View Full Version : Does your cat do this? I'm concerned. *Pidge is home *pix 6/4*

05-21-2008, 08:50 PM
I feel kinda silly posing this question but it's bothering me so I'm going to anyhow. Does your cat at times stick out its tongue and just sit there w/its tongue hanging out? Lately, Puddy has been doing that and it's freaking me out. It isn't just a little bit of the tip of the tongue showing, which is rather cute; it's almost the entire tongue, as though she has no teeth or something. She's purring, she isn't sick or crying or anything, so I'm not sure why it bothers me but it does. It makes me want to cry for some reason. Creamsicle does it, too, but I attributed it to her being a CH baby. I can see no reason why Puddy would do it. She's only been doing it for the last month or so.

05-21-2008, 10:00 PM
In our household, we found the tip of the tongue sticking out of our cats' mouths a very endearing type of "dumb". :-)

The whole tongue? Puddy is trying to outdo the

I found some info- bottom line is, as long as she seems healthy otherwise, probably this is ok.

I couldn't copy and paste anything here, but there is a question on this about 3/4 of the way down, under "Tongue Tipping"

Most likely your cat is just jaking. "Jaking" is basically a cat's way of tasting/smelling the air, via the Jacob's Organ.

Answer: Lily-

Before I get to the part where I tell you the things that might be wrong, I
have to be sure to say that if KeeKee seems normal in all other respects it
is very likely that he is normal and that your husband is right --- or at
least that there isn't a harmful cause of his tongue sticking out habit.

Now that we got through that part, there are some things that can cause the
tongue to stick out or to enlarge, which might make it stick out, too.

Acromegaly, which is a hormonal disease that affects a small number of cats
in their lifetime, makes the tongue enlarge in some patients and it may
stick out slightly when this occurs. This is disease in which there is too
much production of growth hormone and it causes increased drinking and
urination, increased appetite, enlargement of the head, separation of the
teeth (they move apart as the jaw grows), heart disease and other symptoms.
Since you don't report any of these signs, I am hoping that none are present.

There are several reports on cats with feline leukemia that include
observations of tongue sores, which might cause the tongue to stick out. In
addition, there are some anecdotal observations of cats with feline
leukemia sticking their tongues out, with no mention of cause. There is a
chance in these cats that they would have done this, anyway, and that the
feline leukemia virus just happened to be present.

Several diseases that can affect the central nervous system can cause the
tongue to stick out or to fall out of the mouth on one side or the other
(this doesn't usually happen in cats because their tongue isn't as mobile
as a dogs). Toxoplasmosis, feline infectious peritonitis and feline
immunodeficiency virus are possible diseases that can cause neurologic
signs in cats.

It is possible for tooth problems, gingivitis and pharyngeal problems to
make it more comfortable for a cat to keep its tongue held out rather than
in the mouth. Usually by the time this happens there is some evidence of
difficulty swallowing or discomfort while eating.

If KeeKee develops something that really seems like an illness to you, then
it would be a good idea to see your vet as soon as possible. I am pretty
sure that you are not seeing anything like this at this time, based on your
note. So I think it would be OK to wait for the next routine visit to ask
your vet about this problem unless I am wrong about the lack of other
signs, currently.

Mike Richards, DVM

Some cats sit with their tongue sticking out a little. This seems to show relaxation and contentment or that the cat has become interested in something. On the one hand it gives the cat a rather daft look. On the other hand it gives the cat a look of concentration. Licking the lips may indicate anxiety or anticipation depending on what is happening around it. Cats may lick their lips slightly as food is presented, but reserve real lip-licking for the after-dinner wash.

05-21-2008, 10:07 PM
My cats do this sometimes either when they're sleepy, or if I interrupt a bathing session. lol I think it's cute myself.

05-21-2008, 11:52 PM
i would have the vet check for tounge ulcer...if he has one,and you get him antibiotics quick...he'll survive,if you let it go...the ulcer can grow and nothing would be able to cure it.
that happened to my husbands sister's cat.
same thing...started hanging the tounge out...and sure enough it had a big ulcer under it's tounge.i would get it checked...or look yourself.
but i think if it's all the way out...i'd go to the vet ASAP.
Good luck and i hope it's nothing.

05-22-2008, 12:21 AM
You are an excellent meowmie and if it's freaking you out, have it checked out. Trust your instincts. Calvin sticks the it bitty end of his tongue out and it cracks me up! That tiny bit of pink agains all his blackness.
Go with your meowmie radar and have Puddy checked out. :love:

Pawsitive Thinking
05-22-2008, 04:27 AM
Maybe Puddy is literally being a copy cat but if it is concerning you then get her checked out for some peace of mind

05-22-2008, 07:29 AM
have you called the vet?or looked under his tounge?
is he still doing it?
just curious on an update.hopefully good news.

05-22-2008, 07:59 AM
Thanx for the replies everyone. I checked Puddy's tongue this morning, underneath, too, at least as well as I could considering this is the Pudilator I'm talking about here. LOL All looked and felt normal to me. She doesn't stick her tongue out all the time, just occasionally, and admittedly, it's when she appears to be content, such as when I'm giving her a noggin noogie. I guess it's because her tongue comes out so far and not just the tip sticks out. I'll keep watching her as well as look for other symptoms that were mentioned in Candace's post and, if I see anything slightly abnormal, I'll give my vet a call. She seems ok in every other sense so, in order for my vet to fully examine her tongue, she'd have to be tranquilized and I surely don't want to do that unless it's absolutely necessary, given that she's in CRF and only 5 lbs. I'll keep you updated. :)

smokey the elder
05-22-2008, 09:29 AM
Smokey the Elder used to stick her tongue out just because. Moby sometimes sticks a little bit of it out, when she's being goofy.

05-22-2008, 09:35 AM

05-22-2008, 09:52 AM
Smudge did that for a short while, and drooled a bit too, which he hadn't done before. I noticed that he had bad breath, so I started giving him tooth-cleaning treats. Once we found some he wasn't allergic to (he can't have Greenies, but Meow Mix Crustacean Crunch and C.E.T. fish chews are fine and he likes them) his breath and drooling cleared up, and he can keep a civil tongue in his head. :-) Does Puddy get anti-tartar treats?

Love, Columbine

05-22-2008, 09:52 AM
Our Raven sticks out her tongue, but she has no teeth!!! Hope your Puddy will be OK!!!

