View Full Version : What would you do?

08-26-2002, 04:58 PM
I recentlly moved into a house, but we are not 100% moved out of our old apartment quite yet. Maybe in another 2-3 car loads we will have everything out of the old apartment and back at our new house.

Anyway, a couple of days ago I was at the apartment by myself getting some boxes together and I had the front door of the apartment open, so as to make my trips to the car with armloads of boxes easier. It was about 9:30 in the evening, so it was dark out. I had just come down the stairs from what used to be our loft bedroom, and there was movement in what used to be our office. Upon closer inspection I discovered a gorgeous long hair grey kitty with white stockings. When he saw me, he expected me to be mad at him for "breaking and entering" :) so he cowered and prepared for the worst. When I saw him I immediately sat down on the ground and called him over to me. He was perhaps the sweetest and most beautiful kitty I had ever been around. I felt immediately bonded to him. He came running up to me and gave me head bumpies and he pured and pured.

He didn't look terribly thin, although he was deffinately not at all fat. He was maybe just a little thin. He was fluffy and his fur was pretty matted. But the thing that made me mad, was the fact that he was front declawed. I picked up those little footies and made sure, and he was deffinately front declawed, although he had his back claws.

I really, really wanted to take him home with me since he had been mutilated (declawed) and he had no collar or any type of ID that I could see.

I very much disagree with declawing cats. I find it to be a legal form of animal abuse, but what's worse is that this poor kitty was roaming around without a collar or front claws. I didn't take him, but I can tell you that I have been regretting my decision since I had to leave him that night. I have gone back hoping to find him, and I even waited and called for him for over an hour...he never came back.

If he does come back while I continue to empty the old apartment of our stuff, I think I am going to take him home with me, and make sure he never gets outdoors again. Thoughts of some little child missing their kitty was the only thing that kept me from "stealing" him. I don't know if he has a loving home, but I assumed he did since he was so incredibly friendly, and he was not emaciated or starving looking. But whoever did the declawing should at the very least make sure that cat did not get outdoors....EVER! And if it did happen to slip outside, the owners should have kept a collar with an ID tag on him so people like me would know that someone loves him enough to ID him. I have even broken the news to my husband that if this cat comes back to the apartment, that I am going to take him home with me.

I guess I would like to know if it is wrong to take him if he comes back to visit while we finish clearing the apartment out. If I do take him I would put up a few signs to make sure someone didn't miss him, but I would hope that no one claimed him because I really loved him. He had such a good, kind temperment and he seemed so gentle. I even brushed him with the dogs' brush and he LOVED it! He was kneeding (making biscuts :) ) and purring up a storm while being brushed.

08-26-2002, 05:13 PM
Leslie I think you would make an excellent kitty mommy but in my heart of hearts I think he/she probably has "family." He/she definitely does not sound feral. I would put up the signs and knock on doors (after of course taking him home with me just to keep him off the street). If, after an appropriate amount of time passes and no responses, I would say consider him yours! :)

Although my cats have never even attempted to venture outside and do not wear collars or tags for this reason, I know that some kitties will dart out an open door. I hope that, whatever happens, that this cutie pie winds up safe. Good luck and keep us posted!

Move over Graham and Kersey - I think you're about to get a feline buddy! :D

08-26-2002, 05:45 PM
This cat sounds like she has a family and does not seem like a stray at all. Mnay people do allow their cats to go outside and return in the evening. My cousin's cat for example does not have a collar.................but she does have her claws. She's allowed to roam around in the day and she always returns in the evening and keeps coming and going in the day. I wouldn't take someone's kitty because that is so wrong and I know how much it would hurt if anyone took my pets away from me, thinking they were stray. If you do see her again, I would take her and knock on the neighbor's doors to see if she belongs to anyone. If not, take her home and post signs in the whole city, newspapers, and on the web saying "FOUND KITTY".............with the description, picture, etc. and your phone number for her owners to call you and get her back, if she still lives with them. I'm sure she has a family.

08-26-2002, 06:34 PM
I agree with the previous replies...take him and then post a few signs. If no one replies, he's yours! He sounds like such a sweetie!!

