View Full Version : 3 More Kits NOW WITH THEIR MAMA...MORE PICS POST #26 AND 27

04-19-2008, 01:22 AM
So, it is happening early this year in Illinois!! A lady called me saying she and her neighbor found 3 kittens in her neighbor's garage. She said that when they found the kittens the mom was there but ran off. I told her she should have tried to trap the mama first, then get the kittens to keep them together as a family because these babies really need their mama's milk. They had already took the babies and mama was long gone. The lady set up a trap for mama in hopes to catch her so I can reunite her with her kits. They are about 2 wks old. Their eyes seemed to just have opened a day or two ago. They are nice sized with fat little bellies! They are drinking formula from a syringe, no nipple yet. Hopefully they will take to it soon. They are all girls...and have no names yet. I am so bad at names, so any suggestions are welcome!!

Here they are!!

You can see that their eyes just opened. This girl was still working on her right eye when the lady brought her to us.

Black Female (see the white tip on her tail...too cute!) She is the tiniest of the three.

Tortie Female...she is the biggest of the three.

Black and White Female, after first feeding with us.

I just love this lil' girl's tail and toesies!!

Big girl stretching out for a nap!!

Gettin' comfy!!

The sisters after a good flea bath and feeding! Resting comfortably in a large cat carrier with a heating pad!!

I will keep you all updated.

04-19-2008, 01:28 AM
The kittens sure are adorable.:) Thanks for being able to take them in and give them the care that they need. Hopefully some one will be able to trap the mother cat. I'm not sure what you should name them but I'm sure you or some one else will think of something.:)

04-19-2008, 06:52 AM
Oh, they're all so adorable! Thank you for taking such good care of them. I don't usually offer names; I let them earn their names. Good luck w/that and keep us posted. How sweet they are!

04-19-2008, 09:03 AM
How 'bout Marsha, Jan, & Cindy? :)

04-19-2008, 09:45 AM
They Certainly Are Sweet. I Would Try The Royal Canin Baby Kitten Food When They Can Handle Kibble As We Have Found It To Be Excellent And Its Good For Older Cats Too Who Are Recovering From Tooth Loss.
What Sweet Little Cats Of The Future.

Scooter's Mom
04-19-2008, 10:09 AM
How 'bout Marsha, Jan, & Cindy? :)


They are all so sweet.

04-19-2008, 11:46 AM
Oh aren't they cute! I wish I could be there and hold them. Thanks for taking these very cute babies in ! :)

04-19-2008, 12:27 PM
Oh, they are so precious! I'm so glad the lady called you instead of trying to wing it herself! Too bad she let mom get away though. :(

What is it about all these black & whites and girls? Check my update on Rosie and her babies! ;)

04-21-2008, 11:17 PM
Just a quick update.....the lady trapped the mama and we have her here with her babies. She is nursing them and taking good care of them, but she is very feral. She hisses everytime I clean out her cage and give her food. She is a biter too. Dave was wearing welding gloves to get her out of the trap and she bit right through them, did not break the skin though. I am hoping she calms down enough to get her spayed and possibly a home. If not, we will spay and release her back by the lady's house. I have pictures and will download and post them tomorrow. Just wanted to update you guys.

04-21-2008, 11:36 PM
I am so GLAD the mama was found. I really hope she begins to realize that she is safe and you two are not monsters...she sounds pretty wild though.

It will be interesting, though, when you start socializing the kittens and playing with them with a string or something - I wonder if she will follow that with interest?

PT Prayers that Mama cat calms down and knows how nice it is to be loved. :)

(PS...would a small rag with a shot of Feliway on it near her in the cage harm her while lactating? Maybe check with the vet)

Thanks for helping this wee fur family! :D

04-22-2008, 12:40 AM
Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear that the mother cat was caught and that now she's nursing her babies.:) Hopefully she'll calm down and realize that you're only trying to help her and her babies. I look forward to seeing the pictures.:)

04-22-2008, 04:58 AM
Those three babies are truly beautiful and good on you for looking after them for mum while she was gone. I am really pleased to hear that she is back with her brood and hopefully it won't take too long for her to settle down and get used to you and the welding-glove-wearing super husband of yours.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity, and all the best with the little ones. (Can't wait to see how they're growing!)

