View Full Version : Dell and Blue Tooth

05-17-2008, 08:56 AM
Once again, Blue Tooth is going haywire. Either my keyboard freezes or my maus does. I've got them both working again but I'm not holding my breath. Seeing that my office is in my home, whenever Blue Tooth goes out, it causes major problems. Sometimes I get email and can't reply because the keyboard won't work and I have to reconnect it. Other times I can't even open my email because the maus won't work. I've replaced batteries in both devices, so that isn't the problem. If it keeps up, my computer guy will have to take my computer and fix it yet again. So...if you email me and I don't reply, that's why. :mad:

05-17-2008, 11:43 AM
I've heard in lots of places that Bluetooth has to be the worst wireless platform ever invented. But, thats off topic. Is there anything between your Keyboard/Mouse and the receiver? Is there any speakers or monitors near the receiver?

05-17-2008, 12:11 PM
Is there anything between your Keyboard/Mouse and the receiver? Is there any speakers or monitors near the receiver?

Nope. I've had nothing but problems w/Bluetooth on my computer. The last time this happened, Dell had me on the phone for 4 hours, count 'em, 4! They had me completely dismantle my tower and put it back together and it still didn't solve the problem. I have on site tech support but only for software and this is a hardware problem, so I had to call my faithful computer guy. Thank goodness for him. When my friend calls me on her Bluetooth set, I can't understand a word she's saying. It sounds as though she's under water. I won't make this mistake again, that's for sure. I don't know which I dislike more, Bluetooth or Dell.