05-22-2008, 10:13 AM
Does Puddy get anti-tartar treats?

She does but she's been turning her nose up at them lately. Her appetite is good, as a matter of fact, a little too good and she's drinking a lot of water but I chalked that up to CRF. Then when I read what Candace posted, I couldn't ignore it. I just put a call in to my vet. He's in surgery so I now wait until he can return my call. I booked an appt. for her but my vet won't be in until Wed. That's 5 days away so I want to talk to my vet to see what he has to say and if there's anything I should be doing for her until her appt. She seems fine, as I mentioned earlier, she isn't sick at all, no vomiting, no crying, nothing. But my instincts are screaming to have her checked and maybe my vet will want to do some blood work. If I'm making something out of nothing, then all I'm out is money. But if I don't get it checked out and it turns out to be something, I'll never forgive myself and I don't want to cause her any more physical problems. This little 5 lb. calico girl has been through enough. As soon as I hear from my vet, I'll tell you what he said.

05-22-2008, 12:06 PM
:love: Yes my Darling CH baby Taccoa does the tongue thing sometimes.. Usally when I am Loving on her & Talking to her is when she does this..

05-22-2008, 12:55 PM
I have noticed it in older cats- it is just as if they forget to pull it in. Tigris can be seen with it very rarely- but he is only 12 ;)
I think it looks cute dumb and I do not believe it is a bad sign.

05-22-2008, 12:56 PM
Yes, my CH baby Creamsicle does this, too, but her tongue doesn't stick out all the way.

Dr. Lee returned my call and said that it could possibly be hyperthyroidism and, if so, there are various treatments that we could try, one of which is removal of the thyroid. We both agreed that would be a last resort, especially given that Puddy is in CRF. However, and it's a good "however" for once, he feels that it's probably nothing. He said that he has several cat patients who stick their tongues out and it's absolutely nothing but we won't know about Puddy for sure unless we do some blood work. Given that she has no other symptoms, he said that it sounds like Puddy is doing pretty well and that I probably have nothing to worry about. A blood test will put us both at ease. So. There we are. Her appt. is Wed. morning at 11:00. There's nothing I need to do for her in the meantime other than keep up w/her subQ fluids and her meds. She's sitting right next to my computer right now so I took a couple of pix that I hope turn out to post.

Again, thanx for your input, friends, and I'll keep you posted. I love this little girl so much, I could cry just thinking about it.

05-22-2008, 01:15 PM
I'm so glad you checked and saw nothing on her tounge...ever since my sister-n-law's cat died from a tounge ulcer.(it scared me so much...the poor girl was so soar)..i have the vets check their tounges every visit.
the tech holds them(their head),and the vet does a quick (very quick)look by holding the tip and looking under it...it happens so fast the cat doesn't have time to get upset:eek:;)
and a lot of times she just left her mouth open without the tounge hanging out...toward the end though.she was an old cat but it happends to young ones to.

05-28-2008, 11:30 AM
My little girl is such a trooper. Dr. Lee took blood and she didn't even flinch, no screeching, no spitting and swatting at him. He pressed on her chin and her tongue immediately came out so he said that he's thinking it might be her teeth. She has gingivitis. Until the blood work comes back tomorrow, he won't know whether or not he can put her under anesthesia to clean her teeth because she's only got one kidney and that one isn't doing too great. She's 14 now and he said that she keeps surviving one problem, only to develop another. He's amazed at how tough she is. If her blood work comes back ok and her enzymes aren't up too high, she'll get a teeth cleaning and, maybe extractions if she has any bad teeth, and he'll also check under her tongue for ulcers, etc. I refuse to worry about this. I'm going to write the perfect outcome on a piece of paper and put it in my Blessing Jar for God to take care of. I just cannot handle any more stress right now.

Pigeon has an appt. tomorrow for blood work and immunizations. Dr. Lee wants to make sure that she's healthy enough to put under anesthesia to shave her because her mats are so bad and so close to her skin on the top of her back. If she would only let me groom her but she won't. She gets so stressed. She's 18 now and he gets concerned about putting a cat that age under. She had her teeth cleaned not too long ago and came through just fine but he said he doesn't want to take any chances w/her. So into the Blessings Jar this one goes, too.

So that's it for now. When I get the results of Puddy's blood work tomorrow, I'll post the outcome. In the meantime, say a Puddy prayer, please? And a Pidgie prayer, too?

05-28-2008, 11:39 AM
Big pray coming your way for Puddy!

I hope things come out ok and prays for your other baby going to the vets tomorrow.

05-28-2008, 12:18 PM
Prayers for Puddy and Pidge from me, too!

05-28-2008, 12:43 PM
Just said a prayer for Puddy and Pudgie.:love:

Cinder & Smoke
05-28-2008, 01:40 PM
Hi God ~

You're gonna start kallin us da Toof Phairriez purdy soon.

Anudder Toof Job fur tumorrow, God - in Oh-HI-Ho, fir Puddy Kat ...
Please kross Your Wings dat da pre-op blood werk is OK - or it'z a No-Go.

Try to *spiff* em all up - an please dont *yank* too many out! :eek:

THEN, whilst You Guys are so kloose ...

Mite as well hang around an Help wiff Pigeon's blood werk anna :eek: *SHOTZ*.

Try ta calme her down, so's she kan get da shave job inna beauty parlor.
She's not keen onna groomin stuff - so keep a eye onna Knives & Klawz!

Jest so's Ya know, deeze Projects iz written up an inna Blessing Jar at home -
You onlee need ta handle 'em one tyme.


/s/ the Purrayer Pups

05-28-2008, 01:47 PM
Hi God ~

You're gonna start kallin us da Toof Phairriez purdy soon.

Anudder Toof Job fur tumorrow, God - in Oh-HI-Ho, fir Puddy Kat ...
Please kross Your Wings dat da pre-op blood werk is OK - or it'z a No-Go.

Try to *spiff* em all up - an please dont *yank* too many out! :eek:

THEN, whilst You Guys are so kloose ...

Mite as well hang around an Help wiff Pigeon's blood werk anna :eek: *SHOTZ*.

Try ta calme her down, so's she kan get da shave job inna beauty parlor.
She's not keen onna groomin stuff - so keep a eye onna Knives & Klawz!

