View Full Version : What type of dog do you have?

05-14-2008, 12:05 PM
I don't mean breed, I mean personality. For example as most of you know I have 3. This is how I would class them.

Sheena: She is the serious one. She takes her job seriously, she takes being where ever I am seriously, she takes watching over the boys and making sure they don't play too rough seriously(she will stop their play if she thinks it is too rough) She even takes her play time seriously like flyball and agility. For Sheena every thing is serious.

Ajax: I would class as a clown with a spark of seriousness. But he is still a pup. When he is training he is serious. When he is not training he is all clown. He will do anything he can to make you laugh. If he was a person I would say his job would have been a comedian.

Luca: He is a clown when off duty, meaning when we are home. He then loves everyone and will play and love up to anyone. But when he is on duty, meaning when we are not home or I am home alone he is very serious about his job of protecting the house and me. He alerts me to every sound and makes sure no one comes in when we are not here. We had problems with that twice before we got him. He is an awsome dog.

So how would you class your dogs personality?

05-14-2008, 12:06 PM
Buddy is a velcro guard dog and Sierra is a drama queen.

05-14-2008, 12:13 PM
So far...Sunny is a bold scardy cat (pup) :)

Ginger's Mom
05-14-2008, 12:25 PM
Ginger is a very timid dog who loves being outside. She enjoys going to the park and dog park, but doesn't like being the center of attention or being touched by the strangers. As a matter of fact, when she visits a new place or is around a lot of unknown people she drools excessively out of fear. The only thing that will calm her down is a good game of ball.

05-14-2008, 12:30 PM
I told you I think Sunny will grow up to be like Ginger :)...Is it a white dog thing? My Stryker (white husky mix) was shy too. hehe

Louie and me
05-14-2008, 12:36 PM
Louie is a "creature of habit". He likes to have a set routine and if you forget what that routine is he will remind you in no uncertain terms.
5am - outside to relieve himself;
6:30am out again for a walk and a dump;
6:45am food;
12 - lunch;
4pm - outside to relieve himself;
5:30pm food;
6:30pm a walk round the block;
7-8pm playtime;
9pm one more trip outside and done for the night.
I kid you not - you could set your clock's by him. When there is a time change - adjust this routine by one hour.....

05-14-2008, 12:41 PM
Rocky - he is the laid back, obdient one. He loves to greet you at the door with a shoe, a piece of paper, anything when you get home! :) It's so cute. He enjoys going walking and we have took him camping onto trips before since he loves it, plus he is almost 12 years old. he's went with us to lakes, camping, and to family reunions. he acts like a puppy running in the water and the field. :) he's very submissive! he never makes a peep unless he feels he has to (when strangers are out and about stuff like that)

Jenny - she's mostly laid back, but the most stubborn, yet sweethearted dog you will ever meet. :love: She also loves going for walks, we have only taken her to the lake a couple of times she just turned 10. the reason why we have only taken her a couple times is because she has a tendency to run away and be a brat. ;)

the last time we took her to the lake she got a fish hook stuck in her mouth and we had to take her to the emergency vet. she was fine but all she wanted was that piece of fish, not the hook in her mouth. She is so overly friendly! She wouldn't hurt a fly, she's very protective of us though. :love:

Ginger is the kind of tempermental one. She is so prissy it's so funny! She loves digging in the kiddie pool in the summer when the hose is in it and she will stay outside all day and "bite" the water that comes out of the hose if you let her. it's so cute. :) She's a sweetie, when she wants to be. she isn't big on other dogs but loves our cat, Tiger. :)

Buster is the silly, goofy big browned eyed boy. He is very sweet, but only if he knows you. He's not very fond of strangers, or my brother who has been here countless times. He just doesn't like him for some reason! He is VERY protective, he doesn't like kids, but he LOVES us. He loves to go for walks, car rides (they all do!), and he loves to sun his butt on the couch in the living room. You would swear it was a job he looks so comfortable! :)

Rudy is the most annoying to another animals one. He will pick on the other dogs and cats and think he's having a ball but they hate it. Miagi is the only one that will play with him. ;) He is sweet when he wants to be, but he's really fiesty. he's a puppy! I don't really "know" his personality too much since we've only had him for 6 weeks but he is a love bug. (again when he wants to be! ;))

05-14-2008, 12:43 PM
I say about my dog that she takes things too seriously and has no sense of humor, lol.