04-22-2008, 05:59 AM
Good to hear that Mama was found but I'm sorry that she isn't responding (yet) to your kindness. As you know, sometimes it's just that way and we have to spay them and turn them back out. If that should happen, at least she won't get pregnant again and you can breathe a sigh of relief there. But who knows, she may come around. Stranger things have happened. I have a couple of ex-ferals ;) and you'd never know it now.

04-22-2008, 09:20 AM
I'm so glad the mom was found and she can be with her babies.

It's tough when they are feral like that but hopefully she will calm down.

Bless you for helping this family.


04-22-2008, 10:04 AM
Great job!!! Glad the whole family is together. As far as mama being feral, once they are old enough to be weaned, you'll have to seperate them from mama so you can socialize them all. But you KNEW that!!!!!

You are a true kitty angel, Reachoutrescue!!!

04-22-2008, 11:22 AM
That's wonderful news!!! I hope she is still producing enough milk for them!!! Be careful with the biting thing, Tracey! :eek:

04-22-2008, 08:08 PM
You are a true kitty angel, Reachoutrescue!!!

Agree totally and very glad mama kitty is able to be with the baby kittens.

04-22-2008, 11:15 PM
Thank you for all your kind and sweet words...but I am not angel!! Just trying to do my part to save lives...just like so many of you are!! The animals are the true angels!!

Well, the lady that trapped mama kit was calling her "Oreo". Dave and I do not think that fit her too well, so we have officially named her "Taylor", after Taylor Swift...as this kit is very quick!!! She is a fiesty one and gives us our run for our money!!!

Taylor is doing better today though. She hissed and spit at me when I took the litter box out of her cage to scoop, but was quiet when I put it back. She lets me handle her babies just fine, which is great. I gave her some canned Evo cat food and as she was eating I was able to pet her gently on her head. She just kind of looked at me with a warning glare, so I just stroked her gently and backed off. I think she will come around nicely, but for now, it is going to be snail slow!! Here are the pictures I promised you all. Enjoy!!

Poor Taylor cut her nose in the trap. It is healing nicely.










That's all for now. I will keep updating you all as the days go by.

04-22-2008, 11:45 PM
Those are some serious 'airplane ears' mama's got going on!! I'm sure Taylor is frightened though and trying to understand this human who is offering nothing but kindness. Something new for her I'm sure! Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job of caring for her and the kittens and I think your snail slow approach is going to work out well! Look forward to more pics down the road. Thanks for sharing them! :)

04-23-2008, 12:01 AM
Thanks for sharing these pictures.:) I agree that Taylor looks scared and unsure about everything. Hopefully in time she'll feel much more secure with her surroundings.

04-23-2008, 12:15 AM
Taylor is just beautiful! I can see how the babies are HERS for sure.

Wow, Tracey, if she is letting you pet her even a LITTLE bit, and handle her kittens...I think that bodes well for her settling down a bit.

Oscar was just recently tamed when I first got him - and the fellow had worked with him since spring, and he just started accepting forehead rubs in early November. He progressed quickly - and came home with me December 19.

Still...he had never been an indoor kitty for the first 2 1/2 - 3 years of his life...the first few times the toilet flushed, he RAN to the other end of the apartment! (Now he'll enjoy watching the water sometimes, and occasionally sits in front of the toilet wanting to 'watch the water'. :D )

Anyway, it took some progress...he is MY sucky boy, but shy of strangers, though he doesn't hide any more.

