View Full Version : Tell about Your Dumm Stunts ~ Who's at Fault? ~ the Dawg or the Human?

Cinder & Smoke
05-06-2008, 08:23 PM
I'll start (I 'm hard to embarrass! :p )

Yup, Lost Another Dawg today! :rolleyes:

It all started last night when DUMM Me forgot to close the garage door.
No harm, no foul, or so I thought.

Today we didn't *go* anywhere, so I never noticed it was UP ~ till mid-afternoon.
Bipp & Bopp (aka Cinder & Smokey, aka Clipp & Clopp) were ditty-boppin around in
the yard down by the pond. Cinder trotted up the front yard and *bumped* her way
in via the half-latched front door and flopped under the 'puter.

SmokeMutts looked up from the edge of the pond and saw Cinder moving fast,
so he *dashed* up the pond bank to see where she was headed.
He guessed wrong and made a mad dash toward the garage - but never slowed down
for what I *assumed* was the CLOSED garage door! OMG! WHERE'd he GO?? ... GONE!

I went out on the porch and peered over & down to the garages ...
OOPSIE! One door down, one door UP!
About then Smokey wandered out of the garage and looked up at me with a curious
"Where's Cinder?" look ... and ambled out toward the old Dawg House.

Not planning on a Bus Trip today, I thunk maybe I otta CLOSE the garage
before I forgot and left it open two nights in a row. I headed toward the
upstairs *buttons* beside the dining room windows.

Double Check - Where's SmokeMutts?
In the clear - between the Dawg House and the brush pile - headed to the brush pile.

<RUMBLE> and down comes the garage door. All is well.

A moment later I noticed the sliding door curtain moving ... a sure sign that
the Little Kid has come in and climbed into his Sauna - between the slider and the curtain -
to bake in the afternoon sun. I wandered by and closed the front door.
Back to the puter ... HEY ~ Where's Cinder?

NUTZ! ... She prolly wandered back out when Smokey "came in"!
Back out on the porch to *HOLLER* for Cinder ... CINDER!!

"WHADDA ya WANT? ~~~ Quit wiffa durn Hollerin!"

The BIG Mutt is standing BEHIND me - inside the Ranch!
How can this be? ... So, where's your lil Brudder?

I got a Blank Stare. ... SMOKEY!!
The silence was deafening.
What the ... he was just over there in his Sauna ...
I gave the BigMutt a reassuring *PAT* onna head ... HEY - your head's HOT!

Hmmmmmmm ... ! + 2 + 3 = We're short one dawg! SMOKEY!!
HOW can this be?
Now, why's HER head so hot??
I looked in the Sauna ... he's NOT in there!

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = CINDER was in the Sauna ... so, WHERE's the Little Guy??

Did HE slip outside? We searched inside the Ranch - under the BigBed, the puter ... "everywhere".
Back on the Frunt Porch ... SMOKEY!! <silence>

The BigMutt lay down beside me with a very *DEEP SIGH* and a Head Tilt ...
I began 10 solid minutes of *HOLLERIN* for our Now MISSING Dawg!

After a hasty Chat wiff God, I decided we'd put some hard feet on and jump
into the Rescue Bus for a search up & down the road.

We were headed for the cellar steps when I looked at my "Assistant" ...
and remember how she'd *got lost in the GARAGE* a month ago ...

OH, he's not THAT DUMM, is he?
We headed to the dining room *buttons* ...

<RUMBLE> and the door started to rise ...

A grey STREAK ***DASHED*** out of the garage and tore grass to sprint
up to the front door and delivered a Two-Pawed **KNOCK** for entry!

Hi, Bub!
Everything OK down in the garage?

Don't you know how to <**BARK**> ??

Memo to Self: Check the Garage, Dummie!

/s/ Dumm Dad

OK ~ Jump In ~ Let's hear about YOUR DUMM Stunt Tails!

05-06-2008, 08:45 PM
ROFLMAO Glad all the kidz are safe inside............but Dad you know how Young uns are!

