View Full Version : Question for people who are against dyeing.

04-17-2008, 07:37 PM
Why are you against it?

I get lots of comments like aww the poor thing she's probly embarassed.
Mind you they say that about her having no hair too:rolleyes:

I just don't get how people think it's cruel.

04-17-2008, 07:54 PM
I'm not against it at all. I dyed my poodle pink several times when I had her. I don't think it's possible for a dog to be embarassed. lol

04-17-2008, 08:13 PM
It took me a minute to realize you meant dyEing - as in artificially coloring a dog's fur, as opposed to dying - the opposite of living. You should edit your title as the two have completely different meanings!

04-17-2008, 08:15 PM
I'm not against as long as they aren't using harsh chemicals. People always said that we shouldn't laugh at our dog when she had a funny haircut because it gives them a complex... lol BULL. Whenever we would laugh she would wag her tail and get all excited lol. she just liked the extra attention the haircut got her.

04-17-2008, 08:18 PM
I too understood dying as in kick the bucket.... hehehe :eek:

04-17-2008, 08:19 PM
I'm very against dying. I'd just prefer me and my loved ones stay alive as long as possible :p

As for dyeing, it's not really my thing and I would not personally do it, but if someone else wants to and it doesn't harm the dog in any way I have no objections.

04-17-2008, 08:54 PM
I too am against dying, I'm trying to stay around as long as I can. ;) Actually, I'm not against dyeing your pups as long as you're 'safe' about it. The types of dogs I have I think it would be silly. But I could see a Crested or say a Poodle.

04-17-2008, 09:16 PM
When Zoee got skunked last year she was pink for a while from the tomato juice. Hee hee. :p
And I do think dogs can be embarrassed. Years ago we had an Aussie and he got mange on his rear. His whole rear had to be shaved. He was an outside dog that wasn't chained or confined. He always chased cars (biting at the tires) coming or going on our long driveway. When his bottom was shaved he wouldn't come out from under the parked car! Not even when cars were moving. I do believe he was embarrassed. :o
But anyway, I don't really have anything against dyeing a dog. I thought Nino was cute as a purple pup. And so is Pixie as a pinky. :)

Suki Wingy
04-17-2008, 09:28 PM
Everyone knows my stance on dyeing hair! :D Animals or human, I just don't see how there's any real arguments against it.

04-18-2008, 03:00 AM
As long as its done properly I really have nothing against it.

I do believe that dogs can get embarassed, one of the dogs I used to groom would hide away after having a haircut he used to go into depression mode for the next week then come around.

04-18-2008, 08:51 AM

With all due respect, you've already posted a thread about dyeing your CATS. Almost everyone here I know posted their opinions. Why do you feel the need to beat an already dead issue with dogs????

04-18-2008, 09:22 AM
lol alright, alright I'm against dying too :p it looks like it's spelled wrong spelling it dyeing.

The types of dogs I have I think it would be silly I agree it would look funny on bigger dogs unless they are a Poodle or something.

As for the embarassed thing I think they can get embarassed but from getting clipped. The way the dyeing is done (at least the way I do it) it's just like having a bath and she plays outside while waiting for it to dry. So she can't tell the difference.

With all due respect, you've already posted a thread about dyeing your CATS. Almost everyone here I know posted their opinions. Why do you feel the need to beat an already dead issue with dogs???? That was totally different the cats didn't have hair and I never asked for anyone's opinion in that thread either. I do belive most people saying they were against it was because it was directly on the skin.

04-18-2008, 09:23 AM
Okay. True. ;)

04-18-2008, 01:41 PM
You asked why people are against it. May I ask why are you for it?

I no longer have a dog, but if we did, I wouldn't dye it. What purpose would that serve?