Jest so's Ya know, deeze Projects iz written up an inna Blessing Jar at home -
You onlee need ta handle 'em one tyme.


/s/ the Purrayer Pups

Love it! Thank you so much! I'm feeling better about it already and Puddy is sitting right beside me at the computer, purring away. Pidge is sitting in the sun, soaking up the rays.

And thank you, everyone, for your prayers. :)

05-28-2008, 04:21 PM
What a nice relief knowing that she's fine :)
So very happy :)

i have a couple cats do that if they run around to much or if it's to warm a day too.
but it's been awhile since i've seen them do that.

i have a couple cats that love the spring water from the refridgerator:rolleyes:
my lucy accually waits by the refridgertor for it.even after i change the water
bowls from the sink(letting the water run first)

but she has kidney failure and it seems she is never satisfied unless it's cool
water from the fridge.(spoiled...but i love doing it for her...she's my little follower:love:).

she sticks her tounge out when she runs around to much i noticed.

05-28-2008, 05:35 PM
[QUOTE=catfamily;2017833]What a nice relief knowing that she's fine :)
So very happy :)QUOTE]

Well, I won't know for sure unless my vet can get in there and give her teeth a good cleaning and look under her tongue, etc. but I'm hopeful!

05-28-2008, 06:15 PM
Prayers for the kitties.

One thing always amazes me though......vets always want to anesthetize a cat for grooming. :confused: Without even trying it!! We do hundreds of cats, perfectly wide awake. Very few are stressed to the point that they need to be sent away with the suggestion of sedation. Can't they at least give her a TRY??? without anesthesia?

05-28-2008, 06:21 PM
Yes, you're right, Jen, and to his credit, he did say that they would try it w/out anesthesia first. It's only a last resort but he wants to make sure that, if she does need anesthesia, that she'll be able to handle it ok. Given that they're going to do a lion cut, (which is primarily shaving, right?), I think she may be able to handle it fine. It's the brushing and tugging on the mats that's causing her to get so stressed.

05-28-2008, 06:26 PM
he did say that they would try it w/out anesthesia first.

Oh, good! :)

05-28-2008, 07:43 PM
Best of wishes for Puddy and Pidgie!

Someone else on PT was talking about a solution that they had to brush over the surface of their cat's teeth - kind of like just soaking a q tip and drawing over the tooth surface. I wonder if that would work for Puddy it an anesthetic cleaning is not an option?

Pidgie - even if she does need calming, I wonder why she would have to be knocked right out? Maybe it is less stressful than being sedated and 'sort of' knowing what is going on?

PT Prayers for those gorgeous girls...we need pics of the fashionable Lioness Pidge! :D

05-28-2008, 08:01 PM
Prayers and positive affirmations on the way!

Puddy's blood work is going to come back with GREAT results and her tongue will be as normal as can be and her dental will go wonderfully!!!
Pigeon's blood work will also come back with GREAT results and her shaving will go off without a hitch!
(these are the affirmations :))

I'm sure Pidgie is going to feel so fresh and fancy free once her coat is short.
Please keep us updated! :)

05-28-2008, 10:11 PM
Good thoughts and prayers coming Puddy's, Pidge's and your way!

I thought when JenL was going to groom Jorge he would have a heart attack, but he was a trooper and came through it fine! I hope that Pidge will have an easy go of it as well!

05-28-2008, 10:19 PM
we need pics of the fashionable Lioness Pidge! :D

I'll be sure to take pix but my camera isn't very good and my photo skills are even worse.

05-28-2008, 10:30 PM
Maybe the vet or the assistant could do 'before and after' pics for you? :)

05-29-2008, 01:14 AM
I hope that everything turns out fine. I'll be keeping both of them in my thoughts and prayers.

"Someone else on PT was talking about a solution that they had to brush over the surface of their cat's teeth - kind of like just soaking a q tip and drawing over the tooth surface. I wonder if that would work for Puddy it an anesthetic cleaning is not an option?"

Catty1, that was me. It's C.E.T. Oral Hygiene Rinse For Cats & Dogs. I don't know how much it would help on an animal with severe gingivitis and bad teeth though. It will help prevent plaque and tartar from forming and will also help reduce bad breath. Storm had a dental cleaning and 2 small teeth removed in early May and I'm now using this on him every night so hopefully this will help his teeth and gums to stay healthy. I'm also trying to use it on my other cats when I can.

05-29-2008, 05:19 AM
I hope that everything turns out fine. I'll be keeping both of them in my thoughts and prayers.

"Someone else on PT was talking about a solution that they had to brush over the surface of their cat's teeth - kind of like just soaking a q tip and drawing over the tooth surface. I wonder if that would work for Puddy it an anesthetic cleaning is not an option?"

Catty1, that was me. It's C.E.T. Oral Hygiene Rinse For Cats & Dogs. I don't know how much it would help on an animal with severe gingivitis and bad teeth though. It will help prevent plaque and tartar from forming and will also help reduce bad breath. Storm had a dental cleaning and 2 small teeth removed in early May and I'm now using this on him every night so hopefully this will help his teeth and gums to stay healthy. I'm also trying to use it on my other cats when I can.
I'm going to ask my vet about it anyhow. I may be able to use it on my other cats. Pidge has never had a vet visit for anything other than checkups. She's never sick and has had her teeth cleaned but none were ever pulled. My Boo is the same way and he's 16 1/2. So if I can prevent problems at this stage, it's worth it, except that my seniors get so stressed now if I groom them or pill them. (Boo is on Clomicalm and that's it.) I'm still going to ask, though.

05-29-2008, 05:47 AM
I like EmaeraldGreens prayers and Positive Affirmations :)

05-29-2008, 05:56 AM
I like EmaeraldGreens prayers and Positive Affirmations :)

Yes, so do I. I say positive affirmations daily and I'm only too eager to add these to the list. :)

05-29-2008, 11:39 AM
Miss Pidgelet let them draw blood like a little lady and, as soon as they get the blood work back tomorrow, they'll call me. I've already scheduled her grooming for next Wed., the soonest available. She will have to be lightly sedated for 20 minutes while being groomed. Her mats are so bad that they consider it a medical procedure to have the lion cut done, poor girl. She could save herself so much grief (and me so much worry and money) if she'd just allow me to groom her. I'm hopeful that her blood work will come back ok so that we can get her groomed and be done w/it. I'm sure she'll feel so much better.