05-07-2008, 06:49 AM
Oh my, you must have been getting worried, "were's doggie 2???" He couldn't bother to BARK from the garage when you are calling and hollering, oh gosh. Bet if you had hollered STEAK he'd have responded.

Glad it all worked out. I mean, in the end, he was never in any danger, so that's wonderful!

Louie and me
05-07-2008, 07:51 AM
Oh I know this feeling so well. Picure this from the weekend.
Hubby is sitting outside with Louie reading. So, I go out to see them and I can’t see Louie. Where’s Louie I ask. He’s behind the car says Hubby. No is isn’t says I. Where is he then - I tied him up (he has a 15 feet nylon line) says Hubby.
Go round to the backyard – no Louie
Go down the back next door – no Louie.
We get car keys and are just about to set off round the neighbourhood when we see Louie – meandering down the road towards the house trailing his 15 feet line behind him…..
His back and front left leg have been bothering him so I haven’t taken him round the block for two days. I guess he decided to go himself.
There’s life in the old dog yet.

05-07-2008, 08:51 AM
LOL! What a story! I bet they thought it was fun to have you run around looking for them - and you got the exercise for the day. :D Glad they're both safe! :)

05-07-2008, 11:24 AM
Phred, can I share a story about DUMM me cat-sitting my sister's cats in this thread, even though it's in Dog General?


Cinder & Smoke
05-07-2008, 11:38 AM
Phred, can I share a story about DUMM me cat-sitting my sister's cats in this thread,
even though it's in Dog General?

Oh, fur SURE!!

KATz are always *welcome* in Dawg Threads!!

MY Katz always acted like they were part Dawg! :p


05-07-2008, 12:13 PM
So I'm cat-sitting my sister's two kitties (now both at the RB) ... Poco (Siamese mix) and Jasmine (calico). Jasmine loves to go outside. I put on her leash, but I can only get one of the buckles, so I take her out with one undone. She slips out of the one that was buckled and takes off running. I chase her between the back door and the gate, but I can't catch her. Poco saves the day by putting his front paws up on the back door screen to see what the heck she's doing out there. She stops running, pulls up short at the door to see what Poco wants, I snatch her up, and we go back inside.

Who's at fault? DUMM me for not securely fastening her leash! [I didn't try to take her outdoors again the whole time I was cat-sitting.] Poco and Jasmine, I loved you even though you weren't mine, and I still miss you after all these years. :love:

05-07-2008, 06:58 PM
Poor Smokey...Cincy can relate! She has been shut in the basement, on the backporch, in the bedroom...and never makes a peep!!!

But as for the true dumb human stories....

When Cincy was just a puppy, Ralph had to go to Washington on business, and his parents invited me over for dinner. I took the dogs, and their yard is not completely fenced. So I was taking the dogs in the house and Sadie coughed. I turned to be sure she was okay, and Cincy took off around the front of the house, running toward Michigan. I took off after her, and here comes Sadie. I knew I couldn't run that fast, so I looked at Sadie and said "Go get your sister". Now who is dumb enough to tell your 1 yr old dog, to go run loose after your puppy?

Surprsingly enough, Sadie ran Cincy down, turned around and came back toward me, Cincy in tow. It all turned out well, but talk about dumb!!!

Or how bout the time I was outside playing with the dogs in the yard, and then came in to do dishes. Evidentally I had not closed the gate all the way when I got home from work, because shortly after I came in, the phone rang and a neighrbor had caught Spot. (She was smart enough to read his tag, but dumb ebough to let him go after she did....)

By the time I ran outside and around the house, all three of them were back in the front yard...never crossed the street, just down to the corner and back.

Okay one more...I took Sadie out for a walk by herself, must have also been when Cincy was a puppy. Anyway, I used the retractable leash, which we rarely do. I was wearing flip-flops, and she caught sight of a cat. She ran, I tripped, lost my shoes (it was dark out) and couldn't chase her very well. Here am I, in the dark, looking for my shoes. She was out of my dight maybe a mintue, had her run, and came right back. IBy that time I had found my shoes and we came home. I don't walk the dogs in flips flops anymore!!!