View Full Version : Sunny met her teacher

05-08-2008, 10:30 AM
We took Sunny to our local "dog whisperer" yesterday. He trains the K9 dogs for the police department and he is a good citizens trainer. We wanted to have her "evaluated" because she is only 10 weeks old and has already growled at people 6+ times; children included. We really want her to be the dog that we can take everywhere with us and even to be a pet therapy dog. He said her personality is mostly fear based and he told us things she will do (run around in circles at night, bite at her leash...both of which she already does). We call her our devildog at night because she becomes so aggressive; runs in circles, bites at my ankles or pants legs, then...poops out and goes in her crate. He says this is because of her fear and anxiety and if not addressed now, she will act out in more dangerous ways when she is bigger. He showed us his GSD who was amazing. He has pictures in his office of his 3 GSD, 4 maltese and 1 mix laying together in such harmony...great pictures. He also is incredibly gentle and never raises his voice..

So...we did some of the drills with Sunny last night and she is already listening better to "no" and leaving the cat food alone (which is already a huge improvement). He changed her food from Science diet puppy to Pinnacle. He wants us to hold off on having her around other dogs until her fear issues are addressed. We will now work with him at our home once a week for 4 weeks.

Just wanted to update y'all on how Sunny made out. I am excited and know she will be an awesome dog (with a little help :) )

05-08-2008, 11:14 AM
Wow! He sounds like a wonderful person!
Best of luck to you and Sunny and your training!

4 Dog Mother
05-08-2008, 11:46 AM
That sounds great! I wish I knew someone around here that could help me understand some of the things my dogs do especially that silly Tucker!

Ginger's Mom
05-08-2008, 12:08 PM
Just wanted to update y'all on how Sunny made out. I am excited and know she will be an awesome dog (with a little help :) )

Well, it certainly sounds like she has found the right home to help her become an awesome dog. :) I am glad to hear that you liked the trainer and got a positive feeling from him. Good girl Sunny, you can do it, sweetie.

05-08-2008, 07:36 PM
Glad you're making progress already. I hope Sunny continues to move forward.