Dr. Lee isn't in today, so Dr. Feeman saw Pidge and he hadn't had time to look at Puddy's report yet, so he's going to call me this afternoon. He wants to compare her values w/the last time they did blood work, to see if her enzyme levels are really elevated. If so, we may have to forego a teeth cleaning and give her an antibiotic and a solution to put in her water for the gingivitis. It isn't as effective as a teeth cleaning, obviously, but if her levels are too elevated, I don't want to take a chance on anesthesia given that she's operating on only one kidney and a bad one at that. So when I hear from Dr. Feeman, I'll let you know.

Thanx for the continued prayers. Pidgelet and Puddy say 'thank you', too. :)

05-29-2008, 02:19 PM
Dear Pidgie Pie, please let your meowmom take care of your coat :love:

05-29-2008, 04:08 PM
Dr. Feeman just called me and all of Puddy's numbers are elevated, every single one of 'em. He said that, since he isn't the one who examined Puddy yesterday and he didn't see her teeth and mouth, he's deferring to Dr. Lee as to whether or not anesthetizing her is recommended. Sigh. I already know that my time w/Puddy is limited; I operate on instinct and my instincts are telling me not to do it, unless Dr. Lee says that it's absolutely imperative. I doubt that he will, though, because he talked to me yesterday about alternatives w/out cleaning her teeth. Until I hear from him, though, I won't make that decision because I trust him totally and, seeing that he had reservations about anesthesia, if he says to go ahead, then that will mean that Puddy really needs her teeth cleaned. Puddy is quite vocal when she's in pain and she hasn't cried at all, so I think she's perhaps uncomfortable. Since my gums have been giving me trouble lately, I can relate to what she's experiencing. It isn't painful, just a little uncomfortable. Pidge's blood work wasn't back yet, so Dr. Feeman told me that he'd call me tonight, if he got the results and, if not, tomorrow Dr. Lee will call w/the news and also about Puddy. So again, I wait. Not my favorite thing, waiting. But I have no choice.

05-29-2008, 04:48 PM
Poor Puddy, and poor you...

Hopefully there is something that can be rubbed gently on her gums or put into her food or water, just so she is more comfortable.

Her teeth aside, it's sad to hear her levels are up. But I hope you still have good cuddle time with her. Give her a cuddle and scritch for me, ok?:love:

Good luck with Pidgelet (love that name!). She'll be more comfy if she can be groomed. :)

05-29-2008, 05:57 PM
DRAT! Not the update I was hoping for. :( Here's hoping that she can be kept comfortable without the dental work.

05-29-2008, 06:13 PM
Well, it's getting worse. Dr. Feeman just called me w/Pidge's blood work results. Her levels are up as well and he believes that she's in early CRF. He said that it's possible that she could be dehydrated but until a urine sample is taken, they won't know for sure. So I have to take her in on Tuesday and have an IV started to hydrate her and then on Wednesday morning they'll shave her. Two cats in CRF now. My poor Pidgie. She's never had a sick day. I'm ready to lose it.

05-29-2008, 06:32 PM
{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} I am so sorry that this news is also sad. :( But consider this......if she is in EARLY CRF, then having this blood test done NOW means treatment can begin ASAP!

05-29-2008, 09:41 PM
I want to cry but the cry is stuck in my throat. I guess Pidgie's mats are a blessing in disguise because, if they hadn't gotten so bad, I wouldn't have known about the possible CRF. She wasn't exhibiting any symptoms whatsoever. I just feel so bad for her. She has the sweetest disposition of any cat I've ever known. She's never had a sick day, an off day, yes, but never a sick day. And she's never given me any trouble at all. She gets along w/all the other cats, has never been destructive or peed inappropriately. She's the perfect cat. I don't want her to be sick. I don't want to lose her. Ok, now the tears are coming. Later....

05-29-2008, 09:53 PM
:love: I wish so much for words of comfort for you. You always seem to have something to say to help others and I wish I could do the same for you. I know that feeling you have inside of you and it is terrible. But continue to look on the upside of things. Like was mentioned, it is early. You have dealt with CRF and you know it can be treated. Besides, you said that may not even be the case. It could be dehydration. Either way, you don't have to think that you are going to lose your precious Pidgie any time soon.

05-30-2008, 06:09 AM
You have dealt with CRF and you know it can be treated. Besides, you said that may not even be the case. It could be dehydration. Either way, you don't have to think that you are going to lose your precious Pidgie any time soon.

I'm better this morning. I know that, even if it is CRF, there are things that I can do to help her along and she probably has a lot of time left. It's her age that concerns me, I guess, being 18 1/2. I was just faced w/the reality that one day I'll have to part w/her and it made me sad. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
05-30-2008, 06:59 AM
Oh my word - what a lot to take on board.......

Will be thinking of you and your precious pusscats

05-30-2008, 07:19 AM
Just got off the phone w/Dr. Lee. Usually he and I are aggressive in the course of treatment, especially where Puddy is concerned but, in this instance, we're doing the "less is more" approach. Puddy will begin a course of Chlorhexadine on her gums every day to treat the gingivitis and we'll see how that works for her. He doesn't want to give her anesthesia unless she's in pain and it's absolutely necessary. He said that I could probably back off on her subQ's to every other day at my discretion.

Pidgie will go in on Tues. afternoon to begin an IV drip to keep her hydrated and they'll also take a urine specimen to see if she is indeed in CRF or perhaps just dehydrated. However, Dr. Lee did concur w/Dr. Feeman in that he believes it is early CRF. He said that, given her age, it isn't uncommon and he feels that it can be managed. Then Wednesday morning, Pidgie will get her lion cut and I'll bring her home Wed. night.

I have a feeling that a visit to my son next month isn't going to happen. This is an awful lot for my catsitter to take on, especially since her father has pancreatic cancer and she has that to deal with. Well, I guess I take it one day at a time. My philosophy has always been "people first" but I certainly won't leave my cats when they're sick. We'll just have to cope as best we can.

