View Full Version : Little Miss Innocent

05-20-2008, 08:39 AM
Callie is working out so well here. There are two distinct Callies: the one who is sweet and innocent and lays around like a good girl.


And there is the Callie that loves to torment the kitties of the household.


Mind you, if THEY didn't react to her, SHE wouldn't react to them. As evidence by this photo

So far only Pouncer and Harry have figured this little concept out. Yet, they occasionally still hiss and swat at her... I think its more for fun because we've witnessed both boys running full-tilt after her. She immediately retreats once they start charging!

I know this is doggy side, but this is Pouncer's typically vantage point when watching Callie:

AND....... of course my little girl went into heat on Saturday. I've never had a pet go into heat before so this is all new to me. I wish I had gotten her a month sooner because she'd be spayed by now if I had gotten her... I just couldn't get an appointment for another 2 weeks. Last thing I want is little Callies running around. She tried to "make friends" with a chi during our walk yesterday. Can you imagine chi/golden/poodle mixes? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Anyhow, all is well, unless you're a cat in my household, then pretty much life is terrifying. I know she'll be awesome once they stop hissing at her. She sits on a dime and stays when we tell her to do so to keep her from leaping at them, so its not her fault.... its the hissers'!!!

Pawsitive Thinking
05-20-2008, 09:05 AM
Hey Callie - I am sure those kitties are just hissing to get you into trouble ;) (talking of which, you behave yourself young lady)

Glad to see you are doing so well

05-20-2008, 09:21 AM
Those pictures are great!
Those kitties sure mean business!:D

4 Dog Mother
05-20-2008, 09:41 AM
Oh those pictures are just darling. Callie is so darn cute! I love that face of hers. She can come live here anytime and you can tell her there are not cats to bother her ... but she better want some siblings because she will have 5 here plus 3 nieces and two little humans to make her life even more exciting. I love the picture of the cat looking down at her from the cat tree.

05-20-2008, 10:16 AM
You really captured life of the cats with a new dog in the house. This is a riot and I can only imagine that things are never dull around your house. I'm absolutely in love with Callie. Her haircut is perfect for her. I hope you will keep having her trimmed in that manner. It is just so cute. Brings a bit of a terrier to the mix.

05-20-2008, 12:45 PM
She is adorable! I'm so very glad she has worked out for all of you.

05-20-2008, 07:39 PM
I am happy to hear Callie is beginning to fit in, though I must admit.. the looks on the cats' faces are priceless. :D It brings back memories.
Callie is simply adorable, and I can not wait to see more of her in the future!

05-21-2008, 06:03 AM
Callie we all know it is the Hissers fault, no pup with a face as sweet as yours could be naughty. I could just come snuggle with you and that beautiful wavy coat of yours. :love:

05-21-2008, 10:50 AM

She is the spitting image of my childhood dog, Samantha, who was a purebred Airedale Terrier. She had the best temperament and was a real lovebug. I miss her!!

Callie is simply PRECIOUS!!!!!!! She looks like she's part Airedale, or terrier of some kind in her. She's fitting right in, Kim.

05-21-2008, 11:38 AM
Hmmmm, where have I been? I didn't know you even had her. She's cute. I love her mix. I'm sure the kitties will get used to her. They always like a little drama. Can you throw in one of the princess? I don't care if it's one of her sleeping. Just been a while and I'd love to see her, if she's up to it.

05-21-2008, 07:12 PM
Her haircut is perfect for her. I hope you will keep having her trimmed in that manner. It is just so cute. Brings a bit of a terrier to the mix.

Yeah, I'm surprised at how terrier-like she looks. I was disappointed in the cut at first because I wanted to keep the shaggy top, but now I love the clean look. I think I'll be able to maintain this cut myself too.... after a few really bad turns of the scissors where there won't be pictures of her for a few weeks afterwards :p

She's supposed to be a golden doodle, but she's so small. Based on how many puppy mills there are around here, I wouldn't be at all surprised to know she's got a healthy dose of terrier in her. It doesn't matter what her pedigree, she's an absolute charmer.

Last night was the first night she spent with us in bed.... lets just say it was a looong night for everyone, especially the cats. She'd been spending the nights with my son but he went to visit a friend and he wasn't home to keep her company in the room. She busted out of the room. So we set up a baby gate at the bottom of the steps. She crawled under it (TIGHT fit, we have no idea how she managed it!) Then we set up a baby gate in another room. She leapt over it. So we tried to see if she wanted to sleep with Cameron... those two are kindred spirits so all we heard was giggling, barking, and lots of bumps in the night.

By morning, the cats were hissing at each other under the bed... so they all got a nice dose of anti-stress meds. They are much happier this afternoon. Pouncer even slept on the bed under the covers until Callie jumped on the bed to chew her bone and heard the lump growl at her. :rolleyes:

05-21-2008, 07:18 PM
Hmmmm, where have I been? I didn't know you even had her. She's cute. I love her mix. I'm sure the kitties will get used to her. They always like a little drama. Can you throw in one of the princess? I don't care if it's one of her sleeping. Just been a while and I'd love to see her, if she's up to it.

My pleasure! :)



She is doing SO WELL since Callie came. She is DETERMINED to keep up with Callie on walks.... for a few blocks that is. Hey, thats major progess because a month ago, I couldn't get her to walk more than one block. I even spied her putting her front paws on the dresser to eat the wet food the cats didn't eat. I haven't seen her attempt that in years. :eek:

PS: Has anyone noticed my camera isn't taking as good photos lately? I dropped it and everything seems less clear and the color saturation isn't the same. I called the warranty and they're sending me a box to return the camera to them this week... just checking to see if anyone else noticed anything.

Here's a photo of her from about 2 months ago:
Noticed crisper image and colors? I know this has flash and the other doesn't but even with flash it seems "flat"

05-22-2008, 08:19 AM
You mean little Miss Cutie!

I love that last cat pic.

05-22-2008, 11:14 PM
She looks so good here! So glad to see her and hear she's doing a bit better. I'm glad Callie has been good for her. I love that one of her in the bed. I'd love to snuggle with her. Give her plenty of :love: from me.

05-23-2008, 12:02 AM
such a cutie! :D