news. She was a sweetie of a bunny, and loved oh so very much. She will forever live in many hearts, but most especially in yours Karen and Paul.

Play hard at the RB Miss Hoppy!

05-25-2008, 09:59 AM
Oh Karen, I am so sorry to hear this.:(:( It does sound like a very peaceful
passing but, I know you will miss her very much. I am so glad you & Paul were
there for her at the end. Rest In Peace Miss Hoppy. You were loved dearly.

(((Hugs)) to you both. Liz.

Daisy and Delilah
05-25-2008, 09:59 AM
Karen and Paul, please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of our beloved Miss Hoppy. The little angel will live on and on in our hearts.

Rest In Peace Miss Hoppy:( Play hard at the bridge little girl:(

Edwina's Secretary
05-25-2008, 10:01 AM
Karen and Paul,

I am so sorry for your loss of the incomparable Miss Hoppy. I remember how both of you glowed when you bragged about the best bunny in the world.

Godspeed Miss Hoppy.


05-25-2008, 10:30 AM
Like other posters have already mentioned, I wish today for the talent to write one of those famous original poems to honor Miss Hoppy. Yet when I read Catty's offering, I knew that the best tribute had already been given. I hope she will allow our :love: to be added to her inspired thoughts.

Karen and Paul, you know we grieve a bit with you, even if we cannot imagine the totality of your grief. I am sorry for your loss, yet celebrate the many years you had the fortune to share with Miss Hoppy.

I'm posting here a request of Miss Hoppy, now free to run free. If you deem to make any stops on your way to the Rainbow Bridge, know that you have a special invitation here. Note: I have a little dish of raising sitting on the counter.

05-25-2008, 10:33 AM
Karen and Paul,

I am so sorry to hear that the sweet little Head Bunny of Pet Talk has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.:(
I know that at Pet Talk every pet is special but I think that as the official Pet Talk mascot, Miss Hoppy was the Most Special Pet of all.
She had a wonderful, long life with you two.
She will be missed by everyone here at Pet Talk.
Sending hugs to the both of you and Samantha sends some headbumpies and purrs to you as well.

05-25-2008, 10:38 AM
(My hope is that the poem will have all the love in it that anyone wants to send)

05-25-2008, 10:42 AM
Rest In Peace Miss Hoppy! I know we will all miss you terribly! You were such a great lil mascot! Karen and Paul, I'm so sorry for your loss.

05-25-2008, 10:52 AM
Dear Karen and Paul, I am so sorry to read that you have lost miss Hoppy. She was our very special mascot for Pet Talk, and it just seems unreal she’s not with us anymore. :( She was such a special girl.

I hope it give you some comfort that miss Hoppy lived a long and happy life with you, and also that she went peaceful, and surrounded with love.

Miss Hoppy, you had the bestest life you could wish for, and you were known all around the world - and loved by so many. Your mom and dad will miss you very much, but you will always have a place in their hearts. :love:

Run and hop free at the RB, miss Hoppy, I’m sure there will be lots of parsley and grass for you - and please send your mom and dad a little sign that you’re OK.

Karen and Paul, my heartfelt sympathy goes out to you at this sad time.


05-25-2008, 11:11 AM
Oh Karen & Paul, my condolences on the passing of Miss Hoppy- Pet Talk's official mascot. May she rest in peace and hop happy at the Rainbow Bridge.

05-25-2008, 11:18 AM
:( awww Karen and Paul, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Miss Hoppy. ((hugs)) to both of you. You were very blessed to have had her such a long time and for her to have been a "young bunny" in heart and spirit up until the end. Sending prayers your way for God to help comfort you during this time.

Rest in Peace Miss Hoppy.


Pawsitive Thinking
05-25-2008, 11:20 AM
A sad day :(

Play happily at the Bridge dear Miss Hoppy

finn's mom
05-25-2008, 11:20 AM
Karen, I am so sorry. Miss Hoppy, I miss you already. What a great bunny.

05-25-2008, 11:26 AM
Aww:( so sorry for your loss

05-25-2008, 11:48 AM
Miss Hoppy you were one in a million. You were loved by so many. May you watch over Karen and Paul and send them happy memories from time to time.

It hurts to loose a pet but it hurts even more when that pet has become just as important as any family member. Live long and forever in our hearts.

