View Full Version : Are you a fan of The Tudors on Showtime?

05-12-2008, 04:26 PM
I'm so hooked on this show. Everything is so majestic and breathtaking; the acting, the music, the costumes, the landscape and, of course, the story line. Everyone is absolutely perfect in his/her role. I turn off the phones and watch it on the flat screen. It has to be viewed that way for me. There are only 3 more episodes left til next season. Sniff, snivel, whine........

05-12-2008, 04:59 PM
I am, though I do quibble with the casting of some of the characters. Anne Boleyn, for example, was famous for her piercing DARK eyes. And of course Henry was a redhead (they couldn't dye his hair for the show?), but more famously, their daughter Elizabeth had beautiful red hair - and they cast a little blonde kid? Hello?

But historic details aside, it is quite fascinating. It's interesting, too, when a new character is introduced, and I get to say - "Oooh, that's the next wife" or Paul says, "Oh, yes, we know he was killed, wonder when that'll come in ..."

05-13-2008, 06:05 AM
I've seen the previews but never watched. I don't have showtime so if there are shows I want to see I have to wait for DVD. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dexter. The Dexter books are great too.

05-13-2008, 06:26 AM
I like Dexter, too, but, after watching The Tudors, I don't even want to watch Dexter any more. :confused:

05-13-2008, 11:51 AM
I've also heard a lot of complaints about the historical inacuracies in the show. But, I still love it.

I don't have Showtimes, but I found that Amazon has something called "Unbox Video". I downloaded Season #1 to my computer ($1.99) per episode and have started watching them.

05-13-2008, 04:28 PM
We finished a season of the tudors a while back down under, and i really enjoyed it, i used to tape it as it was on later on in the evening, but yes really enjoyed it, dexter has just begun here, i have not watched it, but my daughter likes it.

05-27-2008, 06:17 AM
The season finale was really something. The episode before was brutal and the finale has been keeping me up at night. And the Tudors theme song keeps going over and over in my head. The last scene was just too much, too much for my sensitive soul anyhow. LOL I love the show but I'll admit to being glad that it's over for this year. Whew!