View Full Version : My intensely sweet, but oh so dopey Dudley

finn's mom
05-06-2008, 01:37 PM
Wow. Guys, really. Dudley is the sweetest dog ever. (Unless you're trying to move him from his spot or take his food, then, it's like Jekyll and Hyde!) He gives the absolute best doggy hugs I've ever gotten. And, the sweetest little tiny kisses, rare and heartfelt.

I start this thread with all those good qualities, because I want everyone to know that I say this next part with nothing but love for my boy. But, he is definitely lacking in the brains department.

This just happened about five minutes ago, and it's not a rare occassion.

Finn always pees first when I walk the dogs. Dudley usually has to frantically find the PERFECT spot, which I don't get, because he rarely marks the spot he's aiming for, anyway.

But, today, he decided the perfect spot was right next to Finn as he was peeing. But before getting situated to lift his own leg, he stood directly under Finn's stream for a few seconds. Yup. Totally soaked his head. That's not usually what happens, but it's not the first time, either.

What almost ALWAYS happens, though, and the reason he rarely hits his mark, is because he pees on his own front leg. Poor Dudley.

Anyway, that's my story of my lovely, but not all there, Dudley dog. :love:

05-06-2008, 02:00 PM
LOL!!! That's funny!
Oh poor Dudley.... a fella just can't catch a break huh?

Sierra's been peed on once, Buddy HAS to mark where ever she pees, so he'll wait for her then he'll pee. Well... one time he couldn't hold it anymore and peed right on her!!

:rolleyes: Oh boys....

05-06-2008, 02:57 PM
We've had some very close calls around here. Tucker generally wants to go where Hannah goes and rarely waits until she's done, hence I tend to hold my breath that the stream doesn't intersect with the one who hasn't completed her task. Strangest thing though when he pees without being thusly *movtivated*, he generally doesn't even raise his leg.

Cinder & Smoke
05-06-2008, 03:22 PM
What almost ALWAYS happens, though, and the reason he rarely hits his mark,
is because he pees on his own front leg.
Poor Dudley... :love:


Smokey will never forgive me for this, but as a early arrival at the Ranch,
and being Only #2, he frequently followed Princess Cinder and
tried his best to re-mark her "places".

As with Dudley, he frequently rushed into the re-marking location before the
original marking had been completed ... Wet-Head was a frequent problem for #2.

And if he managed a timely arrival with a Clear Field ...
his *aim* really stunk! ... He'd wash down a front leg more often than not! :rolleyes:

Cinder would often be circling around to RE-re-mark over his mark ...
she'd cock her head and watch him score a hit on his own leg ...
I'm sure she mouthed "You DIPstick!" more than once. :p

I'm glad they don't embarrass very easily!


Told with Love, by Dad

Daisy and Delilah
05-06-2008, 03:36 PM
Awwwwww!!!! Poor Dudley!! Gotta love him. Thanks for the great story Kari. It's hilarious!!:D

05-06-2008, 04:18 PM
Well, it could have been worse. He could have been the dog who ambled up to me in the dog park and peed on my legs, rofl! I was laughing so hard and the dog's owner was absolutely mortified. I didn't have time to move lol.

No worries, Dudley, you are a sweetheart pup. :D

05-06-2008, 05:53 PM
Awww poor Dudley! :D It's not easy being the short guy is it? I remember once Tommy really got Tasha with a stream :o. It was mainly because he decided suddenly to mark right where she was checking out an interesting smell. The look on her face reminded me of how a cat would look after being spritzed with a spray bottle!

But hey, no one said it required a genius mind to be lovable right? :D

05-06-2008, 06:27 PM
Hehe I think Sydney and Dudley are too much alike. Syd once walked right behind Nebo while he was pooping...it was all over her head. :o She's the sweetest dog, and generally well behaved, she's just not the brightest one of the bunch....but we love her anyway. :)

05-06-2008, 08:56 PM
Oh My Goodness - I needed those laughs today!!! :-)

Princess Ruby has not been wee'd on .......... but Captain has ambled under John's legs when we were out in the bush once, and John was being a BOY and pee'ing out in the open ........... Captain got a wet head ..... never did it again.

P.S. Just in case you didn't know, John is my Hubbie :-)

finn's mom
05-06-2008, 10:03 PM
Glad Dudley's not alone in his predicaments. Dudley is all heart, Freckles is all brains and Finn is a good mix of both. ;) David has Dudley out right now, and I'm sure he's peeing on his front leg as I type. hahaha

05-06-2008, 10:12 PM
Oh my, rothflmao! I'm sure poor Dudley makes up in personality what he lacks in brains! Gotta love him. :D

05-17-2008, 11:32 PM
Poor dog! Seems like he'd learn. I think that would be a lesson I'd surely remember.

05-18-2008, 02:13 AM
Too funny! My moms dog Twilight has ambled under my dads dog Max a few times to sniff an interesting spot, with similar results. Poor dogies just have no sense of timing lol.

Cats are not immune to this problem either. Remus has this bad habbit of pushing the bathroom door open and wanting to play in the toilet...usually when hubby has to pee :rolleyes: Remus has had to be washed more than once for getting over enthusiastic:p