Those airplane ears on Taylor! Maybe you should have named her for Amelia Earhart, the famous aviator! :)

Please give her some scritchies for me when she gets to that point. :)

04-23-2008, 06:25 PM
Sweet Taylor, I'm so glad you are with the baby kittens ... all will be well! gentle with one finger *pet

04-24-2008, 05:34 PM
wow, sounds like you have made a little progress with mama Taylor! Of course she is scared, poor thing. I'm so glad that the babies are with their mama again. I'm sure with time and loving care she will calm down a bit.

Those babies are adorable!! And, yes, you are an angel for taking them in.

04-24-2008, 06:35 PM
Love the airplane ears! Great pix, thanx!

04-25-2008, 08:05 AM
Watch out! That mama is coming in for landing!!! :eek: :D Bless her heart, she's just scared and protecting her little ones! What is it about all these black & white moms everywhere!!!??? She reminds me of my mommy (Pattycake) who was rescued from under that house! She's the one with the skinned off hair from her tail and back. She will still growl a bit when I first come into the room but once I talk to her she melts like butter! :)

04-26-2008, 01:13 PM
The Kittens and Taylor are doing great! Taylor is coming around slowly. She still hisses and growls when I go near her cage, but she is letting me pet her more now. The kittens are getting big and they are so funny. Here are a bunch of pictures I took last night. I gave the kittens some toys....they kind of just stared at them, eventually they did start to play, but only after my camera was put away! Enjoy! (sorry for the blurred pics, I really need a new camera!)


Ginger is the biggest girl...and very sweet.



Daisy is funny...she always hisses when I pick her up...it is really cute. She is getting better though.



Abby is the most friendly of the three.


More in next post....

04-26-2008, 01:17 PM
Abby is just TOO funny!!

She loves messing with Taylor!


And now Mama Taylor....

Taylor and Ginger cuddling.

Her "airplane" ears are getting better every day.

When I was rubbing behind her ear, she actually start to fall into my hand...but that only lasted a couple of minutes then she backed off.

That's all.

04-26-2008, 01:51 PM
Oh they're so cute! It's the ones that hiss that I always fall in love with. My Puddy hissed at me the first time I saw her and I said "This one is going home w/me". They have such spunk. I love the pix, thanx! :)

04-26-2008, 02:58 PM
What cutie pies! Taylor does look much more relaxed today! Give her a few more days and she will be begging for your touch! :)

04-26-2008, 04:19 PM
Yay, Mama Taylor! I am glad you are with the baby kittens and I hope you will get more used to a caring hoomin looking after all of you. And you do have a very caring angel of a hoomin doing that!

04-27-2008, 02:15 AM
Oh my - little Abby is about the spitting image of her mom, except for her mom's chin spot.

Taylor is looking way more relaxed - I love your story of how her head was falling into your hand, and then she remembered - "OH! Monster. Must - resist - " :D

She just might turn into a really loving girl after all. Great pics - thanks! :)

04-27-2008, 08:41 PM
These kittens are so sweet! I just can't see enough pics of them!! :D
I must say, you've cleared up a mystery for me and my husband. We were talking a few days ago about how sad it is that we couldn't know our Paddy when he was younger. We adopted him at the age of 10 last fall. We were wondering what he would have looked like as a kitten and I think the mystery is now solved. Your little grey and white kitten sure looks like him! LOL
p.s. could I have your permission to save this pic to my computer? I'd love to make it a screen saver. :)

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd102/emeraldcreek/TaylorandKits4-25-08002.jpg http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd102/emeraldcreek/Paddy2-2.jpg

04-27-2008, 08:43 PM
WoW...that's remarkable!

04-28-2008, 03:00 AM
How heartwarming.
It's great that you could trap Mama Taylor as well- it is obvious how the kittens get big and happy under her care :)

04-28-2008, 05:24 AM
It seems the babies are making great progress and that's thanks to their great mum Taylor, and also you Tracey. You are doing a great job :)