Pet Art (http://sitekreator.com/waterart/petart.html)

Ginger's Mom
05-14-2008, 12:47 PM
I told you I think Sunny will grow up to be like Ginger :)...Is it a white dog thing? My Stryker (white husky mix) was shy too. hehe

How can they not know how pretty they are, and how much people want to touch them? :D ;)

05-14-2008, 12:49 PM
I told you I think Sunny will grow up to be like Ginger :)...Is it a white dog thing? My Stryker (white husky mix) was shy too. hehe

Nope. My whites aren't. It is just a personality to each particular dog.

05-14-2008, 01:26 PM
Kaedyn's my serious one. He's always keeping an eye on everyone, making sure nothing gets out of hand. He also guards the house from squirrels and cats.

Kai is very well balanced. He has a great sense of humour and is a goof ball at times, but he also knows when it's time to be serious and work. He's very mellow.

Keeva is a psycho. She never sleeps, and lives for agility.

05-14-2008, 01:36 PM
Mickey, my border collie mix, is an excellent watch dog and a bit on the vigilant side. She barks at new people but after a few minutes she's fine w/them especially if they know where to scratch or have treats. With me, she is a cuddlebug and will plop her front paws on my lap when sitting next to me on the couch. She follows me everywhere and if she hasn't seen for a bit, she'll come looking for me. I love her to death!

Pawsitive Thinking
05-14-2008, 02:06 PM
Tobey is the slightly insecure, hyperactive one and Archie is the more laid back but in charge one!

05-14-2008, 02:36 PM
Tobey is the slightly insecure, hyperactive one and Archie is the more laid back but in charge one!

Perfect descriptions of my two, with Ripley being the insecure, hyperactive one and Bella being laid back and the one Ripley looks up to. Ripley is also my velcro dog but that could be in part due to his insecurity. I don't mind one bit though. He may be goofy but I love him anyway. :)

Angie I am laughing at your description of Sierra as a drama queen! :D

05-14-2008, 02:50 PM
Angie I am laughing at your description of Sierra as a drama queen! :D

Oh Pam... she is 100% D-R-A-M-A!!
When I get home from work I get "Howled and Wooed" at for 15 minutes, I'm pretty sure she's not telling me how happy she is that I'm home from work. I'm sure she's telling me off for being gone!
If she is playing with Buddy and he's getting too rough, she'll yelp and jump up holding a paw up and walk to me for sympathy (with no limp) and holds her paw up again, and sometimes she forget's and hold up the wrong paw. :rolleyes:

finn's mom
05-14-2008, 02:52 PM
Finn's the All American Huckleberry Finn. He's always up for an adventure, even if it's mischievous (especially so sometimes).

Freckles is the too-smart-for-her-own-good, hyper sensitive one.

Dudley is a lover AND a fighter, depending on who he's dealing with and what he's dealing with.

05-14-2008, 03:21 PM
Mini - Worry Wart - She's extremely concerned about her family at all times. Extremly clingy and loves to please. Alll around good natured, easy going and serious for the most part. If you're mowing the lawn, she's right behind you. If you take her to the dog park, she's right behind you. If you're swimming at the lake, she's crying at the dock. If you're swimming in the pool, she's not too far away making sure everyone's okay. She gets nervous easily. She loves fish. Fish in fish tanks, in lakes, anything. They're her favorite, just like my dad, she adores him.