05-25-2008, 11:49 AM
Oh, no... Karen & Paul, my heart and deepest sympathies go out to the both of you. I am terribly sorry for your loss... Love and prayers....:(:(

05-25-2008, 11:52 AM
Oh, Karen and Paul, I am SO very sorry! What a sad, sad loss for our PT family!:( What an amazing life she had because of you! I don't think I have ever known of another bunny to live such a long and loved life! She was not only the best bunny ever, but the very luckiest as well!

RIP sweet little Miss Hoppy and tons of (((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) to your mommy and daddy!


05-25-2008, 12:14 PM
Thank you so much everyone, and thank you for the poem, Candace. Every little thing around the house brings memories of her. I am most dreading telling the neighborhood children, but I know they will take it in stride, being young.

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-25-2008, 12:25 PM
Oh no..... I am so sorry to hear about Miss Hoppy's:love: passing..... ; she is our much loved PT-mascot, and she will be so forever and ever!
Dear Miss Hoppy:love: play happily at the Rainbow Bridge; my RB-bunnie Billie will be waiting for you at the entrance! She was so fond of little bunny-treats too, so I am sure she will show you all the "good spots" up there!!

Dear Karen & Paul, Miss Hoppy was the luckiest bunny in the whole petworld! She had both of you 2 to care for her! That is why she stayed with you for over 11 years!! Remember all the good moments you had with her :love:

This is a sad day for so many humans: all Pettalkers! RIP, sweet Miss Hoppy!!

05-25-2008, 12:37 PM
Karen and Paul, I'm very sorry to learn about Miss Hoppy's passing! What a brave rabbit she was, fighting her terrible disease last year. Now it seems that it was her age that took her... :(

She lived such a long and happy life, she must have been a VERY happy bunny to live such an incredible long life with her beloved humans...

R.I.P. sweet Miss Hoppy, and have fun at the bridge. :love::love::love:
Your mommy and daddy will miss you so much, and so will all your PT friends...
Will PetTalk ever be the same without its sweet little mascot?


05-25-2008, 01:21 PM
I´m not sure why.... but beside the sadness among Miss Hoppy´s passing... I got this feeling that PT has extended to the RB....

and PT is not only all over the world... but also ALL over.....

she did have a long happy life and we all wish all our pets were eternal... but her time came up and her duty is not to be the PT Mayor at the RB so when we all meet up again we have PT still running...many members were already waiting there so she´ll not be clueless around there...

once again.... I feel your pain and know how hard it is... but when you see the life, love and all great thing you provided to her you can´t help but smile for all the happy moments she gave you back....

05-25-2008, 01:26 PM
That's a nice thought, Isabel, and we think the Miss Hoppy graphic you made is lovely. I just said to someone on the phone that I know God will explain to my Sheba dog, who has been up there since I was 12 years old, that this bunny is not to be eaten, and that she and Miss Hoppy can be friends. And I am sure many of the Pet Talk bunnies up at the Rainbow Bridge have greeted her, and shown her where the tastiest grass is ...

05-25-2008, 01:31 PM
We too are sorry to read of the passing of Miss Hoppy, who had a great life to pass on at 11, half again the normal life span of a Domestic Rabbit, which shows how well craed for and loved Miss Hoppy is.
The Pet Angels have welcomed Miss Hopy with open arms , and the first run through that Big Salad Bar is hers!!!
And she misses Karen and Paul, but will be there to lead them in Paradise.
One Fine Day.

05-25-2008, 01:40 PM
I am so sorry to hear of Miss Hoppy's passing. May she rest in peace at the RB. :(

05-25-2008, 02:12 PM
Dear Karen and Paul,
Every Sunday morning at church, I take some time to silently pray for all animals especially our beloved PT companions. How sad it was to learn that your sweet Miss Hoppy has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Because of you, she knew a life full of love and loved you so much in return.

This gentle and wonderful creature of God was a blessing to everyone. We may never know how many came to love and respect animals because they had the joy of meeting her.

Rest in peace, Miss Hoppy, and play hard at the Rainbow Bridge! You will always live in the hearts of those who knew and loved you :love::love::love:

Queen of Poop
05-25-2008, 03:18 PM
Please accept my most sincere condolences. I am so very sorry for your loss.

Miss Z
05-25-2008, 03:50 PM
Oh no. :(

I am so very sorry, Karen and Paul. If any pet was iconic of these boards, it had to be Miss Hoppy. The age she lived to is amazing; proof indeed of how well cared for she was.

