View Full Version : Had A Earthquake This Morning

04-18-2008, 09:22 AM
......and I slept right through it. :) Woke up this morning with both
dogs in the bed just staring at my face. :D


04-18-2008, 09:32 AM
On the news this morning here in Cleveland they said that people in our area (North East Ohio) felt it.

One of the news casters as at home and awake at the time and felt it and heard his sky lights in his apartment creaking! :eek:

04-18-2008, 10:34 AM
I heard on this mornings news! 5.4 on the whatever scale... pictures from all over the area, as far away as Kentucky. Oh Liz I was thinking of you and all else in those parts. When/if you live or ever have lived in California you sort of know what it is and what to do. But MY... :(

04-18-2008, 10:38 AM
Just stopped in to see if anyone had posted about it as yet.

Here is the AP report:


04-18-2008, 11:51 AM
Yep! We woke up.. was at 4:37am. I woke up and just laid there.. was like uhh... thats interesting. LOL. Dogs woke up, but I dont think they acted out of the ordinary. And of course my worrywort mom called me 10 minutes later. She grew up in CA though, so she kind of knows what to expect I guess...

I lived in CA for 7 years, never felt one earthquake, move to MO and 16 years later.. an earthquake. So weird.

News says we're had 6 aftershocks as well... 4.5 was the last one. But I didnt feel any of them.

I hope nothing more happens. *fingers crossed* I've been watching my niece (8 mos) all week, so I would hate for something to happen while I have her.

Cinder & Smoke
04-18-2008, 12:05 PM
... In Cleveland they said that people in our area (North East Ohio) felt it.

And some of us Slept right through it! :rolleyes:

Zipp & Zopp had exchanged places last night - Cinder had the Inside Spot (under the covers)
and SmokeMutt had the Foot Guard position (mostly On Top of my feet).
To my knowledge ~ NUNbuddy woke up for The Big Shake! :(

Maybe next time ... ;)

04-18-2008, 12:18 PM
I heard about that. We're "celebrating" the 102nd anniversary of San Francisco's big quake in 1906 today

04-18-2008, 12:26 PM
glad everyone's ok.

last big quake we had here in Portland was back over 15 years ago. Our kitty Crystal woke us up with her meows moments before we felt it.

04-18-2008, 02:19 PM

Call us when you get past a 6.0 shaker. :p


They are really good when they get to the 'Exorcist/I am possessed stage'.

When it stops you crawl out of bed. Then people that give you a score for riding it out-Kinda like a PETA rodeo....no bulls or broncs involved.


Have you all been misbehaving out there?

04-18-2008, 04:08 PM

Call us when you get past a 6.0 shaker. :p

I'm with RICHARD :D

04-18-2008, 04:44 PM

Call us when you get past a 6.0 shaker. :p


What's the largest quake recorded for California?

04-18-2008, 05:25 PM
I was in Indy this morning, but not until after the quake...We had a meeting
with a client at 10 am, I was on the raod then, probablly around Perrysburg, Ohio. Didn't notice anything driving!

Our clients were telling us about it and then afterward, when we stopped at the Tony Stewart Store, the lady working there had heard the trophies rattle in the case with one of the aftershocks. Weird stuff!

04-18-2008, 05:40 PM
Slept through it here, but reports are that people in Detroit and Lansing felt it.

Would of been interesting to experience. :)

04-18-2008, 05:52 PM
Something woke me arounf 5:30 this am..... may have been the quake, may have been a kitty screaming for food! :rolleyes: :confused: :eek:

I guess there were several aftershocks, but I felt none. I was home for lunch, watching the noon news as they were reporting live from one of the highrise apt. buildings that had some bricks fall from the quake (Ft. Wayne is in the northeast corner of the state!) and when they went back to the studio, one of the newscasters had something of a startled look on his face. He said there had just been another tremor. The other newscaster said, "Oh, I thought you were shaking your legs under the table!" I felt nothing and neither of the kitties have acted any differently.

04-18-2008, 06:20 PM
The biggest recorded quake was a 6.9 was the San Fran Quake.

The last three in the San Fernando Valley/ Lost Angeles area were the
Sylmar '71, Whittier Narrows '87 (?) and Northridge '94 quakes.

Those were all 6.2 and above. On the Richter scale every 10th of a point is one hundred times stronger than the previous point.(I may be wrong on that-
It's been awhile since I have done Quake Trivia.

There are two different kinds of quakes- the shakers and the jolts.

The shakers are like having a mattress in the back of a truck and laying on it.
Then have a friend drive down a potted dirt road. These last anywhere from a few seconds to a whole minute.

The jolts are really sharp, short lateral moving quakes. In 94 I was in a store next to a display of 2-liter soda bottles when a sharp aftershock hit.

This is theater of the mind time!

Put a 2 liter bottle on a table then hit the edge, watch the liquid. Take about 250 bottles, stack them up the way they do in a supermarket and move the supermarket......Freak out! I did!