Kyra - The Spaz - She is something else. Loves to play ball and run around like a maniac. She's super smart and thinks allllll the time. She knows where every single toy of hers is at all times. She doesn't like strangers or other dogs. She doesn't like to come when she's called 3/4 of the time. She thinks she's 300lbs. The only dog I've met who masterbates constantly. :o She loves her Mini, and adored Shadow. She's 100% my mom's dog. She hates obeying orders. She never eats, gets cold too easily, likes to stick her little tongue up your nose and scream like there's no tomorrow. She's just a weird, weird, dog in general.

Micki - The Scrooge - He can be EXTREMELY cuddly when he wants to be. He often greets with nibbles to the ears and nose. He also is a growler. He'll growl at the vacuum, he'll growl if he's on the couch, he'll growl if you move in bed (he sleeps with brother Adam and he claims that Micki gets 3/4 of his full sized bed), he'll growl if you say hello to a kitty, but he's all talk. He also loves to bark and bark and bark. He'll bark when he's in the car at big trucks driving by, he'll bark to say hello if you're not paying attention, he'll bark when he wants his dinner, he'll bark to hear himself. The only downside really is that he has so many health problems, allergies, chronic lameness and ear problems. He loves to please though and loves to learn. And chasing/killing critters is his most favorite thing in the whole world. Besides riding on the Motorcycle or Quad.

Jack - The Challenge - He's dominant, pushy, talks back, can be extremely stubborn, won't talk to me in public, and thinks the world revolves around his pretty face. But is the love of my life. Sometimes I think he loves me as much as I love him. Like today, I got my Wisdom teeth out and he's been playing doctor all day. He won't leave me alone, won't even leave to go outside. He's MY dog. He's loveable, cuddable and likes to make me happy. He gets angry when I leave him (usually destroys my room or pees on my bed). He's a pest (will only play with toys other dogs have), and is Mini's bestest friend, she keeps him in line. He's a food-aholic who lives for food. He'll do things only because I want him to, like play fetch or go swimming. He loves to learn and loves agility. He has the most annoying bark in the world, and I think he continues to do it because everybody laughs when they hear it. ;)

05-14-2008, 03:26 PM
I don't have a dog, but I'm loving this topic!!

Thanks, Nicole for starting it, and to everyone else for the fun afternoon.

05-14-2008, 03:36 PM
Jack - He has the most annoying bark in the world, and I think he continues to do it because everybody laughs when they hear it. ;)

Oh come on! I LOVE his bark! It's one of a kind! :D
And just WHAT does Kyra do constantly? :eek:

05-14-2008, 03:40 PM
Oh come on! I LOVE his bark! It's one of a kind! :D
And just WHAT does Kyra do constantly? :eek:

LOL... I was just like you on that one....LOL...

and I would love to hear Jack´s bark

Ginger's Mom
05-14-2008, 03:43 PM
Oh come on! I LOVE his bark! It's one of a kind! :D
And just WHAT does Kyra do constantly? :eek:

Okay, now I am really curious to hear Jack bark. :)

Haha, Ginger has a Mr. Humpy, which she uses most evenings. We were babysitting a friend's dogs and Ginger taught Kodi how to use Mr. Humpy. :o Fortunately Kodi's mom thought it was funny. :cool:

05-14-2008, 03:47 PM
well my two are so opposite...

Ninja: is so dominant but yet so calm, she has her phases.... she barely barely makes a sound other than barking at strangers whereas they are dogs or people and whinning to kids playing outside.... even she chases her tail and nips at it while barking I think she gets overexcited....she´s always guarding, she´s our centinel.... and she´s sooooo into food...

China: well..... China is so submissive but also very sweet... if you make a sudden movement she´lll flip out and run for her life.... she´s like yes i wanna play but not to rough I get scared...even she´s so nervous all the pups she has produced have been so well tempered... she´s a talker... she´ll howl and rooo at anything anytime everytime.... she loves ball so much she has the mission to destroy them all LOL.... and she´s my houdini, she´ll slip into the tiniest hole and squeeze herself to the other side...

05-14-2008, 03:51 PM
Great topic, Nicole!

Sugar mostly just wants petting. She can never have enough petting.