I shall miss her a lot, and am sad that my absence prevented me from reading about her recent activites.

RIP Miss Hoppy, and *hugs* to Karen and Paul.

05-25-2008, 03:58 PM
I just found out from Freedom(Sandie) on Miss Hoppy's passing.I am sure she was a well loved member of your family and by her extended family here on Pet Talk.I know how how it is to lose a part of our family Ruffles 6 years ago.Ruffles may have greeted her already at Rainbow Bridge My codolences to you and and your husband on her loss,she will be missed.

05-25-2008, 04:01 PM
:love: May Miss Hoppy rest in Peace :love:

I guess the Rainbow Bridge just got a celebrity - Miss Hoppy -:love: -:D


Karen & Paul:

We are so sorry to hear of Miss Hoppy's passing, but know she is playing hard at the Bridge.

You must have done something right for her to live 11 years! That in itself is amazing. I am sure she is at peace now.

Bunny & Kitties

05-25-2008, 04:28 PM
Karen & Paul, I'm so sorry the PT mascot Miss Hoppy has gone to the fields of clover and dandelion greens.:( You gave her a wonderful happy life that so many other bunnies never get to have. She was a family member instead of sitting lonely in a cage outside all year. I'm sure you'll both miss those tickly bunny whiskered kisses. :(
RIP pretty Miss Hoppy.

05-25-2008, 04:56 PM
We're so sorry for your Miss Hoppy's passing:(
Rest In Peace Dear Sweet Miss Hoppy!
So sorry Karen and Paul for your loss.
Know she was very loved,and forever greatful.

05-25-2008, 04:59 PM
   I remember waking up and before I opened my eyes feeling something creepy all around my mouth. All I could image was an enormous daddy longlegs spider on my face. When I opened my eyes, I was relieved to find Miss Hoppy resting on my chest with her head right next to my face with her numerous whiskers surrounding my mouth. With all my attention drawn to her whiskers I never felt her slight weight on my chest. The second time it happened it was also startling.

   I remember waking up when Hoppy was at the other end of the bed when she suddenly began to thump alerting us to danger. I saw my hand moving under the covers toward my head which looked like a creature heading toward me. When Miss Hoppy was young she always ran at the slightest sign of danger often thumping a warning to us while running. Except for this time when she did not think she was in any danger but she thought I was. She was a caring friend.

   Once I was sick with a temperature resting in bed. Hoppy must of also known this because she frantically tried to help me by combing my skin for imperfections and repeatedly tying to pull them out with her teeth. After three or four pulls without success she would move on to another area. This did not hurt but it was very annoying, of course, I knew Hoppy was doing the best she could to help me.

   I miss Hoppy. It's lonely without her.

05-25-2008, 05:25 PM
I read this sad announcement last night and just couldn't find the words to post anything. I haven't been around here very long in comparison to others, but I had read the entire thread about Miss Hoppy and her ordeal. I looked forward to seeing the pictures that were posted of her and her white patch of fur. I'd read in the gathering thread of her recent decline in health and had hoped for a recovery as I am sure you did as well. I had a dear bunny as a pet as a child. I had other pets also, but it is only one kitty that I lost 2 years ago and that sweet bunny that I still dream about. They really touch our lives deeply. You'll feel this loss for many years to come, even though time will help ease the pain. I do hope that you get comfort from the comments here and support from others that knew Miss Hoppy. It is wonderful to remember and recount the nice memories. Feel free to continue to post some of these small activities with us. Please accept my sincerest sympathies.

I also wanted to mention how moved I was to see not only that the Pet of the Day websites were updated, but even more than that, I noticed that Karen took the time to welcome a new poster last night. I realize that you have it set where you have to approve new members and posts won't show up until that is done. But I was really touched that Karen took the time to welcome that new member despite going through the loss of you baby.

05-25-2008, 06:51 PM
I remember waking up and before I opened my eyes feeling something creepy all around my mouth. All I could image was an enormous daddy longlegs spider on my face. When I opened my eyes, I was relieved to find Miss Hoppy resting on my chest with her head right next to my face with her numerous whiskers surrounding my mouth. With all my attention drawn to her whiskers I never felt her slight weight on my chest. The second time it happened it was also startling.

I remember waking up when Hoppy was at the other end of the bed when she suddenly began to thump alerting us to danger. I saw my hand moving under the covers toward my head which looked like a creature heading toward me. When Miss Hoppy was young she always ran at the slightest sign of danger often thumping a warning to us while running. Except for this time when she did not think she was in any danger but she thought I was. She was a caring friend.

