View Full Version : Milo throwing up, arghhhhh

04-26-2008, 08:55 AM
Hi there, I just wanted to see if anyone else has a similar problem.
Milo Buttercups sphynx, has not been himself latley, he seems to be sleeping more. I had noticed a few times in the past week and half that one of the cats had been throwing up... Not hairballs or bile, but there actuall food.
I have been assumng it was milo but not sure as we do have 5 cats.
Talked to a local vet tech who runs a pet food store and she suggested changing foods to nutram sensitive stomach for cats. Which i did, so all 5 are on it(friggin expensive) arghhhh
Anyhow, yesterday, i actually caught milo throwing up, so called the vet right away and got him seen. He also pooped so i took that with me.
The stool sample came back negative... They have done some blood work and are awaiting the results.
The vet thinks it may be a inflamed digestive problem (probably saying this wrong)..... Or that he may have eaten something that he shoudnt have ie: an object, that is floating around in his tummy.
We are hoping the blood work comes back all normal. Next step I guess would be xrays....
Has anyone had this problem? The vet says cats can just develop a digestive problem like this.....

Scooter's Mom
04-26-2008, 09:17 AM
My Scooter Bug throws up his food from time to time. He's done it his whole life and he's going to be 13 in September.

If he is on one food for too long, he starts throwing it up until I change it. Sometimes I get 3 months out of a food, sometimes a year. But as soon as he starts up-chucking it, I know to find a new kind.

Yep, as a result my kitties eat a lot of grocery store variety - I feed what he will tolerate, not what is the priciest.

04-26-2008, 01:04 PM
We just went through the same exact thing with Lucky.

After all the tests and lots of big $$$$ :mad:

Turns out, it was a fairly simple thing:

He is allergic to his food :eek: - all our cats eat Science Diet.

Now, he is on their z/d diet - which consist of NO wheat/corn by products.

It works!!! Yippee!! Although expensive (of course!) no more vomiting!!

You might check with your vet on being allergic to his food.

Good luck!!!

04-26-2008, 04:38 PM
I was feeding them all natures prairie, which doesnt have any wheat, corn or soy. I am hoping it is a simple allergy though.
Its amazing how much it cost just to have a blood test done....

04-26-2008, 05:54 PM

04-26-2008, 07:00 PM
My one girl, Sophie, has a very sensitive stomach and she will also gorge on food (I think because she was a stray and was starved when I found her). Turned out she had diverticulitis, and would throw up a lot and also have really nasty poops. I ended up switching her food to one that had the least amount of fillers and all that, and went with California Natural. It was pricey, but it worked. I did end up switching over to Nutro a few years later, but did so very gradually, and she's still doing fine. I do have to watch that the food bowl is never more 1/4 empty because she just thinks that she's going to run out of food, or not get any, with the other kitties in the house (this does happen from time to time cause it seems like the self feeder is 3/4 full and all of a sudden the next time I look, it's empty).

Hope Milo's tummy will feel better, and that the tests come back with nothing seriously wrong (if anything is wrong).

04-26-2008, 08:53 PM
I sure hope that it's not anything serious. My cat Sunny is my barf boy because he gets very hungry and he'll eat his food too fast. I have to be sure to give him small portions and wait a while before I feed him the next one. I now do this with all of my cats. I also try to feed them at the same time every day and I feed them 4 small feedings. My cats are on Innova Evo wet and dry because my cat Starr has to be on a grain free diet. I mix Sunny's dry food with a little wet and a little water so he'll eat slower. Good luck.:)

04-27-2008, 09:16 AM
I posted under the thread in Cat Health....

04-27-2008, 11:49 AM
Mitzi does this too occasionally. She gets really bad hairballs that make her miserable. I had her on Science Diet Hairball formula but it really wasn't helping. I'm convinced she has a sensitive stomach so I'm trying that Pet Promise food that Jen is feeding Bravehart - no animal byproducts and Mitzi loves it AND no more throwing up so far this week.