05-30-2008, 09:27 AM
Puddy and Pidgie are so fortunate to have you to love them and care for them. It's so hard when our sweeties don't feel well, they can't tell us what's wrong. At church every Sunday, in the peace and tranquility of the sanctuary, I offer prayers for ALL the wonderful PT companions. Animals are such a special gift from God! Please know that many prayers are being prayed for Puddy, Pidgie and you! :love:

[[[[[HUGS]]]]] to you and lots of lovies to your sweet kitties! :love:

Please keep us updated?

05-30-2008, 11:39 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about the results from the bloodwork. But as you mentioned, it might have been a blessing in disguise that Pidgie needed her mats shaved which prompted the bloodwork. It might give you more years with her this way.
I hope that her lion cut goes well and that she will be feeling more comfortable very soon.

Puddy is quite vocal when she's in pain and she hasn't cried at all, so I think she's perhaps uncomfortable. Since my gums have been giving me trouble lately, I can relate to what she's experiencing. It isn't painful, just a little uncomfortable.

Reading all your posts, Puddy sounds like a wonderful girl. If you looked up 'perfect, well behaved cat' in the dictionary, there should be a picture of her! I'm sorry that she may not be able to get her dental done. If she isn't able to, do you think she might enjoy soft style dry food? Or just wet food? You may already do this though. :)

Hoping that your girls have lots of time with you and that they will be comfortable and happy.

05-30-2008, 11:59 AM
If she isn't able to, do you think she might enjoy soft style dry food? Or just wet food? You may already do this though. :)


I gave her some soft treats and she turned her nose up at them, so I cooked some ground chicken and voila! she scarfed it down. I hope I didn't start a routine here but, if that's all she can eat, so be it. She does like canned kd but I'm out of it at the moment, so I'll continue to give her regular canned Fancy Feast and cooked chicken until I can get some kd. Nothing's too good for my Calico Queen. Pidgelet loves Greenies. When they gave her some at my vet's office, she went after them so fast, I thought "Geez, Pidge, they're gonna think I don't feed you". But, she weighs 13 lbs., so I don't think there's any danger of that. Puddy will eat the Greenies but because they're so hard, I don't know if she will. Dr. Lee said it would be good for teeth cleaning. The other tartar removal snacks don't appeal to her any more either, the little brat. :p

05-30-2008, 06:54 PM
The Dunn gang is offering lots of prayers for you, Puddy and Pidgie.

05-30-2008, 07:53 PM

As a thought, Mary...does the vet's office have a boarding area where they could be in the same room together? That way they have care - and you could see your son. Hopefully they could be on Clomicalm or even have a Feliway diffuser in the room.

I would certainly pitch in a bit to help with boarding fees.

You DESERVE that holiday to see your son...and you need it, too. Please check this with Dr Lee and see what he says.

Prayers and hugs to the kitties as well :love:...If Pidgie is in EARLY CRF at 18 1/2 years, sweetie, she'll be manageable for at LEAST several years, I would think.

And Puddy doesn't need the surgery, there are ways to make her teeth comfy. Greenies are good!

05-30-2008, 09:29 PM

As a thought, Mary...does the vet's office have a boarding area where they could be in the same room together? That way they have care - and you could see your son. Hopefully they could be on Clomicalm or even have a Feliway diffuser in the room.

I would certainly pitch in a bit to help with boarding fees.

You DESERVE that holiday to see your son...and you need it, too. Please check this with Dr Lee and see what he says.

Prayers and hugs to the kitties as well :love:...If Pidgie is in EARLY CRF at 18 1/2 years, sweetie, she'll be manageable for at LEAST several years, I would think.

And Puddy doesn't need the surgery, there are ways to make her teeth comfy. Greenies are good!

Oh goodness, Candace, that's so generous and so like you! I appreciate it immensely but I could never impose on anyone in that way. I don't know how his boarding kennels are set up but I do know that my old vet felt that, if my cats were going to be indoors, they didn't need to be immunized. So, not only would I have the boarding fees, I'd also have to get all of them up to date on their shots because they won't board them unless I do. I had to do it w/Pidge this week just so she could be groomed. So you can imagine the expense that would be for 7 cats. Right or wrong, it's not feasible to have all of them immunized at this point. But thank you again. You're quite a friend. :)

05-30-2008, 09:37 PM
What if the two that needed the most medical attention were boarded together and your catsitter looked after the others like you had planned?

05-30-2008, 09:42 PM
What if the two that needed the most medical attention were boarded together and your catsitter looked after the others like you had planned?

I thought about that, too, and it might be doable. I'll talk it over w/Dr. Lee when I take Pidge in next week and see what he says about boarding Puddy. However, when I mentioned it once before, he said that he felt it would stress her too much because she turns into a Tazmanian devil. He said that he has seen cats die from getting so upset and that Puddy is a prime candidate. I'm not trying to be difficult and bat down all your suggestions, truly I'm not. I just have a bad feeling about boarding Puddy, actually about leaving her at all at this point. Pidge will be ok; early CRF is manageable. I was just upset last night because it felt like it all was coming down on me at once. It's Puddy that's my main concern. But she's doing better than she was the last time she was at the vet hospital, so Dr. Lee may change his opinion, who knows.

05-30-2008, 09:48 PM
I completely understand. I can't/won't board Morgan because stress causes his sugar levels to increase. I'm going out of town for parts of 3 days in July and am trying to figure out who to have to come look after my babies. I'm usually the one that looks after everyone's pets. But I'm going to find someone I trust to come and look after him and pay them well because I don't want to risk having his sugar levels go up and having to go back on insulin. We're doing great now, I'm not rocking the boat. So I know exactly where you are coming from with being careful about boarding.

05-30-2008, 10:09 PM
I was thinking just boarding the two cats...and hopefully your catsitter could handle the rest. LET US CHIP IN OK??? Silly girl! :D

05-31-2008, 06:43 AM
I was thinking just boarding the two cats...and hopefully your catsitter could handle the rest. LET US CHIP IN OK??? Silly girl! :D

It isn't a sure thing that I'll be going out to LA for a visit anyhow. I'm having work done on my enclosed patio that started out w/just installing a new tile floor and it turned out to be a huge project due to ants, so I'm in the middle of that and that's a big expense. Plus I have blood in my mouth in the morning again and I've got to get that cleared up, so it may not be the best time for me to go. I appreciate all the encouragement, though, seriously. :)

05-31-2008, 11:17 AM
Oh gosh... I hope the girls will be ok.

