View Full Version : Zella

04-16-2008, 11:45 PM
"my previous family had dropped me off because they could not deal with my food allergies"

That's it? How hard can it be to deal with a cat's food alergies? Is there more to it than just giving her food that she doesn't have a reaction to?

Lilith Cherry
04-17-2008, 12:20 AM
Zella I am happy you found a home with such loving parents who care about your health. You are indeed a wonderful pussy cat! :D

04-17-2008, 05:53 AM
You're a gorgeous girl; how could anyone abandon you just due to food allergies? They must have had rocks in their head! Anyway, now you live on the Cape, lucky girl, and have a family who really loves you. Enjoy your special day.

04-17-2008, 07:38 AM
Zella!!! I guess we are going to give our Riley to the animal shelter, because we are having problems with HIS allergies!!!! BUT, in a way, that was the BEST thing that could have happened to you!! Now in a loving home, where you are THE cat in charge!!!! Please let your parents know, I am going to see about the food you eat, and will try it on Riley!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!! In a way, you will be helping many cat with allergies!! HAPPY COTD!!!

04-17-2008, 08:04 AM
This is Zella's mom writing. I wanted to let you know that I buy the Bench & Field cat food at Trader Joe's, for anyone who has that store near them it's worth a try! She has completely turned around, no more outbreaks on her skin and her fur is soo shiny! The food is only $5.99 per container.
Thanks for your nice comments, we absolutely LOVE our Zell! She's our baby.

04-17-2008, 08:59 AM
OMG; where is your right ear?? Just kiddin...I'm sure it's tucked in there. Moon likes to lay in a position that makes him look like he has no front legs and I always tease him too... :)

You sure are a beautiful cat and you look so healthy too! Thanks to your great, loving, resourceful mum! I'm so glad you got your food allergies worked out and that you sometimes get to drink premium cold water....kitties love fresh, cold water. I love the way she wrote your story; very funny and heartwarming. I loved picturing you curled up on your bed of sweaters. Bean's favorite place to sleep these days is the closet on a pile of blankets recently put away for spring (he changes favorite places frequently...the closet is the "nap place du jour").

Well, spring is here so I'm sure you're having a ball watching all the goings-on in your yard...so glad you're kept safe inside :)

Have a great day as our COTD and give your great parents a headbump from Moon and Bean :)

04-17-2008, 09:42 AM
Zella You Probably Had Bad Guardians Who Bought You Crummy Cat Food And Expected You To Like It.
We Are Lucky Here Taht Our Dad Gets Us Good Food Like Your Guardians Do To Make Sure That You Are Such A Beautiful Well Cared For Princess Of All You Survey.
Your Meeowmie Said Such Nice Things About You, Iits Plain That Your People Truly Love And Treasure You For The Unique Creature Of God That You Are.
:cool: :) :cool: :cool: :rolleyes: :p :cool: ;) :cool:

04-17-2008, 11:59 AM
Zella's mom, I sent you a pm!!!!!

04-17-2008, 12:01 PM
Zella, Zella, what a beauty you are. How wonderful for you and your family that your paths crossed and you found your furever family and they their furkid. Enjoy being COTD :D

04-17-2008, 12:04 PM
Zella you are such a gorgeous girl!!! What a blessing your first family missed out on!!!

I'm glad you have a new and loving family now. You deserve nothing less!!!

I hope you are being spoiled rotten today!!!

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!!

nelly35 Welcome to Pet Talk. It would be wonderful if you would post pics of Zella on Cat General from time to time. I'd love to see more of your pretty girl. :D

04-17-2008, 03:14 PM
Congratulations and happy Cat of the Day to you beautiful Zella; we're almost neighbors, sort of!:D We had a summer cottage in Yarmouth for many years and still have a home in Dennis! Who knows, we may have crossed paths sometime, somewhere, maybe at Hyannis Animal Hospital!:D I was thinking perhaps you were adopted out of Centerville, or the Brewster shelter; such great organizations! But no matter, the only important thing Zella is that you found your home, your final, forever family! What a happy, happy ending!:) Yes, your markings are amazing Zella, your coloring too; you're a looker that for sure! But nothing beats the beauty that dwells within you; you're truly one joyful, gentle soul Zella!:) Congratulatoins gorgeous girl! I hope you and your proud Mom and Dad are all enjoying a beautiful day there on the Cape, reveling in your "top cat" honors!:) Cuddles and kisses to you, precious Zella and wishes for a very long, healthy and happy ilfe!

04-17-2008, 05:23 PM
Hello, pretty Zella! You look a bit like my Crystal, a calico with CATittude! I think you are quite fortunate to have found such a loving home. And what a treat they have, sharing their lives with you, such a lovely lady!

My Bobby has food allergies and wore an e collar for 4 months until I found a food which worked for him. He is now on prescription Royal Canin green peas and venison. I may try that food you are on, if I can find it locally (I've been to Trader Joe's, but there aren't any near by.)

We live in RI, not too far from you. Yes we have coyotes here as well, so all my 10 kitties stay inside where they are safe. I have bird feeders outside the windows in Winter, and I have cat trees and cat perches in many of the windows so my crew can see outdoors and watch all the action! I am glad you have such a wonderful family who cares about you so much.

To Zella's Dad, who keeps tabs on Cat of the Day, JOIN us and post about your sweet girl!

To Zella's Mom, thanks for posting that extra tip, and please do keep in touch with all of us here on PT!

04-17-2008, 06:52 PM
Hi beautiful Zella! You are one gorgeous kitty, and we are all glad that you found just the right family to help you find the food thatyou could eat and to treat you right! Sounds like you have a wonderful life now!

Congratulations on COTD! Enjoy lots of extra treats and luvvins today!

04-17-2008, 07:32 PM
Zella, you are beeeeee-you-tiful! What a captivating calico kitty! I'm glad you have a loving, caring forever family. Happy Cat of the Day, sweety girl.

04-17-2008, 07:56 PM
Hello this is Zellas Dad ,thanks to Freedom and everyone who posted about our cat. And thanks to the Cat of the day web site. This morning when I saw my baby cat had been picked as cat of the day I screamed out loud. What a honor for us. Everyday for the last 3 months I looked for her but was never mad when it was not her. I love all cats and always have. Their beauty tells me there is something more to life and just looking at a cat makes me happy. My favorite first memory of Zella was that within an hour of being at her new home she jumped on my bed and took a nap like she knew she was finally home.

04-18-2008, 12:58 AM
Today's cat story is really lovely. Thanks for sharing. Cats' rule over humanity is pretty benign, overall; I do shudder to think what might have happened if we didn't have opposable thumbs, though.

04-18-2008, 12:50 PM
I'm glad she is finally home :)