Lacey is all fun. When's the next ball game, what are we doing next, where can we go.:rolleyes:

Marlin feels someone HAS to be in control at ALL times and usually that someone is him. Hence his nickname, General Patton. He is just SO bossy! If we are all outside (now the weather is nice) and he decides to come in, EVERYONE, me, dad and dogs, MUST come in NOW.

Ozzy is such a gentleman. As long as he knows where I'm at, he is happy.

They are all velcro dogs, but that is due to them being bichons. Lacey is glued to me, the others are alright as much as 6 feet away from me. :rolleyes:

05-14-2008, 03:53 PM
Oh come on! I LOVE his bark! It's one of a kind! :D
And just WHAT does Kyra do constantly? :eek:

Haha, I'll get a video for those of you that haven't heard it. It's unique, Kimmy or her sister Jenn will tell you....it's definitely recognizable in a dog park full of other dogs! :p

And Kyra, hahah, yep, you read it right. She doesn't hump things, well except Jasper's head, just likes to suck on herself. Every single night before bed, I'm not even kidding. :o

05-14-2008, 03:55 PM
Zoee is a smart dog, but will only show it when she wants to. She loves to swim (at grandmas house) and be outside guarding our backyard from squirrels and birds. However, she won't shut up (maybe she gets that from me:o). She barks if she hears another dog bark, or if she hears the jingling of keys (I think she thinks it's another dogs tags), or if she sees anyone out the front door in our court, or at any strange sound.
She is my shadow when I'm home or we are out with her at the park or wherever. I guess she gets enough of Daddy since he's home with her all day.
But she is a cuddler too. She will lay as close to you as possible (if not ON you) on the couch or the bed. She is very happy to see us when we get home, she does the butt waggle and turns herself into a c shape.
Well, I could go on and on about my baby girl all afternoon, so I'll just stop right there.

05-14-2008, 04:53 PM
Puppa, our oldest, was born blind. We were told she would not live very long. She is 12 years old and she RULES! Tells everyone what to do.
She is a lab mix.
George and Honey are litter mates. George is the lover. Honey is a hunter. If she had a web page it would be I hate squirrels.com. The are both creatures of habit and like everything to stay the same. They are lab/chow/whatever mix.

05-14-2008, 05:20 PM
This could be a very long post......

Muskwa is an alpha dog..not in way most people think an alpha is, but in the way one truly should be. He is extremely dominant without an ounce of aggression. He has never been in a fight. He never has to use force to prove he is the boss dog. Other dogs, even ones he's never met, instantly know Muskwa is in charge and rarely question it.

Bandit is a grumpy old man...picture the two old guys from the Muppets who sat in the balcony and complained. That's my Bandit. He was a grumpy old man dog even when he was a youngster. He's always grumbling and yakking about something. Every time Tehya gets near him, he stomps off growling about annoying puppies under his breath!

Earle is a sensitive soul, a worrier, a caretaker. Often the first sign of an injury or infection in another dog is Earle's obsessive need to lick the area for his friend. He will lay beside ill dogs and comfort them. He does everything he can to calm Pingo when her storm phobia kicks in and he is more effective for her than any drug we've tried. Earle is prone to depression, especially when Stuart is away. No dog is more joyful at the return of his people than Earle!

Tehya is a superstar, a flirt, a tomboy. The pretty, smart girl in high school that you really wanted to hate, but she was just too nice....that's Tehya. She loves to be the centre of attention. She's always happy. She's friendly and outgoing, even to the dogs who would rather she wasn't! She's up for anything, anytime. Smart as a whip and eager to please.

Chase is the dumb jock dog. He's a great sled dog, will pull all day, but he couldn't lead a team home if all our lives depended on it. He's sweet and affectionate, but dumb as a stick. Somedays it is truly amazing that Chase remembers to breath on his own!

Goldie is self-protective. She really wants to be friendly and relaxed, but her history keeps her guard up. Once she trusts you though, she trusts completely. Getting through her defenses takes awhile, but it's worth the effort.

Heyoka is well named. His name means clown who teaches in Sioux and that's what he is. He is a clown and he is full of lessons, if you take the time to listen to him.