I totally understand about not wanting to board them. I'd be so upset if I did that and then came home to find that one of my kids got so stressed he ended up deathly ill (or worse). I couldn't handle that one, that's for sure.

Will keep Pidge and Puddy in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs for you too, Mary!

06-01-2008, 12:35 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about the results of both of your girls bloodwork.:( I hope that they'll both continue to do well. I'll continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

06-01-2008, 05:33 PM
Good God, Mary. I'm just seeing all this now for the first time. You have really been walloped by the fates or whatever recently.

I'm so sorry you and your beloved Puddy and Pidgie (AND your other kitties AND your son) have to go through all this. I wish there was something I could do just to physically help ease the situation. You are so generous and kind with your love and caring for others, and now just one thing after another keeps happening to you.

Well, we are certainly adding to the prayers and singing our songs and doing our dances and saying our chants and sending along our very best wishes and healing energies. I also will be glad to chip in to help with expenses.

Love, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~,
Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and of course Priscilla Angel

06-01-2008, 05:41 PM
Good God, Mary. I'm just seeing all this now for the first time. You have really been walloped by the fates or whatever recently.

I'm so sorry you and your beloved Puddy and Pidgie (AND your other kitties AND your son) have to go through all this. I wish there was something I could do just to physically help ease the situation. You are so generous and kind with your love and caring for others, and now just one thing after another keeps happening to you.

Well, we are certainly adding to the prayers and singing our songs and doing our dances and saying our chants and sending along our very best wishes and healing energies. I also will be glad to chip in to help with expenses.

Love, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~,
Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and of course Priscilla Angel

Aw, thanx, Pat. There are people who have it a lot worse than I do. I'm pretty fortunate, actually, in that I have my son and a small group of close friends and my PT family and a really, good, caring vet. All in all, not that bad. Sometimes it feels that way when it all happens at once but after I calm down, I can see things in a better light. Your kind words mean a lot to me and I'll take all those prayers and songs and dances and chants and best wishes and healing energies gladly! :) The generosity of my PT family is so wonderful and, so far, I'm doing ok but if there comes a time when I'm backed into a corner and need help w/my Fur Posse, I'll give a holler.

06-03-2008, 07:35 AM
I'll soon be leaving to take Pidge in for her IV drip to prepare her for getting her lion cut tomorrow. She's never been away from home over night so I feel pretty nervous about this but it has to be done. She's so sensitive, sweet girl; I hope she doesn't carry a grudge. If you have a minute, please say a prayer that all will go well for my Pidgelet.

06-03-2008, 07:39 AM
You have all the prayers from the CREW and I. Good luck.

06-03-2008, 08:34 AM
Awe... prayers for Pidgie on the way!

06-03-2008, 11:33 AM
It's been depressing in more ways than one. It poured buckets the entire way there and back and Pidge cried the same cry as when I first rescued her 16 years ago. If you could hear it, it's heartbreaking. Back then, I put on a tape by Wynona and as soon as Pidge heard one particular song, the name of which I can't recall right now, she stopped crying. When the song ended, Pidge cried, so I played the song over and over and over again on the ride to the emergency clinic and back home again. Today she cried the same way, so I turned on my favorite country station and Trace Adkins was singing "You're Gonna Miss This" and immediately Pidge stopped crying. As soon as Trace stopped singing, however, she cried again. So looks like my girl likes country music. :p

On the way home, the vet's office called me w/the estimate: $350. Lovely. So I'm already into this thing for nearly $500 just to have her get a lion cut! Well, seeing that I've never spent money on vet care for her other than routine checkups and an allergic reaction to paint last year, I'd say that Pidge has earned this extra special treatment. The reason it's so expensive is because of the type of sedation that I've chosen for her. She'll only be out for 20 minutes and she'll start to slowly come out of it even while they're still grooming her. Plus I'm having a urinalysis done to determine if she is indeed in early CRF or if she just happened to be dehydrated that day for some unknown reason. She has to spend the night, too, because they started the IV drip today to be sure she's hydrated. I told one of the women there about how she likes country music and she said "Well, we'll just be sure to have country music playing while she's here." Now, how sweet is that! That's why I like Dr. Lee's clinic so much. They all are so nice and truly do love animals.

So I'll pick her up tomorrow, probably around 5:00 or so, maybe sooner if they get her done earlier. My Law of Abundance check had better kick in quick! :p

06-03-2008, 11:38 AM
My Law of Abundance check had better kick in quick! :p

If mine works, I'll share :)

You're such a great Mom. Pidgie has good taste in music.

06-03-2008, 11:38 AM
It sounds like she'll be in very good hands.:) I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

06-03-2008, 11:41 AM
If mine works, I'll share :)


You're such a great Mom. Pidgie has good taste in music.

Well, according to my old neighbor, she had been a farm cat so she probably heard country music all the time.

06-03-2008, 02:57 PM
Goodluck Pidge!!! You will wake up looking beautiful and feeling refreshed! :)

06-04-2008, 12:29 PM
Goodluck Pidge!!! You will wake up looking beautiful and feeling refreshed! :)

I'm gonna need your help w/this one, Jen. I have to figure out how to keep this from happening again. I've tried every type of brush, comb and gadget to try to make it easier on Pidge when grooming her but nothing seems to help. Now that she'll be shaved, as her fur grows in, is there a brush that you would recommend that I use?

I called my vet's office this morning and told them that we had discussed leaving her tail as is because it wasn't as bad as the rest of her body but when I thought about it, I thought she'd look worse w/a lion cut and a long tail. So I called them to say to go ahead and shave the tail, too, and leave the little ball on the end but they had her done already. This is different from what they told me yesterday. They said they wouldn't get to her until noon. I feel so bad about this. She's gonna look so wonky. I guess as long as she feels better and there's no danger of getting sores, that's all I should be concerned about. But she's always been such a pretty girl w/a really thick coat and I feel bad that it's come to this.

I'll pick her up at 5:00 and take some pix when we get home, if she'll let me.