Once I was sick with a temperature resting in bed. Hoppy must of also known this because she frantically tried to help me by combing my skin for imperfections and repeatedly tying to pull them out with her teeth. After three or four pulls without success she would move on to another area. This did not hurt but it was very annoying, of course, I knew Hoppy was doing the best she could to help me.

I miss Hoppy. It's lonely without her.


it is SO hard to loose a loved one.........I know you will treasure those moments, and all the others.

Please accept our sympathies. :love:

Miss Hoppy may be gone, but she will never leave your heart :love:

05-25-2008, 07:32 PM
Dear Karen and Paul, please accept my sincere condolences at the passing of Miss Hoppy to enjoy everything at the Rainbow Bridge. I know how very sad her passing is for you and Paul. I felt the same way when my beloved Thai went to the Bridge. I still have the stuffed rabbit you sent me when I had my knee replaced and when I look at it I think of Miss Hoppy.

05-25-2008, 07:59 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Miss Hoppy. I know her memories will bring you comfort in time.

Hugs to you and Paul.

Aspen and Misty
05-25-2008, 08:05 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Miss Hoppy, my heart is breaking for you and Paul.

Rest in Peace sweet Hoppy bunny, we still love you dear heart.



05-25-2008, 08:08 PM
Sending you hugs from the left coast.

The most wonderful thing about our pets is that they never leave our hearts.

Give the neighborhood kids a hug too!:(

05-25-2008, 08:51 PM
My heartfelt condolences. :(

She was the first bunny mascot I met and truly inspiring. I'm sure Sisi welcomed her at the RB bridge with a bouquet of parsley and dandelions.

05-25-2008, 09:47 PM
I was so saddened to hear of Miss Hoppy leaving - I know she lived a long and happy life because she had you, Karen and Paul.
Grasshopper is now a part of me, no more sadness or aching - and Spencer has not filled the void she left but taken his own rightful place in my life.

We will all mourn and miss Miss Hoppy as she inspired this best of places to come to. How appropriate that she will be remembered on Memorial Day from now on. And when you least expect it - someone will run or hop into your life . . . .

May your hearts find comfort - much love to you two from Kohala and Spencer and Dadcat:love:

And many,many thanks to Isabel for her email. :love:

05-25-2008, 10:20 PM
:( I became a huge bunny lover, thanks to Miss Hoppy. I'm so saddened by her passing. Karen and Paul, wish I could hug you in person. The resident "Bridge Watcher" will make our sweet girl welcomed and loved.

05-25-2008, 11:02 PM
Karen and Paul,

I am so terribly sorry for your loss of Miss Hoppy. :( I have no doubt in my mind that she was loved from ear to toe and that she knew it whole heartedly. She was very blessed to have you as her little bunny parents.

My sincerest condolences go out to you very wonderful people.

God speed to the bridge sweet little one. I'm sorry I never got the opportunity to meet you.

05-26-2008, 01:25 AM
Dear Karen and Paul,

I'm so sorry to read that Miss Hoppy has gone to the Bridge. You gave her a wonderful life filled with love. Farewell, sweet little bunny.


05-26-2008, 08:35 AM
Karen and Paul,

I am so so sorry to read about Miss Hoppy's passing. I know she was a very special bunny and a treasured friend.

05-26-2008, 09:22 AM
I am so very sorry at Miss Hoppy's passing!!!! You and Paul both will be in my thoughts and prayers. Reilly sends kisses.

05-26-2008, 11:53 AM
Thank you everyone, it means a lot to us.

05-26-2008, 11:55 AM
I just saw this thread, Karen and Paul please know you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Be Nice to all the bunnies Miss Hoppy, I am certain there is a special place at the bridge just for you hunny!


05-26-2008, 02:35 PM
Karen and Paul, I was out of town this weekend and someone had sent me a message and let me know. I am so sorry for your loss :( She had a wonderful life and brought happiness to many others' lives. She will not be forgotten!

05-26-2008, 02:53 PM
so sorry for your loss :(

RIP Miss Hoppy!

Pawsitive Thinking
05-26-2008, 03:11 PM
Thank you everyone, it means a lot to us.

You and Miss Hoppy mean a lot to us too :love:

05-26-2008, 03:30 PM
I'm so sorry you lost Miss Hoppy =( You gave her a wonderful life.

