View Full Version : Im still alive!

05-08-2008, 03:48 PM
Just wanted to come on here to say that i am still here and thinking about everyone on pet talk. I have been busy with with school (been slacking, now just trying to pass) so i haven't had time to post on here. The good news is that school is out on the 23rd i believe. I saw the new server update too (nice job Paul) and i like it alot. Reggie has been doing fine, Little bit has not. I believe this dang house is making way too much dust for him. The idiots who built this house about 3 years ago (we are renting right now) screwd up the ventelation system so the thing recirculates air instead of sucking new air in. And all the dust has been messing around with my asthma. That is just a few of the reasons my family is going to buy our own house in the coming months cause this thing is a non-living dust trap :(. Also, they sold the houses that are down the road from us and the idiots that have moved in drag race mini-bikes half the day and the people living next to us play music 24/7 it seems. And the play it loud, soo loud it get on your nerves to just sit in the living room, the room next to them (there is a wall between us). Other than that stuff, everything is fine. Also, still can't get a new picture of either of my pets cause I haven't got a new camera.

05-08-2008, 04:16 PM
[QUOTE]Also, still can't get a new picture of either of my pets cause I haven't got a new camera.[QUOTE]

Borrow an old one. ;)

05-08-2008, 04:18 PM
Good to hear from you, good luck on the move! At least warmer weather is here, and until it gets TOO hot, you can open the windows and try to get some of the dust OUT!

05-08-2008, 04:21 PM
[quote]Also, still can't get a new picture of either of my pets cause I haven't got a new camera.[quote]

Borrow an old one. ;) Heh,don't have a old one. And pretty much all my friends wont loan me one or even have one :).

05-08-2008, 04:23 PM
Good to hear from you, good luck on the move! At least warmer weather is here, and until it gets TOO hot, you can open the windows and try to get some of the dust OUT!

Thanks Karen. Also, we have some of this old flea powder stuff in our curtains from a looong time ago and whenever we move them around a cloud of dust and flea powder comes at us. Pretty much explains why we cant open the windows :(.