08-26-2002, 09:03 PM
:( I don't think I have enough guts to "steal" an animal, unless I can be 100% sure it is in an abusive situation where it is not loved. I am only guessing with this little guy. I named him Minion. I stopped by the apartment to get yet another box of stuff after Kersey's agility class and Minion came to visit tonight. I actually saw him in a group of 4 other kitties. I recognized Minion right away (he's BEAUTIFUL!) but none of the other kitties were familier. As soon as I saw him in his little possie of kitties, I called him by his new name and all of the other kitties scattered frantically...but not my little grey friend. He stayed and let out a darling , soft little meow. I went up to him and thourughlly loved him, cuddled him, picked him up and carried him around for a little while and then set him down. He kept "petting" my leg and giving me head bumpies. I couldn't resist, so I picked him up again and began knocking on doors to see if anyone knew who he was or where he belonged. It about 9:15 P.M. when I started knocking on doors, and I was a little uncomfortable about how late it was, but no one answered their doors anyway. I only knocked on two doors.

I have mixed feelings, but I know where Minion hangs out, so if I keep going there and he is always outside then I may take him, but I just don't know. I wish he could talk and tell me if he likes it where he is, and if he is loved and appreciated as he deserves to be. I just wish he could tell me what kind of homelife he has, if any.

I have never stolen anything in my life. I am not comfortable taking him away from that area without knowing for sure that he's a stray. I just don't know. He has pulled at my heartstrings quite a bit, though. I just don't want my feelings about declawing to cloud my thoughts. I just don't know what to do, but I do know I am too uncomfortable taking him away unless I knew for sure that he was homeless, or unhappy or unappreciated.

08-26-2002, 11:08 PM
try taking the kitty to a vet, maybe he/she has one of those microship ID things....some people don't put collars on cats because of the danger of them getting caught on it. BUT they never should have declawed the poor thing!

08-26-2002, 11:53 PM
I'm having trouble understanding why anyone would allow a declawed kittyy to be outdoors at any time. :mad: So, if you take him, I wouldn't give it a second thought, really!! No one deserves to even know about it, if they would allow a declawed cat outdoors, even for just a little "romp". You mentioned mats, too. That' a sign of neglect to me..

Just my angry, but humble, opinion.


08-28-2002, 03:57 PM
Would anyone else care to vote on this one? I am sure I'll see my grey kitty friend again, and I want some opinions on what the right thing to do is. The poll is at a tie now. Would I be mean and cruel to take him into my home and then put up signs or an add in the paper? I would appreciate your guys' honest opinions. I feel as if I am torn, part of me wants him real bad, and part of me would never do such a thing.

Don't mean to bug you, but this has been on my mind quite a bit, and this Saturday we have to turn in the keys to the apartment and I doubt I will be able to make it back, unless it's just to see my little Minion.

I am honestly torn with what to do. Thanks.


08-28-2002, 04:52 PM
I think little Minion would have a great home (at least temporary, if not purrrmanent ;) ) with you. From what you describe, I don't think he has a home at all. No declawed cat should be left outside....no excuses!!! Plus, with a matted coat and not being totally "well fed" so to speak...he could have been a recent abandonment case, which is why he is still friendly. When I was in the second grade, I found a stray declawed cat...who eventually settled in my family's life quite well:D
It's hard to say what happened to Minion. He could have escaped, he could have been dumped or simply abandoned when tenants moved away....:( It also sounds like he has hooked up with more than likely, other strays. It's so sad that animals can be treated as garbage to be simply cast away like that, but it happens. Being in an apt complex, strays are bound to be more likely as tenants change more often.

Go with what your heart tells you. You have a wonderful heart and I know you'll make the right decision. Taking him in wouldn't hurt...even if it's just until you find him another home.

Lots of love!!!

08-28-2002, 05:39 PM
No doubt I would taken the kitty with me.
A declawed cat wandering the streets, abandoned or lost needs protection:(
I would certanly ask around the neighboorhood, but
have you seen any sing of "LOST CAT"? :confused: ,you know what I mean.
The mats in his fur denote his is not "out" for a little while. Meantime has he got food? :(
If you decide take him with you, you have not stolen him, you FOUND him with no sign of property. And + hi definitely loves you!:D

Sam's My Baby
08-28-2002, 05:47 PM
I agree with other peoples posts, I would take him since he seems like a stray, and then you could post signs of a found cat. then if no one claims him you cloud keep him. Hope everything goes well.:)

08-28-2002, 07:00 PM
My sweet cat was found abandoned at an apartment complex and dropped off at the humane society. I found her there on dead row. She has brought so much love and joy into my life.
The most important question is, how would Graham and Kersey react towards the cat? If they could get along you should take the cat.