I made eye contact with another shopper who was standing about 15 feet away- we had a 30 minute conversation in about 10 seconds...LOL, it was like this - #%@#$ THAT WAS BIG! ARE YOU O.K.? SON-OF-A-&^$%! WTF DO WE DO IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN? HOLY^@#$# JEEZUZ CRIMINY I DIDN"T SEE THAT COMING....and never said a word. We then kinda smiled and laughed, nodded to each other and went on our way.


During the 87 quake I was in the basement of a 10 story building and saw the six foot thick concrete floor doing the wave......that was wild!

04-18-2008, 06:41 PM
Quote from this link


"Earthquakes in the central or eastern United States affect much larger areas than earthquakes of similar magnitude in the western United States.

For example, the San Francisco, California, earthquake of 1906 (magnitude 7.8) was felt 350 miles away in the middle of Nevada, whereas the New Madrid earthquake of December 1811 (magnitude 8.0) rang church bells in Boston, Massachusetts, 1,000 miles away. Differences in geology east and west of the Rocky Mountains cause this strong contrast."

04-18-2008, 07:22 PM
Yeah a lot of my classmates live in Illinois and they woke up to pictures falling off their walls and beds shaking A LOT. I slept right through it though, lol.

Cats have been acting weird alll day.

Then this morning around 10am we were all in class and the smartboard started shaking against the dry erase board and we all had to evacuate to the hallway. That aftershock was... 4.5, if I remember correctly. Only lasted maybe 30 seconds, tops.

Pretty neat, though; only the second earthquake I can remember being in in this area, the last was in the EARLY 90's LATE 80's.

People are freaking out about New Madrid.... I personally think it's a coincidence since this quake didn't even fall on the same fault line. But New Madrid is some seriously scary business...

04-18-2008, 07:47 PM
For example, the San Francisco, California, earthquake of 1906 (magnitude 7.8) was felt 350 miles away in the middle of Nevada, whereas the New Madrid earthquake of December 1811 (magnitude 8.0) rang church bells in Boston, Massachusetts, 1,000 miles away.

I was wrong,, thanks....I was only 10 years old in 1906. ;)

04-18-2008, 07:52 PM
Well if you have to have an earthquake, It's better to sleep through it. :p

04-18-2008, 07:59 PM
What's the largest quake recorded for California?

I was curious about your question so I Googled........

7.9 in 1857 Ft. Tejon
7.8 in 1872 Owens Valley
7.8 in 1892 Imperial Valley
7.7 in 1906 San Francisco - 102 years ago today
7.6 in 1992 Landers
7.3 in 1927 Lompoc

Richard is right - call us when they get over "6" - but if you have never
experienced any earthquake - and then one happens like today - they still scare the socks off of you.

My most recent favorite was the 1994 6.7 and my four poster bed bucked like a bronco and I was in it.

04-18-2008, 09:12 PM
My most recent favorite was the 1994 6.7 and my four poster bed bucked like a bronco and I was in it.

I was waiting for the Earthquake Maven to post! :D

LOL, there is an old joke about being in bed with the headboard hitting the wall so hard the neighbors woke up.

Then, the earthquake stops! :rolleyes:


None at all! :eek:

04-19-2008, 07:37 AM
I have to admit, this earthquake MAY have been my fault....

Lat week we had a client in form New Jersey. At lunch we weremakingsmall talk and talking about the area in gnerral. Someone mentioned our weather and how we don't get the extremes and minimal natural disasters....no hurricanes, no earthquakes...of course I had to pipe up and say oh we get earthquakes. Sure they aren't very often or very big, but they happen...and a week later.....


04-19-2008, 10:50 AM
I was wrong,, thanks....I was only 10 years old in 1906. ;)

Not really wrong Richard. california regularly have stronger quakes, but
midwestern quakes affect a larger area. (no mountains to slow them down)

Suki Wingy
04-19-2008, 05:43 PM
There was one in mid/southern IL supposedly. Some people felt it all the way up here in northern IL but I didn't. The last few times I woke up in the middle of the night just ONCE, I either had a splitting headache or threw up, and those were spread throughout about a year. :P

04-19-2008, 11:52 PM
Not really wrong Richard. california regularly have stronger quakes, but
midwestern quakes affect a larger area. (no mountains to slow them down)

One thing that the USGS never bothers with is the length of the quakes.

A one minute quake really feels like a lifetime. :rolleyes:

04-20-2008, 12:10 AM
I slept right through the quake.

Apparently (according to my hubby) it was around the time he hit the snooze alarm and went back to bed. Josh (who never gets on hubby in bed or tries to wake him up) jumped up on hubby, walked all over him meowing kinda weird. Hubby says he thought Josh wanted breakfast but thought it was strange because the cats know I'm the one that wakes up to feed them. It wasn't until he got to work someone told him what happend and he figured that was about the time Josh walked all over him. Hubby said he didn't feel anything, but was rather groggy.

