View Full Version : Hip Replacement

04-16-2008, 11:36 PM
:eek: :( I'm trying to get as much info from everyone who's ever had a hip replacement.

I know everyone is different, but I'm hoping for more good reports.

I always had bad hips since I was a kid and when I was 20, a doc told me I'd need my hips replaced by age 60 and told me "You'll know when".

My right groin has had a painful popping for about a month and this past Saturday, my entire hip hurt and I had to use a crutch because I couldn't put my right foot down. I went to the ER on Sunday night and got a massive narcotic shot which didn't help the pain but I slept.

I called my spine surgeon Monday morn and he immediately hooked me up with his partner who saw me today. He said my hips, esp. the right, were "shot", deformed, surrounded by large pointy bone spurs (causing the pain). I have some meds to take for 2 weeks but have to make a decision a month in advance of surgery. I have to do it, but I've never been so scared in my life. I need more spine surgery too, which isn't as crucial, and that scares me less. Most of all, although John and my brother are here, I'm worried Mz Klo will get sick when I'm not around for 2 weeks (hospital and rehab).

Isn't my life exciting? I'm the next Bionic Woman.

04-17-2008, 12:34 AM
Bionic Woman? Heck, when your time comes, we won't know whether to have a proper funeral or put ya in the Blue Box! :p ;)

I know quite a few people who have had them - and almost without exception, they turn out VERY well. I think usually the worst hip is done first - though I guess they might do both, though I just don't know.

One woman I know is healing more slowly - but she is very overweight which I'm sure isn't helping. Still, she is doing her physio and coming along very well!

To ease your stress with everything else going on with your folks, PLEASE look up the Elder lawyers in your area: http://www.naela.org/

A lady I know was having a heck of a time finding a place for her elderly parents that wasn't going to break the bank...I thought there must be SOME way of looking after our elder citizens. I snail-mailed her a pile of info (a lot of it provided by PTrs here) and next thing you know, her folks are in a nice place. They are dear friends of mine - I phoned them a couple of weeks ago at the home and they are doing very well!

Sorry to digress...but it all adds up. If you are recuperating from surgery, it would help to have less stress. You may find one of these lawyers who can work pro bono.

HUGS and good luck!

04-17-2008, 09:18 AM

A good friend has had both his hips replaced and is doing very well. He is well into his 60's and has had other health problems. Despite all, he has recovered from hip replacement with no effects and has wonderful mobility as a result. The recovery time is a bit daunting however, well worth considering the outcome.

I think it's most important to be prepared when you get home from the hospital and I hope your doctor can assist you with that. Also, having someone with you is essential because you'll will need assistance in the first few days.

Overall, it's not a difficult procedure and given time and care you'll be skipping down the street with that gorgeous girl-pup of yours :D

Hugs to you and good luck with it.


04-17-2008, 10:54 AM
Once you are free of the pain you will wonder why you waited so long. :)

Seriously though, I know several people, including my mother, who have had hip replacement surgery.

My one piece of advice though is to really dedicate yourself to your physical therapy regime afterwards. I've heard of people who negleted their physical therapy and because of that, they did not heal up as well.

Best of luck to you.

04-17-2008, 10:56 AM
Bobcat had hip replacement surgery yesterday. He is doing well.
They had to replace some parts for the original hip replacement he had 13 years ago.

I'll ask him to tell about his experience when he gets out of the hospital. But, what I noticed is that he was in awful pain for many years. Once he had the surgery, he no longer had pain and wondered why he had waited so long. Surgery is never fun, but he had more problems with the anesthesia than the hip.

Bobcat had his surgery at 8:00 a.m. yesterday. By 2:00 he was up walking with a walker with the physical therapist!

The operation procedure and materials they use are radically different than 13 years ago. This operation was a piece of cake compared to that one.

If you PM me with your e-mail address and/or questions, I'll ask Bob to answer them.

