View Full Version : The Ed's Bed, instead!

05-09-2008, 08:44 PM
The weather here in Lost Angeles has been really cool lately. Today it's been really cold.

The Edster, in his Go Green mode has been saving energy and sleeping all day long. When I go around the place to check on where he is at I don't see him around.....Bed? Nope, Box? Nope, pile of clothes? Nope, Cat carrier? Nope, Recliner? Nope, Back or recliner? Nope. Tile in front of door? Nope........I'm guessing now...

Instead, I'm led to Ed's head that protrudes from the Bed, I said He'd never sleep in.

It's sat there, unused for years....He's used it twice now....maybe there is hope for my investment!:D

Laura's Babies
05-10-2008, 08:14 AM
He fooled you didn't he? Maybe that is his secrete hiding place and it took you this long to discover it!

05-10-2008, 09:28 AM
I learned a long time ago that cat beds are made to be used as their pillows, not their actual beds. Human chairs and sofas are their beds. :confused:

05-10-2008, 09:32 AM
He's just playing head games with you, Richard! :D


It needed to be "seasoned" just right, picking up all the correct smells and cat hairs.

05-10-2008, 09:58 AM
Its Funny How The Found Cats Will Ignore A Bed Or Piece Of Furniture Richard And Then I Move It And They Suddenly Love It. Mauybe There Still Hope For The 50 Dollar Cat Loo I Bought Yeras Ago And Is So Comfy And Fleece Lined.
Maybe I Will Put It On The New Improved Porch.