08-28-2002, 07:26 PM
Oh Leslie I can tell that Minion has definitely found a home already in your heart. My original thought still stands - take him with you and put up signs and knock on doors but get him off the streets where he will be safe. If no one responds, he is yours. Just tonight I was picking up cat food at Pet Valu and I saw a "Cat Found" sign on the wall there. Someone had bothered to take a picture of this kitty and then print it out and post it in a pet store. I was impressed by the level of caring they showed in trying to find the real owner. My first concern would be getting him off the street where he will be safe and then tend to the signs, etc. Oh, and you better start breaking the news to Graham and Kersey. ;)

08-28-2002, 07:51 PM
I agree with those who say take the kitty. Put signs up but my guess is that if someone in the area had lost him they would have signs up too. Also call the shelters in the area just to put your mind at ease. Good luck.

08-28-2002, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by auggie
My sweet cat was found abandoned at an apartment complex and dropped off at the humane society. I found her there on dead row. She has brought so much love and joy into my life.
The most important question is, how would Graham and Kersey react towards the cat? If they could get along you should take the cat.

Graham and Kersey both love cats. They have both lived with them and I take them to my moms house all the time and she has two kitties. Graham ignores them and Kersey is a bit afraid of them :)

I didn't see him tonight, but I did talk to a couple of tenants who were walking around. I asked one guy if he ever sees that grey kitty around and he has seen him quite a bit, but he has no idea who the owners are. I asked another couple who live in the general area where Minion seems to hang out, and she also has no idea who he belongs to. She told me that her neighbors have a grey tiger stripe tabby that goes outdoors on occation, but this guy has no tabby in him. He's ash grey with white on his chest and white on each of his sweet little feeties.

I still do have mixed feelings, if I do take him in, even if it's just temporary until his original owners claim him, I am already attached to him and I know it'll kill me to have to give him back to the people who let him roam around in the first place without any claws to defend himself.

Sigh....I thank you all for the comments. I'll have to let fate play it's roll now. He may never come back again to visit. I will just have to wait and see.

Thanks again. I'll keep you posted. I do appreciate all the comments, though. It does help me in my decision if/when that time does come. I was 100% ready to take him today, but he didn't show up for a visit :( If it's meant to be, it will be. I keep telling myself that.

Cinder & Smoke
08-28-2002, 08:25 PM
Miz Leslie ~

Our Vote: 2 Dawgz, 1 Kat & 1 Dad = 4-0 Take Him HOME!

Affore he runz afowl wiffa kar or a kruel kid :eek:.

Iffin the K&K Dawgz "like" him - consider the matter klozed...

If the DawgKidz wuld rather *not* share their howze wiffa >Kat<; mebbee you culd snap a pix of Minion an puter-print sum flyerz. Use sum Skotch Tape an stick wun on each door around where he hangs out - that's easier than trying to *catch* someone home!

Soundz to US like he duzint have a reel Howze to call hiz own :(. Prolly no wun is gonna miss him - Cept YOU! :D

08-28-2002, 08:39 PM
Take him home with you. Anyone who would allow a declawed cat to be outside for that long of a period of time, regardless of how the cat escaped, if indeed it did, does not deserve to have such a sweet kitty.

If you feel you can give this cat a better chance at life than it currently has, then by all means, take it.

If my cat escaped, and it was declawed, I would be frantic and looking all over for it, for days on end.


Keep us posted on how everything works out.

I wouldn't even bother with the posters. The family who lost him should be the ones coming up with the posters, not you! Think about it if the situation was reversed, and it was your pet missing.:eek:

08-28-2002, 09:35 PM
Thank you everyone. And that settles it...if Minion comes back for a visit, I am popping him in Kersey's car crate (without her in it obviously) and I am taking him to a home where he will not be allowed outdoors any longer...like it or not!!! :)

I am not going to get my hopes up too high, yet. I have to make sure my little friend comes back still.

If he does not come back before we turn in our keys I think I will make a few trips out there and see if by chance he does eventually show up.

You all are great :) I sure do hope that I have someone new to introduce you all to soon.


Leslie, Graham & Kersey

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-29-2002, 11:28 AM
Sorry I'm late to this, but I would definitely take him home too. As you say, it's up to fate now, but you might try talking to some of the people who've said they've seen him. See if one of them will coax him inside if/when they see him again, then hold him until you can come pick him up. They might do it, they might not, but it would be worth asking anyway. Or, maybe just give them your phone number and have them phone you when they see him and maybe you can make it over there before he leaves again.

Poor kitty sounds like he had a good home at one time, but then again, how good could it have been if they just abandoned him like that.

We've got fingers, paws and tails crossed that you find him soon.

Cinder & Smoke
08-30-2002, 10:12 PM
Way to Go, LESLIE!!! :D


Hey Folks -


Minion's New Home... (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14342)

Happie New Howze, Minion!!

:D :D :D