04-18-2008, 02:26 PM
I currently am owned by 2 cats as my dogs have passed on and I haven't gotten any new dogs yet (soooooooon!!) But this posting brought back some of my favorite memories of them:

When my all white husky was skunked, he too got a Tomato Juice bath...It didn't work but he looked like the energizer husky until we took him to the vet for a "real de-skunking bath". Then he came home as beautiful white as he ever was. I don't think HE minded being pink but I didn't like it :)

As for my terrier mix, she would die from embarrassment when she'd come home from the groomer with a new furr-do and a bow on her collar. We'd have to cut the bow off immediately and noone in the house was allowed to say anything about her new look. There was no "Sydney, you look sooo pretty" allowed!

finn's mom
04-18-2008, 03:17 PM
I'm not against it, as long as there isn't a safety risk involved with the colors used. I look at it the same way as dyeing my own hair. To each his own. I don't think I'd personally dye my dog's fur, and I don't really think it's cute when others do, but I'm not against it for any other reason than that. I'm also not big on putting dresses and such on dogs, either, but again...not really against either as long as it's not harming the animal.

04-18-2008, 04:35 PM
I don't like the idea of dying; or dyeing.

Seems you don't have a solution to the first! :D Rats, I was hoping!

I think we need to respect our pets and help them maintain their dignity. Doing things to them should be for THEIR benefit, nothing more. I do put jackets and coats on my dogs, they are small and chill easily. Also, they are white with very light pink skin which is easily burned, bruised, etc. I put things on for their benefit. In the house in winter, only Ozzy wears a sweater, because he shivers with the cold. So it is for his health and welfare.

Dyeing the coat / skin of a pet does nothing for the pet's well being. It is purely for the owner's benefit: to make a statement, to celebrate something, and so forth. For me, it doesn't matter that it does not HARM, I ask if it HELPS and if it doesn't, then I don't do it. The dog has no say in the matter and other than embarrassment, couldn't care less. A green dog for St. Patty's Day? Even an Irish Setter doesn't know/care/celebrate that event.

For me, this is 'using' the pet and that would not be appropriate with another human, so why should it be alright with any other being?

I'll get off my soapbox, now, even though I could go on.

04-18-2008, 04:41 PM
I'm not against it so long as it doesn't harm the animal. I just think a pink dog looks sort of a silly...

04-18-2008, 05:35 PM
You asked why people are against it. May I ask why are you for it?

I no longer have a dog, but if we did, I wouldn't dye it. What purpose would that serve?
I personally just think it looks cute. It doesn't hurt them they don't notice so I don't see why people would think it's cruel. It's not like a hair cut where your dog feels the hair gone it's like a bath and they get more attention after.

I don't do it to use my dog as a accessory (sp?) but not many people have seen a pink dog so it does get her more socialization which is so good for her cause she's so shy.

04-18-2008, 09:04 PM
Personally I wouldn't do it to my dogs...I just can't imagine a pink husky. ;) I don't see a problem with it though, as long as it's not harmful to the dog. I would think some dogs would really enjoy the extra attention they'd get.

Suki Wingy
04-19-2008, 05:23 PM
Dyeing the coat / skin of a pet does nothing for the pet's well being. It is purely for the owner's benefit: to make a statement, to celebrate something, and so forth. For me, it doesn't matter that it does not HARM, I ask if it HELPS and if it doesn't, then I don't do it. The dog has no say in the matter and other than embarrassment, couldn't care less.

Niņo would like to argue that he very much enjoyed all of the extra attention and pets, therefore it DID help him.

Also, in all of my experience, dogs do not feel embarrassed by their looks and anyone who believes so is projecting human emotions upon an animal. They may be slightly uncomfortable with the change of a hair cut, but not embarrassed. I've seen the look that many take to be embarrassment.

But that's a whole other topic.

04-19-2008, 08:31 PM
There is really nothing wrong with dyeing an animal's fur. People may say it looks stupid but I think it's so cute and especially for animals who LOVE extra attention, they will definitly love it. :D I don't think dogs can be embarrassed unless they know they are being laughed at or something along those lines. My dad once dyed a red, white and blue stripe on Sassy for the fourth of July. We were having a party. Everyone loved it. We also went to a nuring home once to visit my Grandma and my mom dyed pink spots on her. My grandma and everyone else who saw Sas loved it. Sassy actually acted as a "therapy" dog that day because the nursing home allowed you to bring dogs. A nurse wanted us to bring her into an old lady's room. She had no family and never really smiled or talked. She talked all about her old dog when she saw Sassy. It's amazing what an animal can do for a person.