View Full Version : A Dog & A Sheep....A Mystery****UPDATE****

04-18-2008, 11:52 AM
This story was mentioned again on today's Ellen show. The duo is still
at the Shelter. I hope the owner shows up soon.

Dog and sheep: A love story and bit of a mystery
By Dennis McCarthy | Los Angeles Daily News
8:41 AM CDT, April 17, 2008

LOS ANGELES - So there's this guy who owns a pizza joint in Sylmar driving to work Tuesday morning when he sees a dog and sheep walking down the street together.

No, it's not the start of a bad joke. It's a real love story.

And the dog and the sheep are now sharing a kennel at the animal shelter in Chatsworth waiting for their owner to come and claim them.

"We tried separating them, but the sheep started bleating and got all nervous," said kennel supervisor Christine Carr.

The tale of the errant pair started when John Caruso dropped off his son at school.

"As I'm driving away, I see this dog and sheep starting to cross the street at San Fernando Mission and Hayvenhurst heading for the freeway off-ramp," said the owner of Caruso's Pizza in Sylmar.

"I couldn't believe it. People were blowing their horns, trying to stop them from walking up the off-ramp and onto the freeway."

So Caruso jumped out of his car and collared the German shepherd and put him in the back seat of his car.

He didn't even have to go back to get the sheep — she jumped in the car right after the dog.

"It was like wherever the dog was going, she was going, too," Caruso said.

At this point, though, Caruso — like most people — wasn't sure what to do with a dog and a sheep in his car.

And he needed to get to work.

So he headed to his grandmother's house in Granada Hills and dropped the animal duo off for safekeeping until he could figure out what to do.

"We put them on the side of the house where there's a gate," he said. "She was so excited. She lives alone.

"After school, my son and all his cousins came over and played with the dog and sheep. Wherever the dog went in the yard, the sheep followed him. You could tell they'd been together a long time.

"When I tried to pet the sheep, the dog let out a low growl, so I backed off," he said. "It was like it was OK for the kids to touch her, but not an adult.

"They spent the night together in the corner of my grandmother's yard."

On Wednesday morning, Caruso had a plan. And he packed the pair up — back into his car — and drove to the local animal shelter in Chatsworth.

"I walked in and told them I had a lost dog and sheep out in my car," Caruso said. "They thought it was a joke."

No, it wasn't a joke, the pizza man told the animal-control officers. All the shelter workers walked out to see.

"As far as I know, it's the first dog-and-sheep duo we've had," Carr said. "Very unusual. You can tell they're really bonded."

The shelter had one call Monday from someone wanting to know whether they had a dog and sheep in custody, Carr said.

"But he didn't leave any information so we couldn't call him back," she said. "We're hoping whoever owns these two sees your story and comes (to) get them."

So if you're missing a dog and a sheep with serious separation-anxiety issues, they're waiting for you at the animal shelter at 20655 Plummer St. in Chatsworth.

Go pick them up. Then give me a call so I can tell people how this love story began.

04-18-2008, 01:59 PM
Oh what a cute story!
I'd LOVE to know how long they've been together or how it it all started!

finn's mom
04-18-2008, 02:33 PM
How wonderful. I love those kinds of tales. :) I hope their owner finds them. I have no doubt, though, that they'll have a good home one way or the other.

04-18-2008, 06:00 PM
Wasn't that the sweetest story ? I hope the person that called but left no info, calls back when they hear of this story.

Ginger's Mom
04-18-2008, 06:30 PM
It is a great story. I keep checking back for updates. The dog is well-fed, and he doesn't look that young either. I hope their real owner comes for them soon.

04-18-2008, 06:38 PM
It is a great story. I keep checking back for updates. The dog is well-fed, and he doesn't look that young either. I hope their real owner comes for them soon.

Do you have a link for a picture? I'd love to see what the dog looks like.

Ginger's Mom
04-18-2008, 06:53 PM
Hope this works. There are two pictures. :) LA Daily News (http://www.dailynews.com/breakingnews/ci_8966069)

finn's mom
04-18-2008, 08:49 PM
Oh, goodness, they are a precious pair. :) Looks like they have a home if their owner doesn't claim them. I read that article, I think that's awesome about the blanket/comforter collection going on for the animals sleeping on concrete floors at the shelters. Very cool idea.

04-18-2008, 09:45 PM
Update on this story......

The dog and sheep were told to leave their home.

"Ewe are a baaaaaaad dog", the owner told the dog. The pooch had been living in a San Fernando Valley home, the dog had jumped the fence and went missing for a few days, only to return to the house with the sheep following along...like a sheep.

"She just pulled the wool over my eyes...I was minding my own business when she followed me home." the dog stated.

"My owner found out and tossed us out, It's been shear terror ever since." The pastorial canine also added, " I think I have some shepherd mix in me someplace- It's not a bad deal anyway, when I want to nap I just count to ONE and I pass out!"


I live a few miles from Sylmar and there are some ranch style lots up there....I'll keep my eyes peeled for a follow-up!

Cinder & Smoke
04-18-2008, 10:52 PM
"Ewe are a baaaaaaad dog", the owner told the dog.

OMG, Richard! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/tongue.gif http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Here's the Paper's uppiedate >>>

Dog and sheep story to end happily

<!--subtitle--><!--byline-->By Dennis McCarthy, Columnist
<!--date-->Article Last Updated: 04/17/2008 11:37:03 PM PDT

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As of late Thursday afternoon, the owner of the inseparable dog and sheep found
walking down a street together in Mission Hills on Tuesday had not come forward
to bail them out of the city animal shelter in Chatsworth.

The good news is there was no shortage of people who called the
Department of Animal Services wanting to adopt them.

"Our phones have been ringing off the hook all day," said Ed Boks, general manager
of Los Angeles Animal Services. "Those two captured the hearts of a lot of people."

Yes, they did. My phone was ringing off the hook also.

"So often we hear the sad stories of what happens to lost or abandoned animals,
so it was nice to read one with a happy ending," said Maria Dales, founder of German Shepherd Rescue
of Orange County. If the owner doesn't show up within the 10-day waiting period, Dales said,
she would adopt both the sheep and dog to keep them together, which is important.

Poor Sheep looks like s/he could use a lil bit of a *bath* followed by blow dry and maybe a *clip*.


04-19-2008, 10:06 AM
Hope this works. There are two pictures. :) LA Daily News (http://www.dailynews.com/breakingnews/ci_8966069)

Awww, thanks for the link for pics & story. :) Aren't they an interesting
couple. I am so happy the pizza guy was there & acted in time to nab
them. :) I loved the article & am so happy they'll have a home together
no matter what.

p.s. I also loved the idea of blankets for Shelter animals. A perfect project
for school kids.(Teaching kindness & empathy for animals)

04-20-2008, 02:12 PM
What a cute pair! It makes me wonder, why the dog would growl at an adult trying to pet the sheep but not kids? Bad experience?

04-21-2008, 01:25 AM
Front page of the Lost Angeles Daily News reports that the wayward pets were reunited with their owner.....They got out when an elder relative with Alzheimer's left a gate open.! :)

Cinder & Smoke
04-21-2008, 03:13 AM
Here's the *link* to the Lost Angeles Daily News web site article >>>


Now, STAY HOME, Kids!


04-21-2008, 09:03 AM
Wonderful update. :) I hope they get a lock for that gate. Don't want
those two wandering again. :)

04-21-2008, 09:20 AM
What a great heart warming story. So glad the two were united
with their owners. Kudos to the Pizza guy and whomever else
helped to make this story have a happy ending.:)