05-26-2008, 03:38 PM
Dear Miss Hoppy, your human parents loved you so much, what a special and spoiled little bunny you were, every time I come on PT I see your little face on the icon and it makes me smile inside, you were the most loved bunny I know of, such beautiful brown fur and a tiny little nose that I'm sure melted your human parents hearts when they seen it wiggle up and down. What a bold and rip age you lived to, on this forum and in peoples hearts around the world you will always be remembered as Miss Hoppy the great! :love:

Please say hello to Argranade for me, your at peace now Miss Hoppy.

I hope you'll get through this ok Karen and Paul, God gained a little furry angel that loves raisins! :)

05-26-2008, 06:40 PM
:( Oh, Karen and Paul I am so sorry! I didn't see this until just now!!! :(

I can't believe our precious little friend has gone!!! She will be so missed!!!

Miss Hoppy you will be so missed by all of us but mostly by your mommy and pawpaw!

Say Hi to Miss Sophie and my Leroy and all our dear pet pals for me. I look forward to meeting you myself someday. :love:

05-26-2008, 07:33 PM
Karen and Paul, I am just now seeing the thread about beloved Miss Hoppy. Deepest sympathies to you. I am sure Winston met her at the bridge with carrots.


05-26-2008, 07:58 PM
Karen and Paul i'm so sorry for your loss. Rip Miss Hoppy. = [

05-26-2008, 08:06 PM
Karen, Just as I said to you on the phone Sunday, I'm so sorry she's crossed.
But she'll be with you forever!!

{{{HUGS}}} to you and Paul.

05-26-2008, 08:12 PM
Karen & Paul,
My deepest condolences on the passing of the most well known bunny in the world - Miss Hoppy!
THUMP hard up at the bridge Miss Hoppy - let your Dad and Mum know you are there, eating all the tastiest dnadelions and sweet grass.

{{{{hugs}}}} to you both

05-26-2008, 09:16 PM
I just clicked in to the post tonight.

Wanted to offer my sympathy to both Karen and Paul for the passing of Miss Hoppy. I could always tell how much she meant to the two of you.
I'm sure she led the best life a bunny can live and is chomping the green grass and hopping along while waiting for you.

05-26-2008, 09:34 PM
I know I'm late, but I just wanted to pass on my condolences, as well.

I know Miss Hoppy is happily bouncing around in green fields at the Bridge, eagerly awaiting the day when we can all see her again. Until that day, we'll keep her memories alive.

It's really times like these that I have to bring a few words of Vonnegut alive. I don't remember the exact quote but it had something to do with the non-linearity of time. All the moments, past, present, and future, exist now. Every happy moment we share with our loved ones existed then and exists today. Nothing we do is ever lost because it is all concrete. So don't mourn for what is gone, but rejoice in what will always be.

05-26-2008, 09:56 PM
Oh no I am soooo very sorry to hear this:( I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I had more to say that could comfort but I have nothing. Hang in there and at least she didn't suffer. :(
sending hugs your way
Julie and Mister:love::love::love:

05-26-2008, 11:08 PM
the physical-ness our dearly loved pets may occupy sometimes is "slight" as you know, yet the space they occupy is immense. the sharpness of the pain does ease, the missing eases, but the love and memories shine forever.

Cinder & Smoke
05-26-2008, 11:19 PM
Dear Karen and Paul ~

On behalf of all the Pet Talkers who attended the Findlay Gathurins this weekend,
many of who won't be back to their 'puters for a day or more ...

We offer our Most Sincere Condolences on the sad loss of Dear Miz Hoppy,
the Beloved Pet Talk Head Bunny, Mascot, Protector of the Home Office & PT Headquarters,
and Best Bunny Buddy to her Mom and Dad!

May she forever Hop Happily at the Rainbow Bridge,
and **THUMP** proudly beside Lil Sophie in the Drum Section of God's Band. ;)

With Love,
from ALL the Pet Talkers!

I am most dreading telling the neighborhood children,
but I know they will take it in stride, being young.

Little do you know ...
but those Friends of Miz Hoppy (aka the Neighborhood Kids) have prolly
printed up fliers
and are organizing Try-Outs for the position of Second Head Bunny.

Look for the crowd to appear by Saturday morning ...
might want to lay in some extra *raizins* ...

I have it on good authority you guys are Hosting the proceedings!

