View Full Version : Pet Passports

Pawsitive Thinking
04-20-2008, 11:31 AM
We are thinking of holidaying in France later this year and want to take the dogs with us (putting Anglo-French relations back about 100 years :D ). Has anyone applied for a passport for their pets?

04-20-2008, 12:17 PM
I haven't but I do know that for pets flying theres like a quarantine period between countries and it can be months to ensure they don't have any diseases, etc. A friend of mine looked into it when she was going to Hawaii because she wanted to bring her pup and she would have had to have her dog quarantined at the airport for something like... 60 days or something.

Though I'm certain it varies by airline and country, I would check into it as soon as you can because personally I wouldn't want my pup having to be quarantined anywhere but my living room!

EDIT: Information:


I would check with your specific airline asap

If I was moving it would be worth it, but for a 10 day vacation, I'd much rather just leave them with my parents.

04-20-2008, 01:31 PM
It depends on the regulations for the country you are flying the dog into... not all do require dogs to be quarantined.. and its based on the regulations of that country not the airport.... you would be best to contact the French government that makes these regulations and see what they require for importing dogs into that country.

I am sending a dog to Finland (From the USA) in the next upcoming weeks and there is no quarantine... but you have regulations you have to follow. For shipping this dog to Finland from the US, I have to have a USDA certified vet do his exam/health certificate, varifiy his rabies vaccine, and also have to do a echinococcus treatment no more than 21 days before shipping, all certified by the USDA certified vet.. THEN I have to take the health certificate down to the USDA/State Vet in Raleigh and have them approve it within 24hrs before shipping..... there are a few other things, but thats the main stuff....

Also just an FYI but it is possible to fly dogs into Hawaii with out having them quarantined, but it a process that takes a couple months to complete before shipping... with having rabies titers etc done... some people I know have shipped dogs back and forth from the US mainland and Hawaii several times.....

04-20-2008, 08:30 PM
Well I suggested checking with the specific airlines because they should be familiar with the policies regarding this for the specific country.

04-20-2008, 08:48 PM
Well I suggested checking with the specific airlines because they should be familiar with the policies regarding this for the specific country.

I wish this was true, however in getting things together to ship this dog to Finland (hopefully he will be sent over in the next week or two) I have found out the airlines are by FAR not a good choice to go by, as far as requirements for the country you are traveling to/Importing to... I have found they know next to nothing about each countries requirements for shipping dogs into whatever country you are going to, but rather just their own personal requirements for shipping dogs on that airline.....

Also since the person who posted the original question is from the UK, traveling with pets into other EU countries I have found is supposed to be a bit easier than transporting dogs from countries outside of the EU, into the EU.... which is in my case, shipping a dog from the US to Finland. I have had one heck of a time trying to get information from the Airlines about shipping him to Finland.... its a long and annoying process and I can't wait till its over!!!

Again the best bet would be to contact the French embassy and get their requirements for shipping dogs into France.

04-20-2008, 09:22 PM
Best bet is to contact your pet's veterinarian. They usually have to provide a minimum certificate of health/vaccination and may be required to do some tests that show a negative result or extra vaccinations.

When you make an appointment with your vet, be sure to let the receptionist know you are scheduling for out of country travel certificate. You will also need to bring the exact address of the place you intend the pet to be staying at and exact dates of stay. Schedule your appointment at least a week ahead, or longer to give the vet time to look up the requirements for the country you are traveling too.

A year or so ago we had someone moving to the Carribien (sp?) and it took the vet almost 6 months of letters and emails to goverment officials, multiple blood tests, extra vaccinations and a TON of paperwork to get the pet approved for travel into the country.

Some countries are MUCH more strict on allowing pets in and their requirements than others.

04-21-2008, 09:02 AM
Best bet is to contact your pet's veterinarian. They usually have to provide a minimum certificate of health/vaccination and may be required to do some tests that show a negative result or extra vaccinations.

Well yes, you obviously need to talk to a vet, though for me, I had to make sure it was a USDA certified vet to do interntional health certificates... if your vet has never done them, (or in my case was not certified to do them) they will need to contact who ever it is over in the UK and/or Fance that make the shipping regulations and requirements....

but the USDA was able to give me the names of vets who were certified to do them for me....

Pawsitive Thinking
04-21-2008, 09:03 AM
Thanks people. Beginning to think Tobey and Archie would be happier staying at Aunty Angie's for a week :-)

04-21-2008, 10:19 AM
You should be able to find all you need to know on here.

Pawsitive Thinking
04-21-2008, 10:47 AM
Great! thank you

04-21-2008, 11:43 AM
Thanks people. Beginning to think Tobey and Archie would be happier staying at Aunty Angie's for a week :-)

That's too bad. I've heard the French adore dogs and that most of the country is very dog friendly. American friendly is a whole other story.... J/K.