To be continued....

05-14-2008, 05:20 PM
If she is playing with Buddy and he's getting too rough, she'll yelp and jump up holding a paw up and walk to me for sympathy (with no limp) and holds her paw up again, and sometimes she forget's and hold up the wrong paw. :rolleyes:

LOL! LOL! LOL! I would love to see a video of that. :D Sierra you are a silly, silly girl and mama is onto you! :p

05-14-2008, 05:29 PM
Chum has ADHD. He's always moving, always talking, he starts trouble then backs out and watches the chaos. He can't focus on anything for more than a few seconds. He's scatterbrained. Catch him in a still moment and he's loving, friendly, and gentle. Dont' touch his paws...he has issues.

Deuce is my wild child, my rebel without a cause. He wants to be friends; he wants attention, but he has no idea how to do that in an appropriate manner.

Pacer is the shy kid everybody picked on in grade school. He wants desperately to be friends, but he's shy and lacks social skills. He's an easy target. He is also grateful to his core and unfailing loyal to those of any species who show him kindness and acceptance.

Pingo is quirky with a tendancy toward being a klepto. If something is missing in the yard, it's in her house. She hordes toys, recycling, gloves, bones, anything she can drag off. She's protective of her territory and would prefer no one ever come up our driveway without her express permission. She's obsessive about her tennis balls and their whereabouts. She may not want to play, but she knows where all her toys are at all times. She is gifted with great trail sense. If Pingo won't cross ice, refuses a command, there is a reason. She is not just being stubborn, she's saving us from trouble.


05-14-2008, 05:44 PM
Paxil is my anti-depressant. She's a lover. Full of cuddles and licks. She can't get close enough to those she loves. She's the smartest dog I've ever met. She's unfailing, reliable beyond words, and would without question, do anything I asked of her. She's also 14 and showing her age more every day. I have no idea what I'm going to do without her, both as my companion and as my lead dog.

Sleet is so smart she's neurotic. She's very, very bright, but she does not adapt well to change. Move the furniture and she can no longer find her bed. Put a box in her usual path to the door and she suddenly can't get outside. She's been retired for three years, but in her heart, she's still a sled dog and still the best lead dog God ever made. If I asked, she'd still try.

Pirate is grateful and a little worried that she's going to loose it all. She protects her food dish as though she is worried there won't be more tomorrow night. She guards her little blanket and her spot by the door like it was a treasure. She takes great delight in little romp around the yard when her hips feel good and even more in being allowed inside when she's done playing. She's funny without meaning to be and has become my white shadow.

Raven is, well, Raven is the obnoxious boss who likes to change the rules without warning. She rules her territory with an iron paw. In her pen, you play by her rules or she will beat you into submission! She's also so happy that you just want to tell her to get a grip somedays. She loud, noisy and bossy. The Raven Scream can be heard for miles. It's deafening and always means she's happy, excited or waiting for dinner!

05-14-2008, 05:49 PM
Zoey:Zoey is my baby girl. She is goofy, loving, not the smartest, outgoing, and loves to have a good time.

Sage: Shy, cuddly, attached to me, serious, smart, and a couch potatoe

TJ: Lazy, cuddly, smart, outgoing, and serious when it comes to his job/goffy when it's he's not doing his job.

05-14-2008, 05:57 PM
Great thread. I had someone tell me dogs didn't have personalities. I told him it was obvious he'd never had a dog.

Now for my kids....

Max - My gentle old soul. He is the undisputed leader of the house. No one messes with Bubba. He's never had to do or say anything, but everyone knows he's in charge. Once he settled down (after the chewy puppy stage) he has just gotten better with each passing year.

Carly - My beautiful girl. The only dog I can trust 100% of the time to come when I call. She is the only one allowed off leash outside the fence. She is challenged daily by Molly and she never retaliates. And she has the most beautiful eyes that reflect her gentle, kind soul. If Carly barks, you'd better go look because there is something out there.

