View Full Version : Please Keep Ozzy in Your thoughts!!

05-04-2008, 12:07 AM
Hey everyone! Hopefully some people remember me. I havent been on here in awhile cause i didnt have internet but now i do and i've been getting back on all my forums so i wanted to let you guys know whats goin on..

Not good news for Ozzy :(
Nobody told me until today but Ozzy has been acting funny about his back legs.
They said he had been whinning sometimes but acting fine otherwise and that he was kinda running funny.
So i went outside and threw the ball for him to see if i could see what was going on. the first two times he acted normal and happy but the third time he ran for the ball he just collapsed and screamed with pain and could not get back up.
I called a local vet that does emergencies but she was useless ( i hate these people! i use to work for them and i swear they could care less about animals!) Luckily my sisters fiance knew of a 24 emergency clinic in Springfield so i called them and they said to bring him right up.
They took a couple X Rays and from what i understand they found build up in his spine but they cant tell if its Disc material or Boney build up from arthritis.
If it's disc material he will most likely get better but she said something about surgery.
If it's Boney build up then she said he most likely wont get better and wont walk again
They gave him a steroid shot for today and tomorrow i start him on Prednisone.
He's also on complete bed rest and i have to carry him as much as possible and wrap a towel around his waist to help him walk.
I went to petsmart and got him an XL plastic airline crate and an orthopedic bed to hopefully help keep him comfortable but i might get a play pen instead..i'm not sure yet.
I'm taking him up north with me when i leave tomorrow so that i know he will get the proper care that he needs and on Monday i'll be taking his X Rays and write up to my vet up there for more consultation.

Here is his write up for anyone who can decifier it...maybe help me better understand what is going on....

Paralyzed: Presented ot AEC at 7 pm Sat. Was playing in backyard & collapsed in back legs.
Hx of prior to 2-3 days, walking funny.
PE: mm pk/moist, mentally alert & responsive. Femoral pulses palpated. Normal bilateral + anal tone, able to move tail some, neg superficial pain, both rear legs & no response or deep pain pinch.
Rec rads hip/spine. Rads # 2717 - lumbosacral inscreaed opacity w/in joint space. Adv increased opacity could be disc material or boney build up from arthritis. Discussed sx option - O declined at this time.

We didnt actually discuss any surgery option. Basically she just said that it may be needed if it is disc material and told me it would cost me a couple grand and assumed that because i am young i would not be able to come up with the money but if surgery is an option for him i will do my very best to get the money for it!

If anyone has suggestions on how to make Ozzy more comfortable and make this easier for me and him please let me know!!


05-04-2008, 12:21 AM
Ozzy, you handsome boy, we will be keeping you in our thoughts, and you will be in our prayers tonight!

05-04-2008, 12:43 AM
I hope he'll be ok!

05-04-2008, 09:29 AM
Oh no, how scary for both of you! Ozzy is quite handsome.

I had a cat who had a calcium build up in the spine due to undiagnosed thyroid issues. Once he went on meds for the thyroid, the calcium build up stopped; did not get worse. Of course, that did nothing for improving the situation. Did Ozzy have any blood work up?

From what the vet wrote, if this is from arthritis you will see some improvement with the bed rest and meds. I hope is it and Ozzy will recover.

05-04-2008, 08:39 PM
Ozzy, we will pray for you, and you will be in our thoughts.