View Full Version : New Here, and Need Help!

08-26-2002, 08:55 AM
I just registered and logged in, after browsing. I really need some advice.

I have a wonderful, loving, 3 year old Great Pyrenees, who has suddenly become aggressive. We did have him trained as a pup, he's great with family and friends, walks well on a lead (never did "come" well if off-leash). He took to barking at strangers about a year ago - and now will run toward them barking and jumping if not tied up. He has NOT harmed anyone yet (except for their psyche, that's a pretty big dog to come menacing toward you), but I'm fearful about what is "next".

Why the sudden change? How can I stop it? He has plenty of animal and human companionship, exercise, loving.

We have been undergoing construction (renovating a 2nd storey) and perhaps he's just sick and tired of having his territory invaded?

I'll add more later, but this is just a start to ask if anybody can offer me any advice.

My timing is off, too, might I add, as I'm leaving town for a couple of days. But perhaps when I get back in town Wednesday, somebody will have some wisdom here for me to peruse!

I appreciate any imput.


08-26-2002, 10:26 AM
I'm not sure why he suddenly started being aggressive, but I would suggest going to a doggy behaviorist. Ask your vet for recommendations. Hope your pup gets back to his normal self soon.

08-26-2002, 10:38 AM
Is he neutered? That's a first step, if he isn't, but in any case, I think he needs to be "re-trained." Maybe a basic obedience and socialization class is in order, now that he is a "grown-up." (Yes, bigger dogs do take a lot longer to mature!) The construction could certainly be upsetting him, and making him feel more territorial, you need to establish with him that YOU are the Alpha dog, not he, and YOU will make sure the house and property are safe ....

08-26-2002, 11:43 AM
Sorry that I do not have any advice I just wanted to Welcome you to Pet Talk.

08-26-2002, 12:40 PM
Could have a pnuerological issue too. Something we tend to overlook or not think about.

Check with your vet and see what they say.

08-26-2002, 01:35 PM
I've got friends who are going through pretty much the same thing with their 3 -yr-old Greater Pyrenees. They aren't having the problem with humans so much as with other dogs of late.

08-29-2002, 01:33 PM
I have just read some of your wonderful advice - and will post again shortly. I'm racing into nightshift after a lovely 3 days away. Will look forward to being in contact with you all tomorrow, and again, thank you for taking the time to post!

08-30-2002, 06:18 AM
Charise, here is a good site to read over. This individual has been breeding for well over 20 years.

As he states, the "aggressiveness" is well documented and known in the breed. Although should not be considered aggressive as much as protective. This is what they do.

You should consider continuous obedience/socializing training. From reading the article, it sounds like he is doing something that is natural to him. Do get him nuetered to minimize the intensity of the protectiveness in him. This will help immensely.

Good luck and keep us posted.
greatpyrenees (http://www.dutchpyr.com/greatpyrenees/)

08-30-2002, 06:26 AM
I just got home from nightshift and logged on, and received your message. I have put the Great Pyrenees link you kindly found for me into my "favourites" folder, and will read it thoroughly after a little bit of sleep! Hopefully it will offer some really good insight, it certainly looks promising.

What a wonderful board, I'm so glad I discovered Pet Talk.

And by the way, Chris (and the others who asked), I forgot to mention that Ike is indeed neutered, has been since the beginning (well, close to it....!)

I'm looking forward to reading the link in a few hours. For now, it's zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Thanks again, Charlene

P.S. I will definitely keep you posted. Mike and I are willing to do ANYTHING to ensure our darling boy gets "back on track", to lose him is unthinkable. Whatever it takes, whatever the cost......but I also cannot have a dog that could possibly harm a child, if you know what I mean. I don't want a dog that I'm fearful may do this. That's why I wanted advice and help now, in the early stages of his altered (and bad) behaviour.

10-18-2002, 02:43 PM
As an update on Ike, I wanted to let Chris and everybody else who was concerned and helpful know that he has really "come around". I believe the construction we were undergoing (and our neighbours as well) really had him unnerved. He has been MUCH more himself lately, back to his regular sweet nature. When were were putting the second storey on our house, he wasn't allowed "up there" (too dangerous) until recently. Now that he can come upstairs while we work, insulate, drywall etc., he happily hangs out with us. Maybe it wasn't even the construction, perhaps he just missed us being downstairs with him all the time.

Oddly enough, there is one neighbourhood child whom he still barks at, and I won't let him near her off leash. It's very odd, he plays beautifully with all the other children, but this one 8 year old girl brings out the worst in him (and she's sweet, not a brat, I know she's never taunted him in any fashion, I can't figure it out).

But, he's doing beautifully. Thank you for all your advice and concern!

10-18-2002, 04:46 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk!!!

My little brother has a Great Pyrnes New Foundland mix,5Yrs,that is as sweet as can be...He sounds a lot like your GReatP. but I cant undestand why yours suddenly became agressive,my GSD did this but just to other Male dogs(except the GreatP. which is kinda weird ,i guess the GSD looks up to him) Maybe its stress????Because you are adding onto your house and i do figure that other people are coming onto the property delivering items ,and you had said "perhaps he just missed us being downstairs with him all the time" this could have also put stress on him,not being able to be with you alot as much as he had.....These things could have put stress on him.....WEll hope it gets better and Welcome To PetTalk!!!:)



10-18-2002, 07:07 PM
Dogs are funny sometimes, why they
choose not to like a person or a child.
Could be her smell, her young age or something
else you just are not aware of.
I think you are being very smart by not taking
any chances.
As you and others pointed out, the work
around your house must be very upsetting to him.

Just wanted to wish you a warm welcome to Pet Talk. :)

10-18-2002, 11:10 PM
I'm so glad he came around!! Wonderful news :D Be sure to give him hugs and kisses from me :)

10-21-2002, 07:32 AM
WELCOME TO PETTALK !!! http://www.forum-smilies.com/fun_59.gif