Molly - My wild child. We refer to her as the Yorkshire Terrorist. Spastic, hysterical, or whatever you want to call it. You couldn't give me a million dollars to give her to you, but you couldn't give me a million dollars to take another like her. She barks most of the time just to hear herself bark. But she is so cute, she makes me laugh most of the time.

Kirby - My Baboo. He's a velcro dog. As long as someone will touch him, he's happy. I can groom him, cut his nails, whatever and he'll let me do it. He does have moments of absolute, total and complete happiness that we call bichon blitzing during which he runs around at top speed with a huge smile on his face.

Muffin - The princess. She is dainty and fussy just like a princess. She is 100% my SOs dog. She is his velcro dog. He sits, she sits next to him. She tolerates me since he's gone, but if he came home she wouldn't look twice at me.

05-14-2008, 05:57 PM
Hobo is the resident nutcase. He's 11 years old and still acts like a puppy. He takes great delight in everything--a biscuit, dinner, the sound of his name, whatever, it's all cause for the "Hobo Dance of Joy". We call him "Psycho Puppy". He's also a survivor with some PTSD symptoms. Not many dogs escape the jaws of a wolf and live to tell their tale. Even fewer return to their life's work as a sled dog. He is afraid of the dark since the attack and barks incessantly at sunset until he's let inside(the magic doorbell bark)--a bit of problem in the winter when sunset is 3pm!

Founder is a Beta Bully. He wants to be an alpha male, but he can't back it up. This leads to the occaisonal butt kicking by the other dogs and his nickname of ScarFace. Founder is very loyal to me, with little use for most other people. He is Mac's best friend, despite the fact that Mac ate the tip of Founder's ear a few years ago!

Ozzy is a Type A personality with an anxiety disorder thrown in. He is high strung, hyper. He rarely stops moving and has a track worn in his pen where he paces all day. He noisy, territorial and protective. He is anxious about new things, people or anything that looks out of place to him. He trusts me with his life, but very few other people even get to pet him. It's a big deal when Ozzy lets someone touch him.

Mac is a frat boy...full of energy, not real serious and always looking for a good time. He wants to play all the time. He's a good sled dog, but prefers not to go out in difficult conditions.

05-14-2008, 06:18 PM
Franklin is my industrious boy. If he were human, he'd the perfect heavy labour employee. Always willing to work and do it with a smile on his face. No hill is too steep, no drift is too deep, no destination is too far. If he gets to work, he's happy! He's also like a little catepillar becoming a butterfly. It has been extraordinarily rewarding to watch him change from a shy, paranoid dog to a relaxed, well adjusted happy dog.

Antare is my instigator...he starts choir practice sessions, play sessions and occasionally a fight. He's like a really shy kid who overcompensates by acting out.

Delta is my feral. As long as I feed him, he has little use for human interaction. If he needs something, he'll find a way to let me know, but for the most part, he's quite happy to be left alone...at least by humans. He does not function well at all without other dogs. He thrives on canine companionship. He also thinks I'm nuts as since his disappearing act in February 2006, I obsessively check on him. He is territorial and keeps a close eye on everything that goes on near "his" fence.

Kayleigh is my problem child. She's dog aggressive, prey driven, stubborn and comes with a nasty history. She's also playful, affectionate and prone to fits of silliness. I adore her, but I never want another dog like her.

And finally, my Anvik, my Momma's boy, my heart dog, the dog who fills the spot in the middle of my soul that Preacher left empty. His world begins and ends with me. He has seperation anxiety that is focused solely on me, particularly when he knows I'm nearby but he can't see me. He's my velcro dog, my little blonde buddy,the least "husky-ish" personality of all dogs. He is not independant and aloof in any way! Everyone should have at least one being in their life, of some kind, who thinks they are the greatest thing since rawhide! It's good for the self-esteem!;)

05-14-2008, 06:46 PM
Beanie is old man and acts like an old man. He can be kind of cranky when younger pups are around. He's a lover and will do anything for a pettin. Every once in a while he will grab a toy and feel young again.