06-04-2008, 01:19 PM
Mary - all you can do is get her used to gentle combing as the fur starts growing out...maybe find a 'grooming mitt' and wait til the fur grows a bit, then use that as part of your patting and affection routine! :)

Looking forward to the pics of Miss Elegance! :)

06-04-2008, 02:22 PM
Mary - all you can do is get her used to gentle combing as the fur starts growing out...maybe find a 'grooming mitt' and wait til the fur grows a bit, then use that as part of your patting and affection routine! :)

Looking forward to the pics of Miss Elegance! :)

Got one of those, too. I've just resigned myself to the fact that it's probably going to be a struggle. After a $500 expenditure for, essentially, a haircut, I'll use a rake on her if I have to! LOL

06-04-2008, 02:31 PM
It may not be a struggle...if you just 'start all over' and use the glove gently, she won't have any tangles to hurt her for a long time. Hopefully she will get more used to it. And maybe, just maybe, you will be able to prevent almost all of the tangles.

06-04-2008, 05:14 PM
She's pacing so much that I can't get a really good pic of her. She looks kinda cute. At least that's what I'm choosing to tell myself. Actually, I could cry. She had such beautiful long fur, "had" being the operative word, I guess. They really couldn't even do a lion cut on her because her mats were so bad. They trimmed her tail and shaved the rest, except for her head. I can tell that she feels better, though, so that's what's important.

I spoke w/one of the other vets because Dr. Lee isn't in today. She said that Pidge probably is in early CRF but there's no medication to be given to her at this time. She recommended that I start her on KD and maybe give her subQ's once a week, at my discretion. I just don't know if I want to do that, at least right now. I'm going to give her fur a chance to grow out a little bit before I stress her w/that.

So, I've enclosed some pix. If I can catch her later when she's calmed down and stopped pacing, I'll try again. Meanwhile, Boo is following her everywhere and the rest of the cats aren't sure who she is. Boo loves her no matter what. He's her man.

The first pic was taken yesterday before her shave cut, obviously. You can see how bad the matting was; her hair is even standing up. The second two are the best pix but, as I said, I'll try to get more later. She does look cute but I want my old Pidgie Pie back.

Boo Bear is so sweet. He's grooming her right now. I tried to get a pic and he walked away.

06-04-2008, 06:15 PM
she is so beautiful mary...before and after...she must feel better without those hair tanlges.they really can hurt terribly.
some cats can't even sleep because the pain is so bad from matting...it hurts!
i need to do colby all the time.

06-04-2008, 06:24 PM
she is so beautiful mary...before and after...she must feel better without those hair tanlges.they really can hurt terribly.
some cats can't even sleep because the pain is so bad from matting...it hurts!
i need to do colby all the time.

Thank you. I guess I needed to hear that. All that's left of her pretty red hair is a little bit on the top of her head. She's still my sweet green eyed lady.

06-04-2008, 06:30 PM
she looks GOOD !.. and I mean really good!!!!! You will begin to love the feel of the fur after the initial visual shock wears off.
You will not want to take your hands off her. And she will feel SOOOOOOO much better!!

As for maintaining the grooming, PREVENTION is the key. The best tool available in my book is a "shedding comb". It is a metal pet comb with alternating long and short teeth. And a small sized metal bristled slicker brush.

Don't fret about daily grooming, just use the slicker brush over her body for short lenghts of time, as she allows, to get any hair that is shedding, out. Hair that is shed but stays in the coat is what causes 99% of all mats.

When the hair becomes long enough that the shedding comb is usedful, do the same. Use it to remove as much "dead" hair as she will allow.

When you feel a small knot, even a tiny one, use the comb to remove it. Otherwise it WILL grow to the point where it can no longer be simply combed out.

Enjoy her. She looks GREAT!!!

06-04-2008, 06:36 PM
Thanx, Jen, I appreciate your kind words and your advice a lot. I can tell that she feels good, spunky even. She's kinda scampering around now. I have a bristled slicker brush and the Furminator. Is the Furminator considered a shedding comb or should I get something else? I've stopped brushing them every day because I thought maybe I was being a tad obsessive, so I do it twice a week and clip claws every other week. I also have a soft bristled brush that I thought I might use on her just to see if it feels good to her. She used to love being groomed. She'd roll over on her back and let me brush her belly and everything. Hopefully, now that she feels so much better, she'll be more cooperative.

06-04-2008, 06:52 PM
A Furminator is completely different from the shedding comb I use. It might work, but I have never used one.

Pictured here


is a combination comb. The top half is the shedder. OR this one


Slicker brush like this


or this


06-04-2008, 06:55 PM
A Furminator is completely different from the shedding comb I use. It might work, but I have never used one.

Pictured here


is a combination comb. The top half is the shedder. OR this one


Slicker brush like this


or this


I have all but the first one but when I run errands on Friday, I'll stop at Pet Supplies Plus and get one. I don't ever want my girl to go through this again. Thank you again, Jen. :)

06-04-2008, 06:58 PM
I have all but the first one but when I run errands on Friday, I'll stop at Pet Supplies Plus and get one. I don't ever want my girl to go through this again. Thank you again, Jen. :)

Just for clarification, you do not NEED a combination comb. (the first picture) I just used it to show what the teeth should look like. ANY comb with the alternating short and long teeth, will be good.

06-04-2008, 07:00 PM
Just for clarification, you do not NEED a combination comb. (the first picture) I just used it to show what the teeth should look like. ANY comb with the alternating short and long teeth, will be good.

Ok, I understand. I just figured I'd get one anyhow because the one I have apparently doesn't do the job. :)

06-04-2008, 07:07 PM
Pidge is, as always, absolutely beautiful with her new hair-do! She must feel much better now that all those nasty mats and tangles are gone! What a sweet and lovely kitty girl she is!!!! Groucho hates to be groomed. When I groom him I use a shedding blade and comb. During the grooming process I talk softly to him saying how handsome he is and that he's going to be even more handsome once we're finished, how much I love him and what a good boy he is. I try to combine grooming with plenty of lovies and a few treats hoping to make this something positive for him. When he wants to get down I let him go.

Hey there Miss Pidgie, You look so beautiful with your lion cut! On you it looks absolutely gorgeous and I'm sure that once the other kitty girls see your hair cut they're going to want one just like it! Lots of scritchies and lovies being sent just for you, pretty girl!!!:love: :love:

06-04-2008, 07:36 PM
She looks lovely! Really! And how SWEET that Boo loves her, no matter what. I am sure his attention and grooming her is really helping her feel wonderful.

I also swear by the shedding blade...somehow I never used one, then I bought one at a Pet Expo.

Used it for less than two minutes on Cole and had enough fur to knit a kitten!