05-27-2008, 06:31 AM
I'm not sure there was ever a more beloved bunny. What a darling mascot Miss Hoppy has always been for Pet Talk and I know she will continue to be.

Karen and Paul, I have been away for several days and was alerted to this news by my dear friend, Pam. Please know that I send my loves and sympathy to both of you for the loss of your special girl.

Rest in peace, Miss Hoppy.


05-27-2008, 07:29 AM
I am so sorry that Miss Hoppy has passed away. RIP Miss Hoppy and please look over all the other PT animals who have passed.

05-27-2008, 09:32 AM
Karen & Paul I am so sorry to hear about Miss Hoppy. :(

RIP and play long and hard on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. :(

05-27-2008, 09:38 AM
As I said on the telephone, I'm so sorry for your loss.....well, our loss.

{{{hugs}}} to you both.

slick xoxo

05-27-2008, 10:38 AM
   Thank you all for your wonderful thoughts and prayers.


4 Dog Mother
05-27-2008, 12:20 PM
I am late in posting - which does not mean you have not been in my thoughts and prayers. Miss Hoppy touched many people through you. She was a great mascot for all of Pet Talk and we are glad she lived such a long and hoppy life. Thoughts and prayers will continue for you both!

M&M's Mommy
05-27-2008, 01:25 PM
Karen & Paul,

I was away for the holidays, so just got the sad news today.

I'm sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in Miss Hoppy's memories & in those who love you, including all of us here at PT.

05-27-2008, 02:11 PM
I'm very sorry to read the news of Miss Hoppy's passing. :( She was indeed a very special bunny with very special parents! :love: Please know that you and Paul are in my thoughts and prayers.


05-27-2008, 03:21 PM
I am sorry for your loss. Miss Hoppy was a bunny that was well loved. She lived a wonderful life with the people she loved the most.

05-27-2008, 03:52 PM
I am sorry for your loss. I am glad you got to spend so much time with her making her happy. I am sure she is watching over you.

05-27-2008, 03:56 PM
Thank you, everyone. I did tell the mom next door and her two littlest children the news this afternoon, and Lydia - the mom - expressed her condolences, and then we talked about what a long life she had, and how they all liked visiting with her.

Also, I wanted to let you all know that if you ever need a very special "exotics expert" veterinarian, Dr. Joerg Mayer is the one who treated Miss Hoppy this fall, he's at Tufts Veterinary School. I let him know the news, and he responded with a lovely note.

05-27-2008, 04:08 PM
Awww I'm so sorry. :(

RIP Miss Hoppy

05-27-2008, 05:27 PM
Karen and Paul -

I did not get to know Ms. Hoppy well, as my visits to Pet Talk have been sporadic and have been confined mostly within Cat of the Day, but as you have the kind of love for animals that led you to create this wonderful site, I know she was cherished in your hearts.

My condolences. I am certain no bunny ever had a happier life.

05-27-2008, 07:02 PM
Very sorry to hear about your loss. :(

05-27-2008, 07:33 PM
So very sad to hear about Miss Hoppy. My thoughts go out to you and Paul. Miss Hoppy had a long good life with you and knew happiness for many years. I'm sure she's hopping around in a meadow of clover at the RB and waiting for you.

05-27-2008, 10:09 PM
Yes, I am sure there's purple clover blossoms up there at the Rainbow Bridge, she always prefered purple clover to the white kind. maybe more color is more tasty?

The bridal wreath bush in in glorious bloom right now, and she always enjoyed munching on a sprig of those flowers. I am sure the fields at the Rainbow Bridge all full of all sorts of delicious flowers, for Miss Hoppy, Miz Sophie, and all the other beloved bunnies who have gone before us.

05-28-2008, 07:24 AM
RIP Miss Hoppy. I am sure you had a wonderful life, and you reached such a great age, wow! You are a very famous bunny, with so many people loving you all around the world. We will not forget you! Play hard at the RB.

05-28-2008, 10:00 AM
There just are not enough words that can be put together to express to you both how deeply I feel your loss and how very sorry that I am.

All of our animals are such beautiful gifts to us in life and they capture our hearts sometimes more than people can.

Miss Hoppy was a very special bunny for all of us and she will be deeply missed.

It makes me smile to think of Mz. Sophie and Miss Hoppy bouncing around together at the Rainbow Bridge - maybe showing off their binky abilities and telling everyone what perfect humans they shared their life with.

xxoo Gini

05-28-2008, 04:17 PM
Thank you, everyone.