I've also discovered that the Temptations hairball treats are the perfect solution to her hairballs. She hates Petromalt, but loves the Temptation treats and they work to help her pass the hairballs out the *ahem* other end :rolleyes: ;)

04-27-2008, 12:23 PM
Thanks for all the advice.
It is deffo not hairballs, as he has no hair...lol
And it is all his food he is throwing up..
We should have blood results back tomorrow.
He has just started this in the past couple of weeks, he is one yr now and up until now has been fine on his food.
argghhhhh. What a worry. He threw up in the middle of the night again, so its not right after he eats, its just random.
Im scared that if he is going to throw up all the time that he will end up skin and bones. :(

04-27-2008, 01:42 PM
I hope that Milo Buttercups sphynx (great name!!) will be back to normal soon and that whatever is discovered to be the cause will not be serious. Please keep us updated. :)

My one girl, Sophie, has a very sensitive stomach and she will also gorge on food (I think because she was a stray and was starved when I found her). Turned out she had diverticulitis, and would throw up a lot and also have really nasty poops.

Jenn, how did the vet determine that Sophie had diverticulitis? I'm wondering if my cat Jimmy might have this instead of IBD? They never did any xrays and just ruled things out to come up with the IBD diagnosis. Are there tests for diverticulitis or is it a ruling other things out kind of thing too?
Does the food you give Sophie now have extra fiber?

04-28-2008, 12:11 PM
Ok heard back from the Vet... Blood work has all come back fine, PHEW!
So he is suggesting I stay on this new Nutram for sensative stomache food. If not then to try there Hills science diet one (YUK)..
If Milo throws up more than 3-4 times per week they want to put him on a medication, I cant remember what it is called... I believe some kind of prednosone.
So far he has thrown up once since i took him to the vet.
So we are just goin to keep an eye on him and see how he does.
He seems fine in himslef, he is eating etc:
Bu deffo has lost some weight.....
The vet thinks it may be a digestive inflamation problem.
Well Here's hoping he stops throwing up.... :)

04-29-2008, 06:17 AM
Jenn, how did the vet determine that Sophie had diverticulitis? I'm wondering if my cat Jimmy might have this instead of IBD? They never did any xrays and just ruled things out to come up with the IBD diagnosis. Are there tests for diverticulitis or is it a ruling other things out kind of thing too?
Does the food you give Sophie now have extra fiber?

I had taken her to the emergency vet, where she was diagnosed, and then the vet I had gone to in Bethlehem (before he left the practice... so hard to keep the vets we like!). She was throwing up repeatedly, and her poops has blood and mucus and puss in them. It was really gross. The vet at the regular office said many cat foods have all the additives and enriched products in them, and that to find something that had the least of that. He said many of the sensitive stomach foods made the stomach even more irritated (he did not recommend the Hill's Science Diet for sensitive stomachs). I did some researching at the one small pet store that carries the more expensive brands that had not been found in other pet shops (this has changed now too, it's been 8years, although there are still brands carried there that I can't find at PetSmart and Petco).

I talked with the owner of the small pet store and we looked at all the brands they had, and basically narrowed it down to the one with the most natural stuff on the ingredients list, none of the additives and all that. Back then it was California Natural Chicken and Rice. It did wonders for Sophie, and she began to gain weight back and look healthy. She does well on the Nutro now as well, but since I have some fatties here, I changed to weight management. I have since bought some regular and kitten food to supplement Sophie's diet because she is such a frail little cat. I put her in my spare room to let her relax and eat at her own pace and so she isn't bullied by the others for the food. She and Honeybun will both get upset if they feel intimidated while eating, and Honey has a tendency to throw everything up that he just ate if he gets upset.

I have tried other foods here and there, but no matter how gradually I had started them, Sophie still ended up with a reaction to them, so I just stick to what works.

04-29-2008, 02:26 PM
My local pet store (vet tech) has also suggested the eagle pack duck and oatmeal, as the oatmeal is very soothing.

We have just switched the dogs too, to timber wolf.... So hoping they do well on that, Because Shrek has reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy stinky gas on the nutram..POOOOOEY.

04-29-2008, 03:13 PM
One of my guys (Tanner) was diagnosed with IBD a couple of summers ago. IBD is the diagnosis that is given when nothing else really shows up. The only way it can be positively diagnosed is if the vet takes bioposies from the GI tract. That was how I found out about Tanner.

I eventually moved to making my own cat food so there are no dyes or preservatives in the food and he has been fine ever since then. (I buy a pre-mixed foundation from the web and then add the rest of the stuff)

04-30-2008, 12:01 AM
Will have to keep your duck and oatmeal food on a stickie note and see if our stores have it. Sounds like a really good choice, since oatmeal is supposed to be soothing to stomachs (animal and human).

Good wishes to Milo, and the rest of your crew!