View Full Version : Pic of Rosie - my foster

05-15-2008, 01:15 PM
Hi all,

I thought I would post pictures of Rosie, my foster. When I originally posted pictures of the pups coming up, Rosie was supposed to be a beagle mix with short hair. What we ended up getting from the shelter instead was this pup. Looks like the shelter got a couple of pups mixed up during transport, so the beagle pup went to a different rescue group and we got this one. To avoid having to redo her listing completely - I just kept the same name. She is a real sweetheart, but she is a SCREAMER in her crate. She is getting better since I just ignore it until she stops, but as soon as she hears me stir in the morning (and sometimes in the middle of the night) - she just starts with the most jarring high pitched screech. :eek: I just hope whoever adopts her won't allow her to get away with it, or she is going to be a real challenge when she gets older.

Anyone want to make a guess as to what breeds she might be?


05-15-2008, 01:18 PM
Looks a little like a norwegian elkhound?

So...it sounds like you and I are having similar sleep disturbances :) I can't believe my life has turned into tiptoeing around at night so as not to wake the puppy :)

Scooter's Mom
05-15-2008, 01:47 PM
She's a little doll; that's her breed! :)

05-15-2008, 03:51 PM
OMG she's beautiful!!

I can see norwegian elkhound in her!
I've attached a pic of one as a puppy.

05-15-2008, 05:35 PM
That sweet, adorable face screeches? Oh no, you must be mistaken, not her. That must be some other dog who comes in the middle of the night, te hee.

She is going to be easy to rehome, I expect. Maybe require and experienced dog owner? Or, you could always keep her a week or two; I don't think it takes long to break that habit, when they are young. Or maybe I am forgetting, haven't had a puppy in almost 40 years!

05-16-2008, 05:09 PM
Kind of hard to tell the breed yet, but she's adorable.:D She will probably
get over the crying after she gets settled somewhere. Best of luck Rosie.:)