View Full Version : panic this morning..dogs got out

05-11-2008, 01:49 PM
ok, so I got up this morning, didnt put on Ruystsy collar yet as I was only letting im out for his morning pee(he wears an e-collar, I put in on in the morning and take it off at night) anyway all was seemed normal, I let the BCs in, Leck and Rusty always hang out outside longer, so I thought nothing of it, leck asked to come in so I opene dthe door for her let her in, and called Rusty..no response(not exactly unusual), I thought maybe he was just relaxing in the yard as he has been lately...then I saw Ripley running around in the driveway! I run outside and notice the side gate standing wide open..the side gate opens onto one of the busiest streets in the city! Ripley we caught right away, he coms running when you call him, but Rusty..we had no idea where he went, NOBODY had seen any sign of him anywhere, he had no ID or collar on him, he hardly ever comes when he is called, and he could not care less about food. so of coarse I was completly paniced looking everywhere. finally I found him, after about an hour of searching, he was quite a few blocks away eating someones grass. I was so pround of him though, he didnt run when he saw me and when I got down on my knees and called him, he actually came(and not for the treats I had, he didnt touch them). he's hardly left my side since we got home, but my legs feel like lead. I am so pround of him for not playing catch me if you can, and I am pround of all the girls because the gate was wide open the whole morning and not a single of of them left the yard. one thinsg for certain though..I am buying Rusty a thin collar just for his ID, that way I wont need to remove his ID when he wears the e-collar.

05-11-2008, 02:11 PM
Whew! That's scary. Good thing it all ended well. :)

An e-collar...the cone thing? If yes, why does he wear that all day? If no, please explain what an e-collar is, hee hee.

05-11-2008, 02:19 PM
lol no an Electric collar, we have had some serous issues with him, such as marking, barking non stop, not comming when called and randomly attacking other dogs. all the postive methodes everyone kept reccomending was making him worse, and he was driving su to the point of breakdown, so we bought an e-collar, the Retriever training type, and it has worked an absolute miracle, I havent had to correct him in a long time, but he wears it still just in case, as he does on occasion slip back ointo his previous behaviour.

05-11-2008, 02:24 PM
Ahhh, I see. That makes more sense to me now. :)
I sent you a PM asking you some more questions. :)

05-11-2008, 04:24 PM
I'm glad this excitement ended on a good note!

05-11-2008, 06:04 PM
Oh my! My heart beat sped right up reading this! I think most of us have had to cope with an "escapee" at one time or another. Thank goodness everything worked out fine, everyone is home safe where they belong.

05-11-2008, 10:24 PM
I can really commeserate with your legs feeling like lead!
Mz Logan scooted past me fast as lightening and out the front door about a month after I got her. (Me bad). I knew where she would be, thankfully, at the school down the street where the trees are loaded with squirrels, Still, there is a lot of traffic. I tried to be as calm as could be (dragging my lead legs). I called her, stood still and for the first time ever, (and since) she ran right to me and sat in front of me (happy as a clam of course). All I can remember is my head spinning and heart pounding.

I'm sure glad all turned out OK with Rusty. Hope your heart beat is back to normal.

Pawsitive Thinking
05-12-2008, 10:45 AM
Phew! that is such a nightmare

05-13-2008, 08:36 PM
ok so we have now padlocked the side gate to ensure this doesnt happen again, and I picked up a nice martingale collar with a brand new ID tag for him with all the info we could possably need at home or when traveling. it fits him nicley without interfering with his other collars.