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View Full Version : Scleroderma treatment?

05-13-2008, 02:43 PM
Does anyone here on PT know about any holistic or alternative treatments that can help people with Scleroderma? I just received the most horrible news this morning from a friend of mine who was diagnosed with this disease and her condition is grave. :(

05-13-2008, 04:06 PM
I'm so sorry about your friend.
Here is a site I found: (I put a space after www.)
http://www. healthynewage.com/blog/symptoms-of-scleroderma/

Laura's Babies
05-13-2008, 04:11 PM
I have never heard of that but it looks and sounds awful! It is a autoimmune disease, I know that. I have one form of Sclerosis, maybe 2, that is how I know it is autoimmune.

Yahoo has a group for just about everything and it typed it in to their group list.. Go here and ready away.. It even has a section for family and friends.

I have learned a lot on the yahoo groups on things health wise to pet wise... These groups are just ordinary people like us and we all share one common interest and they are (can be) very helpful!

05-13-2008, 08:08 PM
I don't, but the woman up the road has it. Initially she was also diagnosed as a grave case, and was only given 8 months to live. That was 7 years ago! The treatments did help. Unfortunately, I don't know what the treatments are. But I don't think she does holistic.

Prayers for your friend.

05-13-2008, 08:48 PM
Definitely not a good thing to have. It is autoimmune, but very serious. Some doctors call it systemic sclerosis. If it's just her skin, it's going to affect it by becoming thick and tight, fingers get deformed and other symptoms. If it's affecting the nervous system then all the organs are affected - the lungs, kidneys, heart, digestive system etc.
It can't be cured but is manageable to a degree. Doctors use prednisone, not fun but the best choice to control this. I would compare it to a mixture of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis type thing and prednisone helps a lot in those cases. Side effects? Yes, but better side effects than no treatment. Sorry I can't be more encouraging. My cousin has it and has been on prednisone since he was 16 and he has a few relapses now and again.

05-16-2008, 12:11 PM
Thank you everybody for your replies. My friend seems to be in good spirits though the type of Scleroderma she has is very rare and serious. All her major organs are failing and it is also affecting her eyes. Her doctor indicated that she is in year 3 of a 5 year survival rate.
I will continue to look for info to see what I can find. She wants to focus on holistic treatment because her liver is in such bad condition that her doctor said she can't attempt the treatment of antibiotics which is sometimes used. Thanks again for your posts and thoughts.

smokey the elder
05-16-2008, 01:57 PM
I wonder if one of the antibodies that is used for rheumatoid arthritis can be used to give her some relief.