View Full Version : This is unbelievable...

08-27-2002, 09:02 AM
First off, let me say two things... A big THANKS to everyone who's replied in my school thread and emailed me asking how things are going. You guys are wonderful friends :) Secondly, this will be another one of my ranting threads and I just wanted to say sorry for posting so many of those lately :(

Today, a mere week since I started school, I came out from the school building after 8 grueling hours and what do I NOT see? My bike. My bike was gone; stolen. I spent over 30 minutes just running around school searching for it, hoping the theif hadn't gotten away already, but I didn't see it anywhere. Of course, even if I had found my bike and the perpetrator, I probably would just have been beat up or stabbed or whatever. And you might think "oh, that's such bad luck", but you know what? It ISN'T just bad luck, because this is the second time this has happened to me!!!!!!!!!!! When I went in 6th grade my bike got stolen, and now it's happened again!! I HATE THIS GODDAMN SOCIETY!!! The modern society and the people in it are assholes.

So now I don't have a bike. Which means I will have EVEN LESS free time. It took about 10 minutes to bike to school and when I had to walk home today it took almost 30. So that means I will have to go up even earlier in the morning and it means I will get home even later than I already do. Meaning I'll have less time doing homeworks and even less free time after that.

This is just bullshit... This world just plain out sucks. I have gotten so very many things of mine stolen in the past and it's obviously not over yet. And if this isn't enough, I have plenty of other problems. My mom isn't here for some reason and I don't even wanna know what she'll say about this all when she gets here.

I think it was Brigitte Bardot who originally said something similar to this, but: The more time I am around humans, the more I love animals.

08-27-2002, 09:06 AM
And BTW, don't private message me because my box is currently full. I don't have the time to empty it out (I always back them up anyways cause I wanna save them). And sides, I don't get the time to come here so often as you all know, so if you wanna contact me please just email me and I'll try to mail you back as soon as I can (but not even my email do I get the time to check everyday so it might take a while).

Former User
08-27-2002, 09:08 AM
Ugh, what a big bummer this is for you. You are right, today's society really sucks, you can't trust people the way you used to. You would think people respect other peoples's property and stuff, but noooooooo, everything is free to take and use, just like your cycle now. I feel so sorry for you. If I was in your shoes, I would quit that school (and I don't need lessons now why school is so important, thank you!), and take a year off or something. Obviously that school isn't doing all that much good to you, but only you can jugde that.
I hope your luck turns better now. Sorry again about your cycle.
I could make a long post about something that happened to us (my husband and I) today, but oh well, never mind, besides, this is your thread ;)
Sometimes life just ain't fair! :( :mad:

08-27-2002, 09:18 AM
Ann, so sorry about your bike. We live in a very horrible world today. It is so sad when someone can just steal a teeanager's bike like that. You would think they may consider that you are only a teenager and that is your only way to getting around :mad:

Is there anyway you can get another bike? I feel your pain, Ann.

08-27-2002, 09:18 AM
Thanks Niina *hugs*

I would quit the school if I could, trust me... It's so complicated and I gotta get offline now anyways (I have tons of stupid homework to do and it's dinner time now anyways)

So many people don't respect other people's properties... I mean, if you want a great example of that (besides from my bikes being taken) take my ex-best friend I had in elementary school... The first time she came to my house 100 kr mysteriously "dissapeared" and the second time she came to my house a beautiful Asian diary I had just gotten as a gift from my parents also mysteriously "dissapeared". I loved that diary too, it was so beautiful... It had pretty drawings and symbols on the paper and it had a embroidered cloth cover and everything. I never wrote diary again after that happened :( There were many more things she stole from me and she denied it all but I KNOW she did it... So much for "friendship", heh.

And yes, please do tell what happened to you. I could care less if this is "my" thread, and I'd be flattered if you felt like sharing some personal stuff in a silly ranting thread I started.

Well, I gotta get off now... I have another appointment at my doctor on Thursday, so I might get some free time after that since I might be asking to be free that whole day from school. Those appointments at the doctors are a living hell, so God knows I need the time off!

08-27-2002, 09:21 AM
Just saw your post Souraya; thanks :)

I'm pretty sure that the person who did it are themselves a teenager, so I doubt they care all that much if that's my only way of transportation.

I almost positive my dad and mom will offer to buy me another bike but we really aren't doing so good with money right now and I just feel bad making them spend their money on me like this...

Well, I REALLY gotta get off now! Thanks for posting to me :)

08-27-2002, 09:24 AM
Oh Ann! I'm sorry to hear you got your bike stolen - on top of all the other things! :( I can certainly understand you're angry!! This society seem to be falling apart, noone respects anything anymore, it's really sad! I hope you'll find your bike again!

Wishing you all the best of luck! :)

08-27-2002, 01:44 PM
Sorry to hear about your bike, things will look up for you I am sure of it.

08-27-2002, 01:46 PM
Dont apologize for ranting. Ranting and Crying are two reasons why more men commit suicide than women. Men are raised thinking that crying and ranting are sissy things to do. This is not a slap in the face for guys, just a little fact I learned in psychology. It's actually quite healthy to rant every once in a while.

08-27-2002, 02:06 PM
Sounds to me like you are a more caring, compassionate, selfless, mature and virtuous individual than your peers. While this means you will be frustrated by them it also means you are light-years ahead of them. I’m very sorry that your bike was taken and now your family must carry the burden of this thief’s depravity. However, I feel almost more sorry for the wayward teen that did this.

