View Full Version : advantage

08-26-2002, 08:15 AM
does anyone know of any side effects for cats on advantage? I applied it on Baby yesterday, and she was very tired and sleepy all day and night, which is totally not like her. Also, my other cat Minnie smelled it on Baby and attacked her, which is also not like her at all... I didn't notice these symptoms the last time I gave them advantage...

08-27-2002, 10:11 AM
I don't know about the fact that Minnie attacked Baby, but I can tell you that the drowsiness that Baby had was likely related to the Advantage. Unfortunately one of the side effects of exposure to too much Advantage is drowsiness or apathy. This is supposed to go away after a few days.

I am not sure how old Baby is, but it is not recommended to use Advantage on kittens younger than 8 weeks and the dosage should be adjusted for their weight.

08-29-2002, 02:27 PM
Weeze, dittoes on the foregoing. When I moved into this house there was little flea problems. But two weeks later, they began to multiply. So, I bought a large can of bug spray and placed some "frontline"-type of stuff on my furkids. The older ones got a full dose, but the younger ones got about 1/3 dosage, and this has greatly helped to eliminate the problem.


08-31-2002, 02:00 AM
I use advantage every month on my cats and I've never noticed these symptoms. I try to put it on them at night so maybe thats why I've never noticed if it makes them more drowsy.