Gracie is what I call the confused snow dog. Everyone knows the Siberian Husky is an energetic breed. Not mine! She wants nothing more than to sleep in her crate. She will go out and potty and then she begs to go back in her crate. She will run around when we go hiking. She LOOVES her food!

Chloe is the drama queen. She's constantly fussing and whining. Even if she has nothing to fuss about. If you are petting her,but not talking to her while you are doing so, she fusses and kicks at ya so you know you are doing a lousy job of lovin on her and you better get it right. She's a chewer and has to have bones around or she will chew up my stuff.

Tallon is still a puppy so he's all about runnin and playin. He's a food hog too just like his daddy. When you put a show lead him he's all business.

05-14-2008, 06:54 PM
I have one dog, Maddie. She's definitely not the smartest dog I've met. If she were a person, I'd venture to say she'd be in remedial classes all her life. But she's a lovable, goof.

05-14-2008, 07:42 PM
Frisk: The collected one. Much does not rile him up. He is the perfect sidekick and protector. Smart as a whip when he wants to be and knows how to get his way the majority of the time(those big brown eyes of his can work wonders). Incredibly passionate and in tune with everyone's emotions. If he sees that a complete stranger is upset he usually goes up to them and tries to help them.

Ethan: The serious one. Things can set him off really easy, but he does love to cuddle those he feels comfortable with(which is only my mum & I). He can be the biggest scaredy cat and is startled easy. Super sensitive and gets his feelings hurt easy. He is the kind of dog that you know would protect you with his life. Definitely dedicated to his family.

Skylar: The center of attention. He is a total clutz and can not walk anywhere without tripping over things or running into a door frame. He is happy-go-lucky and always has a "smile" on his face. Loves getting dirty and getting others dirty. Extremely vocal and loves to hold a conversation with you. One of the sweetest dogs I have ever had the privilege to be around.

05-14-2008, 07:45 PM
Lacey is smart and prissy, we call her the princess.:)
Layla is sweet and aloof, she is however the drama queen here.:rolleyes:
Jake is happy and fearless. He is quite a character. ;)

05-14-2008, 08:56 PM
Logan ..let's see...
She's definitely a Princezz. She loves the dog park but heaven forbid she gets her butt sniffed. Only she's allowed to do the sniffing. She'll never fight, but will show her teeth, then smile like nothing happened. She's not fond of strange places and things. She's a talker, protector, eager to please, loving, sweet and as patient as a saint.

05-14-2008, 09:17 PM

(Of course, I'm referring to Ivy :D)

05-14-2008, 10:37 PM
Frankie is my rebel with a cause and her cause is to see the world with or without anyone's permission. She's an agile, quick, and smart escape artist. She's stubborn, ignores the roommates entirely, and hates the cat with a passion. She was the runt and last to be rescued after being dumped as a tiny pup on an Indian Reservation and will always have the wanderlust that she was exposed to as a tiny pup. Yet, at the end of the day she is truly my heart dog, my constant companion, great hiking buddy, and best friend.

Riley is my goof ball and the perfect description of man's best friend. I call her my goofy gimp because she'll do anything to make anyone happy and never lets her bad hips keep her from finding joy in any situation. She listens, loves to play, and knows exactly how to make anyone smile. She makes the best of everything and will always have a goofy smile on her face at the end of the day.

Aspen and Misty
05-14-2008, 10:58 PM
Konnor is worried that I will die at any second. If I breath deeply, move my leg an inch or turn my head he starts worrying that I might get hurt. He is always near me and watches me 24/7.

Nova, like Sierra is a Drama Queen! Nova throws a hissy fit over anything and everything. When she wants something she wants it now ;) , lol. When I take her places I tell them she is a Drama Queen and she generally proves me right at some point, lol.

Simba is way to smart for his own good .That boy thinks 24/7 and can figure a way out of any situation. He found 5 diffrent ways to get out of my mom's back yard, lol. He has tons of energy and can be crazy at some points.

Great Thread!