I thought perhaps I could put a different spin on this for you. For me, the only way to feel better when I’m blue is to look at things from a different perspective.:D

God Bless

08-27-2002, 03:28 PM
It's ok to rant here. It's rather nice to have a place to let go once in awhile! Things have got to get better for you. Think you need some time off - stay home sick tomorrow you deserve it!

08-27-2002, 04:50 PM
Ann, I'm so sorry about your bike. I've had valuable things stolen from me before - I know that empty, sick feeling you get when something like that happens. Don't totally give up on the world, though, there are still some good people out there, it's just become harder to find them. I hope things will begin to look brighter for you soon, you deserve it.

08-27-2002, 06:28 PM
Ann, I do hope things get better for you. I had a hard time in school with a certain group of kids. I was hurt a lot and kids were mean. Honestly, I think the worst of people comes out in the junior high, to high school years. The mean kids become downright evil, and the nice kids become very abused, ashamed, and their self esteem is torn to shreads. It is a hard time, but please know that it's the special, wonderful kids like yourself who make it out ahead in the long run.

I personally feel that the kids who do bad things like steal from and abuse other kids are truly hurting inside. I know that it's hard to think this way through all your anger, but know that you are a stronger, and better person then they will ever be. I know you may not realize that until you are out of school and have left that era, but trust me, I truly think that those kids are hurting....aching inside. The rotton kids that do such things come from bad parents who don't love their kids.

I can tell that you are a very special, kind person. Your true caring nature and tenderness towards people here shows, and that is what will get you through this world. Those poor souls without loving, nuturing, caring parents do bad things and say bad things to make themselves feel better. They ache inside, though. You are better then them and you will go farther in this world then they will.

Hang in there, and know that you have alot of caring supporters who are on your side here :)

I hope you get another bike soon WITH a bike lock. I am sorry that it happened to you.

08-27-2002, 06:49 PM
I'm sorry about your bike, I can see how fustrating it would be, I had a bike stolen from me a few years ago, and it was a pretty new, good bike. People these days really gotta grow up. :[ Hope things get better.

08-27-2002, 06:50 PM
Hang in there, and know that you have alot of caring supporters who are on your side here :)
I second that!!!!!!

08-28-2002, 08:58 AM
Thanks everyone :) Reading all your replies really cheered me up, so thanks a ton :)

08-28-2002, 02:53 PM
I'm so sorry that I didn't see this thread yesterday. How awful things sound for you at the moment. They just have to start looking up. I do know what you mean when you said that quote "The more time I am around humans, the more I love animals." I feel the same way. It seems as I get older people get meaner. I guess they really aren't, because they always have been mean!
I would hate to have to go to school in this day and age. I don't know what it's like over there, but here, it seems to pretty much suck, unless of course your popular, pretty or a athlete (nothing against any of them), to which I was or am neither!
I've lived my life, and I think it's been a pretty fair one (look, I have a great husband and 3 wonderful dogs!), not always easy (not at all :rolleyes:), but I love the life I have, my family, and my internet friends! At least when you get mad on the computer you can just shut if off or go to another site, can't always do that with people!
I'm a waitress so I'm around stupid people all the time (both working with and serving!), so when I'm home, I'm happy. This is my haven.
I know right now your having alot of problems, but it WILL get better! And hopefully it's soon!
Take care my friend and keep your chin up. We'll always be here for you!
Your friend Anna {{{HUGS!}}}

08-30-2002, 03:24 AM
that really stinks, it terrible! so sorry to hear about your bad luck! long hours at school are hard enough without that happening to you!

08-30-2002, 05:40 AM
how rotten is that Ann? No wonder you feel so angry - anyone would in the same situation. did you report the bike stolen to the school and police? It's not been too good for you lately has it - so here's a big {{{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}} for you.


08-30-2002, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
it seems to pretty much suck, unless of course your popular, pretty or a athlete (nothing against any of them)

So true!!! :(

I have the first PE lesson this coming Monday and I'm so frigging nervous. The only good thing though is that I asked one of the PE teachers if I could get permission to bike home after PE and shower home instead of in the public shower at school and she said there shouldn't be a problem with that. I had to shower in the public one at the last school I went to and that was just... not fun. Sure, I'll miss the lunch break by biking home like that (PE is just before lunch break) but I prefer doing that than hearing comments like "what saggy and fat tits you have".

Lynne, my dad reported it to the police but I sadly don't think that will help. They don't have time to go looking for a bike... As for reporting it to the school, they couldn't care less. I remember when I had my first bike stolen, the principal and assistants I told at school just said "that's none of our concern, we can't help that".

I have borrowed my grandmas old bike for now. Sure, it's old and rusty, the breaking doesn't work all that well and it doesn't have any... what's it called... Those little panels where you can choose how hard it is to pedal... but it's a bike and it's goes faster than walking so it's ok :)

08-30-2002, 02:41 PM

I'm sorry about your bike being stolen and all the jerky people you've had to deal with lately. Sounds like you've been having a hard time this month. Just know we are here for you and value you as a person. Who cares what others think...if they're looking at you in the shower and making comments...they are also insecure about their own bodies. Love yourself...you deserve it.

I want to leave you with a quote by Maya Angelou that I just love:
"Surviving is Important. Thriving is Elegant." Look your school and peers in the face, hold your head high and be proud of who you are. If you allow others to make you feel bad, they've won. Don't let them win Ann. You deserve better.

God Bless.