My mom's cat did a similar thing, and her cat never walks on her in bed either. :rolleyes:

04-20-2008, 10:54 AM
A lot of strange behavior reports from local people made the news here.
I believe animals can sense these things.

Pet Premonition: Can Animals Predict Quakes?
Birds, Cats, Dogs Act Strangely Before Earthquake

POSTED: 4:07 pm EDT April 18, 2008
UPDATED: 8:17 pm EDT April 18, 2008

AVON, Ind. -- Hundreds of Hoosiers reported flaky animal behavior before, during and after an earthquake shook much of the Midwest, including Indiana, on Friday.

From birds to cats and dogs, many believe their furry friends were trying to tell them something important before the ground began to shake.

Elayne Martinez said her cockatiel, Rico, was rambunctious before the first earthquake, which hit just after 5:30 a.m.

"He's jumping all over. He's banging on the front of the cage like, 'Let me out of here,'" Martinez said. "Feathers are flying everywhere. He was trying to alert me. Something is going on -- run for cover."

Fortunately, there was no need to run. Martinez and Rico persevered.

In Avon, a Boston terrier named Jacob had a different way of dealing with the quake.

"I looked around for him and I couldn't find him," said Cindy Hartman, Jacob's owner.

Hartman found Jacob staring at a wall in the hallway, almost hiding from her in a striking departure from his normal behavior before the quake struck.

Cindy Hartman says her boston terrier, Jacob, wasn't himself before the earthquake.

"The whole house was shaking. I could hear the chimes out on the deck," Hartman said. "He was just sitting at my feet the entire time looking at me like, 'I was trying to warn you.'"

Veterinarian Bryan Hilgert said it is really difficult to draw a scientific conclusion, but he is convinced animals can sense when something's wrong.

Hilgert's cat, Kolchek, warned him just before the quake.

"My cat woke me up a minute before it occurred," Hilgert said. "He was very persistent. As soon as he jumped off the bed, the room started shaking."

Since Kolchek, Jacob and Rico all seemed to know more than their masters, one can only wonder if humans will ever harness what some consider to be a special sense.

Copyright 2008 by TheIndyChannel.com All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed

04-21-2008, 07:40 AM
A lot of strange behavior reports from local people made the news here.
I believe animals can sense these things.

"The whole house was shaking. I could hear the chimes out on the deck," Hartman said.

Oh great. You Midwesterners should try living with wind chimes during the Santa Ana winds.....As it is, you only hear them when the quakes hit.

Go for a three day, non-stop concert of those things. :rolleyes:


Us Cah-lee-Fuh-Nee-ahns hear our healing crystals and see our incense sticks jiggling around before each quake. Then we go check the espresso machine to make sure it's still on the kitchen counter. :rolleyes:


Speaking of counters....You see some of the strangest shiat after an earthquake. Back in 94 I went to my parent's house to check up on them,
As I walked thru the house I stopped in the kitchen.

I love chocolate cake.

I saw this choco cake upside down in the counter.

The dang thing was in the freezer about five feet away, before the quake hit.
It flew across the space and landed on the counter. I remember asking them how the quake felt and how the cake got flipped over. Nope, they said it flew across the room and landed that way.......

Had it only landed right side up....... :(

04-21-2008, 09:31 AM
We've had 15 aftershocks since the first one. Latest one this morning.
It was only 4.5.

INDIANAPOLIS -- Another aftershock from Friday's earthquake shook parts of the Midwest early Monday morning and was felt by some in central Indiana.

The aftershock, which registered a 4.5 on the Richter scale, struck at 1:38 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The epicenter of the quake was about five miles northwest of Mount Carmel, Ill., near the epicenter of Friday's earthquake.

Most people in central Indiana slept through the latest rumbling. Fifteen aftershocks or more of varying intensity have been recorded since the initial quake early Friday morning.

"It's quite typical of an earthquake of this size … that a number of aftershocks can occur," said Amy Vaughan of the USGS.

Vaughan said that as many as 10 aftershocks could be expected in the "4" range of magnitude, with up to 100 in the "3" range.

"Generally speaking, the chances are rather low that this event would be followed by a larger event," Vaughan said. "That's not to say it's unheard of, but … the pattern is that the '4' shock is the main shock and will be the largest."

04-21-2008, 04:58 PM
Yeah my mom called to say we had a 4.5 around 12:30 this morning and another 2.2 around 8am but I didn't feel either one and at 8am I was wide awake at school sitting on the ground in kennel doing TPRs on the isolation pups so I certainly would have felt it hehe

04-22-2008, 12:13 AM
We've had 15 aftershocks since the first one. Latest one this morning.
It was only 4.5.

See? A few shakers and they turn into "only" earthqukes! :)

I have to admit, this earthquake MAY have been my fault....

It's someone's FAULT! :D

04-22-2008, 01:08 AM
When we lived in IL I had a friend who taught earth science and she said that that whole central area had a major fault under it & one day there would be a REALLY big earthquake in that area! (I guess maybe the Mississippi will split the country wide open!) I've only ever felt one in Ohio years ago.