View Full Version : Owen

04-21-2008, 07:03 AM
To Owen's family: you are angels, taking in Owen and his family, restoring their health, and making sure even Mom lives a wonderful life; bless you.

Owen, enjoy your special day; you deserve it!

04-21-2008, 07:28 AM
Owen, you are such a lucky boy to have been taken in by a loving caring family, it's no more than you and all cats deserve on this earth. I love your cute markings, and hey is there enough room for another on that sofa of yours? I think there'll be a queue! hehe
Happy Cat Of The Day Owen! :)

04-21-2008, 09:19 AM
Owen You Are Such A Lucky Cat , You Were Once A Stary Cat And Now You Have Your Very Own Couch And A Loving Family Who Truly Love And Appreciate You So Very Much!!!
Not Even We Lucky Found Cats Have Our Won Couches Although We Do Intend To Work On That.
You Are Such A Great Little Orange And White Cat, Like Orangester Who Dads Feeding Outside.
We Found Paradise Hotel Cats All Send A Mighty Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww To Our New Friend Owesome Orangie Owen Your Mewwwiest And Newest Cat Of The Day.

04-21-2008, 09:54 AM
Good morning, dear Owen! You are one lucky kitty to have such a loving caring home. I do feral cat TNRM as well, so I know just what your mom is talking about, falling in love with a 'foster!' He hee. How do you think I ended up with TEN! :eek:

You are full of kitten curiosity, and you are just SO helpful around the house, bet your family wonders how they accomplished things before your arrival!

I am sending some chin scritchies your way, hope you enjoy your day as Cat of the Day!

04-21-2008, 12:41 PM
Owen what a handsome fellow you are!!! Lookin' mighty comfy on your little sofa too!!! :)

I'm so glad your kind humans helped your mommy and siblings have better lives too. Give them a kitty kiss from me, ok? :)

I hope you are being spoiled rotten and having a ball today!!!

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D

04-21-2008, 01:59 PM

Congratulations on your honor of COTD! It seems you've gotten lucky twice. The first was when you and your family were found by the wonderful people you now know as your humans. They sure are great! We here at pet talk LOVE people who take care of homeless animals and see to it that they get spayed/neutered so as to prevent more unfortunate furrballs from being homeless. Care for the ones that are already here; Yes! Bring more here; No! :) You sound like a very spirited little kitty and I'm sure you make wrapping presents a load of fun too ;) Give your special family a headbump from me, Moon and Bean and we will check out that website they nicely included as a link to.

04-21-2008, 03:16 PM
Owen!! What a precious ORANGEMAN!!!!!!!!!! I am glad that your Mom took such great care of you and your brother!!! You sound like a great helper to have around the house!! HAPPY COTD!!!!!

04-21-2008, 05:28 PM
What an awesome and most deserving Cat of the Day you are, Owen!:) Our most heartfelt thanks to your wonderful family as well, for giving hope for a better life to you, your fur mom, and your siblings! What an amazing rags to riches tale! We only wish there were more caring and compassionate people such as your humans, and the folks at C.A.R.E., in this world!:) You're such a precious, handsome boy Owen, such a scamp, hehe, just as your Mommy says, and looking mighty comfy in that big, overstuffed chair I might add:D! Now that's what I call living the good life!:cool: And just think, this is only the beginning of a wonderful life filled with nothing but comfort, love and happy days:D Congratulations to you, precious Owen! I hope you and your wonderful family are enjoying a very special, happy and fun filled day of celebration!:) You deserve it! Hugs and kisses to you, sweetheart!:)

04-21-2008, 07:28 PM
Owen, you are a precious orange and white kitty! You keep the plants' dirt leveled off, you keep tabs on the washing machine ... you are resting on your own chair ... sounds like your days are busy and full! Happy Cat of the Day to you, sweety!

04-21-2008, 08:06 PM
Owen what a handsome boy you are. You story is wonderful and CARE sounds like a great kitty organization. Congrats on being COTD :D

04-23-2008, 04:14 AM
Owen, you sure are a handsome orange & white boy! You look like you are enjoying life in your forever home, all comfy lounging in your chair. You have a wonderful family, Owen, to take you and your sibs in, nurse you to health, and see that your furmom was taken care of. Congrats to them for helping kitties! You have some very important jobs at your house, Owen, but take some time off to celebrate your status as COTD!