REALLY keeps the fur down around the house too. :)

06-04-2008, 08:32 PM
She looks fantastic!!! Jorgie looked like the the 2nd time I had him shaved. I did the pom on his tail the first time and I thought he looked funny, but I liked the long fur on the tail.

I'm glad she feels better!!

06-04-2008, 09:08 PM
Oh Pidgie, you look gorgeous! And you must feel so much better.

06-04-2008, 09:22 PM
*blush* Hello, Pidge! prrr... uhh... isn't summer wonderful? All those breezes, with the windows open; interesting sounds and fresh air. Um - prrr - I'm sorry, dear, I'm a boofy old fluffmonster who gets embarrassed at the slightest bald spot. But anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better. Mats and tangles are the worst, believe me, I know! A fresh start will make having a luxurious coat so much more comfy. *blush* I'm glad you have a loving family to look after you. You're beautiful, and - uh - prrrr - I hope you're feeling happy. I wish I could share my Crustacean Crunch treats with you.

Love, Smudge

06-04-2008, 09:27 PM
I'm glad to see that she's now home and doing and feeling much better.:) Hopefully she'll learn to love being brushed and combed again so that matting won't ever happen again. Good luck.:)

06-04-2008, 10:29 PM
Aww, I also think Pidge is cute with or without the long hair. She feels better and won't get any nasty sores, so that's the good thing. :)

06-04-2008, 10:41 PM
I took a few more pix, albeit they're not very good either. I have a really cheap, cheezy camera. If I can get a break w/vet and medical bills, I'll get a new one soon. Pidge, of course, kept moving, so this is the best I could do. In the first pic, her facial expression says it all: You're pushin' your luck, Mom. She's pretty cute for 18 1/2, yes? :)

06-05-2008, 04:56 AM
She looks d*** good for 18 1/2! She looks around 10 to me. She will be so happy and cool this summer with that new haircut. You're a good mom!!!!!!

06-05-2008, 07:08 AM
Boy, did I have a scare this morning! Everyone came upstairs except Pidge, so I waited for a few minutes and still no Pidge, so I went downstairs and she was still in the same spot as when I left her last night. I watched her and couldn't tell if she was breathing, so I softly called her name. Nothing. I lightly put my hand on her back and it scared her so bad that she jumped up in the air and bit me! She didn't break the skin but she got me good. Poor little girl has been traumatized by this whole thing, probably because she had to spend the night at the vet hospital. On the drive home yesterday, she was crying loudly, so I put a CD in of a chant that sounds like a lullaby and it kept her calm. She's so sensitive!

06-05-2008, 08:16 AM
awww....she's probably still a little sedated. I remember when my older cat Rocky got his teeth cleaned, the anesthesia lasted longer than when he was a youngie. I'll bet you were relieved when she moved; even if it was to bite you :eek:

06-05-2008, 12:07 PM
Pidgiekins, sweetheart, welcome home!

06-05-2008, 03:13 PM
Today was a driving day and there was a Popeye's chicken on the way home, so I bought some take out. (I love their red beans and rice.) I got a couple of wings to go and I think I may have had a taste of it, I can't recall. :p My Pidgelet was the first in line so, of course, she got first dibs, immediately followed by my chicken junkie Puddy and the rest of the Fur Posse. It's so nice to have things back to normal again.

Thank you, my dear PT friends, for all your prayers and support. Pidgie Pie says "thank you", too. :love:

06-05-2008, 06:53 PM
Mary, Pidgie is still just as beautiful. She will feel so much better. She doesn't look her age and that is a testimony to how well you love and care for her and all you fur babies. Give her a scritch from the Dunn gang and we will keep her in our prayers.

06-05-2008, 11:00 PM
Pidgie looks so cute and I'm sure she is feeling so much more comfortable without all that pulling on her skin. I bet she was sleeping so soundly this morning because of the residual effects of the anesthesia and probably because she is just plain exhausted from the whole ordeal. I'm so glad that it's over and done with and she can be cozy at home and be with her family and her main man Boo!
Do you think she might be feeling a little naked since the dematting? Maybe a little fleece top would help her feel cozy until her coat grows in a bit. :)

I too think she looks incredible for 18 1/2 years!!! She obviously gets the very best of care! ;)

06-06-2008, 06:57 AM
Do you think she might be feeling a little naked since the dematting? Maybe a little fleece top would help her feel cozy until her coat grows in a bit. :)

I wondered about that, too, especially since I gave in yesterday and turned on the AC because it was so humid. I have a special blanket that they all like to lie on in winter and I put her on it but she moved from it, so I guess she's ok. She's always been a little hot blooded anyhow. :p

I can tell that she feels so much better now. Yesterday she kept jumping up on my lap and she's never been a lap cat. She has always liked to sit beside me and put her front paws on my lap but she was all the way on yesterday and she did it several times. It's almost as though she was saying 'thank you'. I want to get her used to being lightly brushed so that the matting doesn't happen again. I don't want to put her through that again and my finances can't take it. The total w/shots, anesthesia, overnight stay, etc. came to $665.93. That's an awfully 'spensive haircut! She's a rock star! :p She's worth it, though.

06-06-2008, 09:50 AM
The total w/shots, anesthesia, overnight stay, etc. came to $665.93. That's an awfully 'spensive haircut! She's a rock star! :p She's worth it, though.

:eek: WOW!!! :eek:
That is expensive!

06-06-2008, 12:46 PM
A couple of cats at the shelter and one I am pet-sitting right now have gotten lion cuts recently because of long, matted fur. They all look so much better, they're obviously much more comfortable, and their fur is like velvet to touch! I'm sure Pidgie is just the same. Please give her some more tender strokes and head-bumps from us!

Pat and cats

06-07-2008, 07:09 AM
Someone posted about Crustacean Crunch tartar control treats so I bought a box and, wow, do they ever love it, including Ms. Finicky Puddy! Apparently, it doesn't bother her that much to eat them. I'm using the Chlorhexadine on her gums and she's a real champ at letting me pull up her lip, expose her gums and squirt the solution onto her gums. And Pidgelet acts as though it's her last meal. I've never seen her move so fast to get those treats! In the meantime, God help me if I run out of the CC! Thanx to whomever mentioned it. (I'm sorry, I'm too lazy to go back and find the post.)