05-28-2008, 07:20 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss but at least you know she lived a long full life

Russian Blue
05-29-2008, 10:15 AM
Karen and Paul, I'm so sorry for the loss to your family.

I, too, wish I could write a beautiful and creative poem for you as you did when Nakita passed away. It was very comforting and I wish I could do something to return that gesture. But, I am not talented that way so I will instead send my condolences to the both of you.

Miss Hoppy had a wonderful, rich and long life because of the two of you! I'm sure she's up there enjoying the best purple clover ever found!

RIP Miss Hoppy.

05-29-2008, 11:00 AM
I am so sorry for your loss, it is so hard to lose a pet, I know. Glad that you got some snuggle time in though, near the end. Sweet Karen and sweet Miss Hoppy....I am glad that you 2 found each other and lived a happy long life together. Enjoy that beautiful sunshine and rainbows at the bridge, Miss Hoppy :)

05-29-2008, 04:42 PM
Thank you, everyone!

We received today a lovely bouquet of silk flowers, in memory of Miss Hoppy. We appreciate it, and all the lovely gestures of support and comfort you have all sent us.

It is odd to have a bouquet, and not have to wonder if the flowers are tasty or not, but the bouquet is lovely, and sitting on the kitchen table.

05-31-2008, 08:59 PM
Thanks to everyone from the Findlay Gathering - we received your lovely card in the mail today. It is hard to believe it has been a week since we lost our dear sweet bunny. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

The silk flowers that the Pet Talk community sent us will be gracing the altar at my church service tomorrow as well.

Thank you everyone.

Cinder & Smoke
05-31-2008, 09:42 PM
It is hard to believe it has been a week since we lost our dear sweet bunny.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

The silk flowers that the Pet Talk community sent us
will be gracing the altar at my church service tomorrow as well.

Thank you everyone.

Gosh ...
We all better put our Sunday-go-to-Meetin clothes on tomorrow!

We'll also send some special Bunny Purrayers in the morning.


06-02-2008, 04:19 PM
I am so sorry:(

Rest in Peace Sweet Miss Hoppy

Toby's my baby
06-04-2008, 03:56 PM
I am so very very sorry for your loss. Rest in peace Miss Hoppy :(

06-05-2008, 02:30 AM
Dear Miss Hoppy, rest in peace sweet little bun. May the rainbow bridge bring you all the timothy hay your heart could desire.

06-16-2008, 11:16 PM
Phred convinced me folks might want to see this. This is a sketch of the silk flowers Pet Talkers sent us in Miss Hoppy's memory, they were on the altar for my church's service on June 1st.

Please keep in mind that this was just a sketch, done quickly from the choir loft during the service with the pen I had with me on the back of the announcements sheet, I didn't have a ruler or any tools to make perfectly straight lines or anything!

The flowers are white, and the wood behind the altar in my church is very dark, so they looked quite pretty.

06-16-2008, 11:22 PM
Karen, that's a lovely sketch. I'm glad Phred convinced you to post it. ;)

06-16-2008, 11:38 PM
That is beautiful.
Thanks for sharing it.

Thanks to Phred too.

Cinder & Smoke
06-17-2008, 01:41 AM
This is a sketch of the silk flowers Pet Talkers sent us in Miss Hoppy's memory,
they were on the altar for my church's service on June 1st.

The flowers are white, and the wood behind the altar in my church is very dark,
so they looked quite pretty.


06-18-2008, 01:28 PM
Hi Karen, I still get LES when I see this thread. Miss Hoppy knew what a lucky little bunny she was having you to love and care for her. The flowers sent in her memory are beautiful! My church was built in the mid 1800's so I can imagine how beautiful they looked in your church.
You're a very talented artist being able to create such a wonderful drawing with nothing more than a pen and piece of paper. I can't draw a straight line WITH a ruler!

07-07-2008, 12:40 AM
I'm sorry I missed this post.

I'm so sorry for your loss of your dear sweet bunny.. :love:

07-09-2008, 10:04 AM
poor mrs.hoppy i bet she was like a best friend to you one thing to say i wish you the best of luck:(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-09-2008, 10:08 AM
Oh my, Karen, I'm so very sorry!

Miss Hoppy is, by rights, a PT icon, and her passing is a severe blow to all who "knew" her.

RIP sweet bunny, you are definitely missed. :(