View Full Version : Lots of Betta pictures - Dasher and others

05-10-2008, 02:32 PM
I've been meaning to post photos of my daughter's Betta fish for a while, now that her fish Dasher(RB) is Pet of the Day it seemed like a good time to post them.
Sadly, Dasher went to swim with the fishies at the Rainbow Bridge in Sept 2007 after I sent in his photo and story for Pet of the Day.:(

One of the first photos I took of him.

Flaring for the camera.

Looking like a crazy clown with his super flare face!:D

The last picture I have of him from just a few days before he went to the Rainbow Bridge.

More photos of other fish in the next post.

05-10-2008, 02:42 PM
After Dasher went to the RB in September, my daughter got a tiny little female Betta named Bubbles.

Bubbles was camera shy.

It was really hard to get good photos of her.

The last photo I have of Bubbles before she went to the Rainbow Bridge in Dec 2007.
She liked her red marble because it matched her.

Just after Christmas, my daughter got a new Crowntail Betta fish named Blitzen who she still has now.

He's a really cool color.



Now I've finally caught up with posting all my fish photos.
I hope all you Betta lovers enjoyed them.:)

05-10-2008, 08:54 PM
What cool names! My beta (RIP) was named -get this- Kyle. (And my sis had one, named Kyle's Cousin Kyle -- Southpark, anyone?) My Kyle was thistle pink (real men do wear pink, ya know ;) ) while Kyle's Cousin Kyle was a wonderful red.

Sorry to hear about the passing of Dasher and Bubbles. It's never easy to loose a pet but you have some wonderful photos to remember them by. I enjoyed hearing about the bond between Dasher and his mommy -- how neat!

I loved your beta photos -- heck, I love ALL your photos and I very much enjoy seeing your posts. Please give beautiful Blitzen an extra bloodwormie for me. :)

05-10-2008, 09:50 PM
All of those bettas are/were gorgeous! Blitzen really is a pretty color.:D