View Full Version : Yoo-Hoo? I'm Back, though I never left!

04-24-2008, 08:33 PM
Hi Everybuddy! And Hi newbies too..life's been as usual really insane with the tsunami of abandoned mamas and babies coming thru my doors, and the mad scramble to find a space for them...preferably in less filled up homes. I think with the mild Winter we had in New England the earlier the cats got pregnant. I've been heavily involved in trying to take as many pregnant cats off the streets, and ones that already have birthed their kittens. I think my year to date count is already nearing 100 counting the cats that were too far along to spay that birthed indoors, the moms rescued with their offspring, and misc. others along the way. Thankfully I have a tiny network of foster friends that take on the overflow, but the need for foster homes seems more dire than ever this year. I have my limit of six litters now and moms, and thankfully the help of a terrific shelter to help me place them into good homes..and spayed and neutered before adoption too which means they have to be 2-3 lbs Sadly too many people want the kittens very young, which often means Craigslist etc. freebies which I'm sure means I'll be picking them up off the streets eventually..kittens included! Anyway..I'm still kicking....at least to some degree! P.S. I have TWO, YES TWO Adorable healthy wonderful affectionate special needs babies needing homes. They have cerebellar hypoplasia. P.M me or better yet, email me at my user name @aol.com if you are local to Massachusetts, and are interested. I have my hands full of too many paws lol!

Scooter's Mom
04-24-2008, 09:34 PM
Welcome back to posting!

04-24-2008, 09:38 PM
Welcome back to Pet Talk. Sounds like you have been super-busy!

04-25-2008, 06:05 AM
Always plenty to keep us busy in the world of felines, huh? Welcome back!

04-25-2008, 07:46 AM
Hello, Jan! I'm taking in pregnant moms as well. I currently have 4 moms and their babies. All but one of them delivered here. In total, I have 20 newborn kittens! :eek:

Laura's Babies
04-25-2008, 07:49 AM
HI JAN!! I have been wondering where you were, figured you were busy rescueing all those kitties. How is all of your gang doing? Things are still the same around here, I have another kitty now. Got my Mom's lovely girl Boo and Chester is now happily living at Rie-Rie's all the time. I now have Amy on Cosequin and it has made a big differance in how she feels and acts. How is your special boy Eli doing? I often think about him..

04-25-2008, 07:53 AM
Welcome back! I have missed reading your posts...I am very glad that you are back at it again!!

04-25-2008, 07:57 AM
WHOA!!! Typing for yourself for a change! :eek: :D

Ah, you know I don't mind being your "hands." :)

04-25-2008, 08:03 AM
What a wonderful surprise!!! It's so good to hear from you again!!! Sounds like you really have your hands full these days with helping all those new kitty families. I hope things will ease up for you and you'll be able to post again.

Groucho is sending you lots of headbumpies, kitty hugs and kitty kisses to thank you for helping his fellow kitties in need. Groucho says every kitty should be a Pet Talk kitty and enjoy a life filled with love and the very best of everything!

Bless you for all you do to help these poor kitty families, you're a hero to all of us!

04-25-2008, 12:42 PM
Welcome back, Jan! I missed reading about your rescue escapades. How many cats do you have in the house right now?

04-25-2008, 04:22 PM
My Friend Janice and I rehomed 4 Cats last year including two young ladies before they got pregnant . But we are amateurs compared to you. We hope that you dont get too bogged down in Cats and Kittens and that the ones you have can find the Furr Ever Homes. I know Our Lord will straighten this out and the ones who didnt care for thier Pets will be on permant litter box duty!
Bless You for helping.

04-25-2008, 05:40 PM
the ones who didnt care for thier Pets will be on permant litter box duty!
. ROFL!!! How fitting!! :D

04-26-2008, 06:56 AM
Welcome back! You sure have your hands full. I am totally in awe of you!

04-26-2008, 07:02 AM
Welcome back! But I cannot figure out how you have any time at all to do anything but care for these poor unfortunates! :confused: :eek: :D At times it must seem like an endless project, but look at all the wonderful lives you have saved.

Bless you for caring.