FYI ~ Bobcat is going to be 80 years old this summer. If he can do it, a youngster like you should sail through it. :D

Also, I worry about the popping sound. Bobcat's started doing that about 3 months ago because it was coming loose. The doctor told him it would be safer to have the surgery sooner rather than later because the popping means that the bones are rubbing against each other. The longer that goes on, the more chance of permanent bone loss -- making the surgery more difficult.

04-17-2008, 11:21 AM
My mother had both hips and a knee replaced years ago, the hips were much easier than the knee and she felt a lot better soon after.

04-17-2008, 05:55 PM
I had my first hip replacement when I was about 23. Way back then they didn't know too much about replacements, so I did have some problems. But once the problems were solved, I felt MUCH better. They have come such a long way in the developements of any joint replacements. Years ago the scars were much bigger than the 3" scar today.

I have now had both hips replaced and walking around just like normal! :D

You do have to be very careful the first few weeks after surgery, but after that you should be just fine. And yes, the rehab afterwards is extremly important.

Here is a list of a few famous people that I know of that have had a hip replacement:

Barry Goldwater had both done - by my doctor!! (and yes, I know he is deceased now)

Eddie Van Halen - just saw him in November, and he was jumping around the stage!!

Dion Sanders - football player (acctually played after surgery :eek: )

Arnold Palmer - golfer - I think he had both hips done.

I know of a lot more, but now that I have to think of them I can't :rolleyes: sorry!

But today it is a common surgery and you should have no problems whatsoever.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me at any time.

Good luck and you should be up, walking and most of all PAIN FREE!!!!!!


04-17-2008, 06:10 PM
I have no personal knowledge about this surgery, but just want to wish
you the best of luck with yours. I see more positive experiences here than
not, so hopefully you will be glad you had it done also. :)

04-17-2008, 09:05 PM
Thanks, my lovely friends! I feel much better! I know that PT is most important (and painful) and I plan to take it VERY seriously!!! I'm thinking June, the same month I had my back surgery and all went well. I'll do it as a birthday gift for myself!

04-18-2008, 01:17 AM
One of the companies that make hip replacement parts is SYNTHES and Smith and Nephew is another.

You can find out which your doctor will use and bone up on the product reliability.

That used to be a monster operation but the techniques and times are light years from what they were about 15 years ago.

04-18-2008, 06:38 AM

A good friend has had both his hips replaced and is doing very well. He is well into his 60's and has had other health problems. Despite all, he has recovered from hip replacement with no effects and has wonderful mobility as a result. The recovery time is a bit daunting however, well worth considering the outcome.

I think it's most important to be prepared when you get home from the hospital and I hope your doctor can assist you with that. Also, having someone with you is essential because you'll will need assistance in the first few days.

Overall, it's not a difficult procedure and given time and care you'll be skipping down the street with that gorgeous girl-pup of yours :D

Hugs to you and good luck with it.

This is exactly the case w/my friend. The situation sounds identical. I'm sure you'll do fine and we'll be praying for you....

04-18-2008, 07:00 AM
Karen I'm very sorry to hear that your in such pain, but it sounds like you really do need the surgery. I'm sure it will be a very nice birthday present to yourself. What's better than being pain free?!

Good Luck!

04-18-2008, 07:37 AM
bone up on the product reliability.

Oh Richard! **big groan** :D

Karen, I think the surgery is not only necessary but vital to your future well being. You are too young to have to face the rest of your life in that kind of pain. Please keep us all posted as the date draws nearer. I can think of more fun things to do for a birthday present to oneself though! :p :D

04-18-2008, 08:45 AM
My friend Michael, who climbed Mt. Everest, had his right hip replaced while he was writing his book. It astonishes me to think he climbed Everest with a bad hip. Wow.

04-18-2008, 09:21 AM
Oh Richard! **big groan** :D

Like, what do you expect from me? :confused: ;)

Daisy and Delilah
04-18-2008, 04:15 PM
No hip replacements here yet but I want to wish you the best. I hope you have a safe surgery and a quick recovery :)