05-15-2008, 12:07 AM
Nebo is serious and a goof at the same time. He growls all the time, especially when he's being hugged :rolleyes: but I don't take him seriously, that's just him "talking." He's still very playful, he often brings me toys to throw, and when I tell him it's time for bed he looks around and grabs his favorite toy (puppet) to bring to bed. He always makes me laugh with all of the silly things he does. He doesn't give his affection as freely as Keva, he is very sweet and affectionate, but it's on his terms--you'll only get a kiss from Nebo if he wants to give you a kiss. He's extremely smart, but also stubborn (husky selective hearing); however he will do anything for a treat. He's happiest when he is camping/hiking in the mountains, you can tell he's totally in his "element" and he loves it. He also loves to just relax and sleep out in the yard for hours, I call him my "bear rug" because he just lays around so much. He wants to be an alpha dog, but he doesn't quite have the confidence in himself to be an alpha--so he doesn't like other dogs acting dominate towards him, and he's not afraid to put a dog in its place.

Keva is the lover dog! If it were up to her, she'd have someone rubbing her belly 24/7. She loves attention and she loves to give kisses. She's just a really really sweet dog, she has her naughty moments though. She's kind of in her own little world, just does whatever she wants, nothing bothers her. If I catch her counter-surfing, she forgets that I was angry a second later and would do it again without hesitation. Nebo is a sensitive boy, he'll go and sulk if anyone yells, Keva really doesn't care. I picture her as some little kid singing and skipping along lol, not a care in the world. She's very curious, she has to investigate everything, and she's always there to "help" you with whatever you are doing. She is a talker, when she sees me getting the food bowls out she follows me around howling, her life revolves around when she gets to eat next. She's a fast learner, probably because she is so food motivated. She's generally very good with other dogs and loves to play, unless they start something with her, she'll react. She's always been submissive to Nebo, she seems to know he's the head dog in the house.

Sydney is a good girl. She enjoys attention, she also likes to be petted all the time, she and Keva get jealous if the other is getting attention (not in a mean way, they just both try to shove their way in for the attention). We've always said Syd wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. I've taught her some tricks, but most of the time when I try she just looks at me like "Why would I want to do that when you could be petting me instead?" She loves to go for walks, all of the dogs do, but Sydney gets more excited than the others. She thinks she's a tough dog, we're always protected against the doorbell and the vacuum cleaner. :rolleyes: I think she barks just to hear herself bark. She's attached to my mom...anyone else can be right by the back door and she'll go upstairs to find my mom and make her let her outside. :p She also finds my mom and barks and leads her to where the treats are.

05-15-2008, 12:17 AM
Muddy (11) is loyal, forever on guard, anxious and loves love. He tracks my husband's every move to see what will be happening next, where we might be going, if food might be coming etc... He loves me but doesn't pay attention to my commands. However, he is a very good boy for my husband who is the alpha male.
He likes the shade and spends quite a bit of time each day digging a hole in the yard that will become a bed for him for the day. My husband fills the hole in at the end of the day and Muddy starts a new one the next morning. I'm convinced that Muddy thinks he's working 'with' my husband as he digs and later my husband shovels. :)

Finnigian (4.5) is a complete spaz. He worships Muddy and is lost without him if he is separated from him for even 2 short seconds. Everything is exciting for him and often requires his special prancy dance where he stands on his hind legs and paws at the air with his two front legs as if he is doggy paddling.
He LOVES the sun and seeks out the warmest patch in the garden to snooze.
He is very stubborn and though he is very sweet natured, he often won't do something if he doesn't want to unless you sound 'stern' and then he'll do what you've asked (sit, stay, lay down) but in a veerrryyyy slow motion style as if to say "alllllrriiigggghhhhtttt, I'll do it!"
I also think that Finnie wants to be a vegetarian. He eats his kibbles and wet dog food but he often hesitates and then he picks at his food in a way that seems like he's eating it only because there's nothing better. BUT....bring out the fresh cucumber slices, pieces of lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, any vegetable and he acts like you have given him the best gift in the world.
He's also a blanket sucker. :)