View Full Version : Todays Adventures

05-04-2008, 10:34 PM
Well today we did something we hadn't done in a while. Walked all three dogs in the park together. I walked Sheena and Ajax and hubby walked Luca. Both Sheena and Ajax were on my left side. Sheena on Halti atached to my waist so I was hands free to walk Ajax. With Sheena at heel Ajax naturally stayed at heel with only a few corrections. We walked around the whole park with many people who were driving by slowing down to admire them. Then we stopped and watched a baseball game going on. We had all the dogs in a sit with us. Many kids came over to pet them all, feed them cookies and admire them. Several of the parents also came over to talk to us about them. Many were amazed at the fact that all 3 Shepherds were so friendly and easy to manage. I don't find it amazing at all of course but many of them had had bad experiences with untrained Shepherds who were aggresive. I think we changed many a view on the GSD and the White Shepherd today. Love doing that. My favorite thing though is one of the kids told us that their daddy could barely walk their lab without being drag let alone two dogs at once and wanted to know how we did it. lol Ys the dad turned very red faced.

Then we went to Walmart to get the stuff we needed for mothers day things. Sheena went with me for the actual shopping. Then I was able to bring in Ajax for a few minutes of working next to a cart. He did really well. At the beginning he walked no problem with our cart but would jerk to behind us if someone walked towards us with a cart. He seemed to worry about being run over or hit. So I got out his cookies and would distract him as we walked by other carts or as carts approached us. By the end he was ignoring them. We were only in there about 10 - 15 minutes and only did one pass of the whole store. But we wanted to end on a good note and not overwhelm him the first time. He did attept a couple of times to sniff people, sneak a few kisses and also sniff a few items but a quick correction and then praise helped him to figure out it was not allowed. So we ended the session on that note. Put the cart back and walked him to the car.

So he is doing extremely well. I am so proud of him. And this collar is such a help. In a couple of weeks I am purchasing a mobility harness so that he can learn how to wear that and work with it too. Don't worry I will not be putting any weight on him or so on. But this is the perfect time to get him used to the harness.

So all in all a very good day.