View Full Version : Some updates....4-24-08

04-24-2008, 07:08 PM
1) Rutherford's lump was biopsied. They feel it is a fibrosarcoma caused by a vaccine. While I know that my own vet does not vaccinate in that area, it is still possible that he DID receive a vaccine at that spot. I may have even done it myself the year I vaccinatedat hime. There is a possibility it can reoccur, but the vet feels she got most of the tumor.
The one thing I need to discuss with the vet, is does she feel he is "prone" to these things? And should we ruduce the number of vaccinaions for him to prevent another one?

2) Even though Tuvok is gone, his vet bill LOOMS over me like the black plague. :( We will be holding a raffle, locally, for a basket full of "goodies". I wondered if anyone here would donate $1 towards this raffle. (How many people really EXPECT to win, when they buy one of those tickets? ;) )

3) BraveHeart is doing OK. Could be better, but could be a whole lot worse, too. He makes me happy with his sweet little face.

4) I am depressed, and tired. But tomorrow is another day.

04-24-2008, 07:21 PM
Jen - pleeese - do you have a paypal account? Or where can we send funds???

Good news on Rutherford...could he withstand a bit of chemo? Trying to recall the name of the - is it lysine? - that is supposed to help fight feline cancer.

Glad to hear BraveHeart is holding his own. :-) That widdle face (he DOES have eyes, right? I think I saw them in one photo!) :)

04-24-2008, 07:51 PM
Jen, a lot happened, very quickly, and not much of it was positive. That happens sometimes. I can surely understand you are tired and depressed. Nothing wrong with you for feeling like that after the things which happened.

Take some time to settle with things before you take on any more. You need time to adjust to all of this. One thing you CAN do is snuggle with those furkids, they help all of us through the sad times.

04-24-2008, 09:45 PM
You may have mentioned this, but how old is Rutherford?
Did the vet ever give a diagnosis to Tuvok?
Glad to hear that BraveHeart is stable! Let him have some pizza!!
Take Care of your self....Sandra

04-25-2008, 01:05 AM
Thanks for the updates. I hope that things will continue to go well for you and your cats. My current vet told me to stop all vaccines for my cats because they're all indoor only. Since Storm is 12 she said that he shouldn't receive any more vaccines and they've also caused problems with Sky. A lot of vets now only recommend that cats be vaccinated every 3 years. I'd discuss these things with your vet. Hopefully the vet was able to get the entire lump on Rutherford so now he'll be fine.

I'm sorry that you have such a huge bill from Truvok.:( The raffle sounds like a great idea. Hopefully BraveHeart will continue to do well. Now please take some time out for yourself. You don't want to burn yourself out. Take care. (((HUGS)))

04-25-2008, 05:29 AM
Rutherford is a little over 11 years old.

My vet says I should continue vaccines at least every other year because I foster and bring new (strange/stray) cats into the house.

04-25-2008, 06:03 AM
Thanks for the updates. I hope that things will continue to go well for you and your cats. My current vet told me to stop all vaccines for my cats because they're all indoor only.
My previous vet felt the same way, so I haven't vaccinated my fur posse since then; only the rescues who were adopted.

Jen, a lot has happened in a very short period of time. You're on overload right now. Try to take some personal time; that isn't being selfish, it's necessary. You'll come back refreshed and ready to tackle whatever is before you.

04-25-2008, 07:52 AM
Jen, I have to agree about not vaccinating every year! You know all the 150 + cats and kittens I have brought in and placed over the past 6 years or so. After the initial vaccinations, I have never re-vaccinated my own! They have all done FINE! There is much evidence about over-vaccinating .... the VAS being just one!

You have had an unusual amount of trying times here lately. Things WILL get better! Just take a step back for a month or two and re-coup!


04-25-2008, 09:42 AM
I have stopped giving the distemper. Several of the cats have had horrific reactions to it, and all are indoors only. The only vaccine the Clan get is rabies every three years. Maybe Rutherford might do better with the homepathic nosode for rabies.

04-25-2008, 09:51 AM
(((HUGS))) Jen

I'm sorry you've had so much hit you at once.

I agree with not vaccinating every year. Last year after talking with my vet when Moxie had a reaction/tumor from her vaccination we decided to go every 2-3 years for distemper. She said studies have shown the vaccination is so strong that even the one year dosage lasts for up to three years. I'm required by law to get rabies but now they are doing the three year vaccination so we are going to that.

Please let us know about the raffle so we can donate.

smokey the elder
04-25-2008, 10:19 AM
OK, the s***-on-you fairy can just move along now. :( I hope that you can get a break from all the troubles. Could you PM me an address to send a donation? I don't like Paypal (don't trust it.)

04-25-2008, 10:59 AM
Hi, Jen - the kennel where I used to work asked that all cats have the vaccine for airborne diseases - they weren't worried about rabies.

Of course, in that kennel, cats from different families did not mix - they had their individual times out. Your case is different.

This 'only' happened to Rutherford so far - so sounds like your vet has the right idea.
