View Full Version : Cat allergy?

04-16-2008, 11:53 AM
While I'm going to England, my neighbor will look after Fister. She has had hima few times before for 4-5 days. This time it will be from wed. afternoon until tuesday night. The problem is that she's allergic to cats. :(

She didn't really suffer much the times she had him, but when she had the three kittens in a cage for nearly two weeks, it was bad. She was sneezing and had a running nose after a week, although she took her medicine.

I will brush Fister thoroughly before of course, but I wonder if there's anything else I can do? He would love it if she can cuddle with him, and she has done a bit the previous times, and then after, went to wash her hands. He also slept on her bed.

Any advice will be appreciated. :)

04-16-2008, 06:00 PM
The only thing I can think of is for your neighbor to see if there are any anti allergens that she can take to alleviate those symptoms and enjoy Fisters company.I am sure that more experienced Cat Lovers will know the names of medicines that will help.

04-16-2008, 06:04 PM
I think it is really great that despite your neighbour's allergy to cats, she will watch Fister for you!!! Does she have an air filter??? When one of my friends comes over, we put them out(we have 2). As they " clean " the air, that seems to help her. AND washing her hands after touching the cats is a MUST! Good luck and have a good vacation!!!!

04-17-2008, 04:16 AM
No advice, sorry! I hope she will be OK and able to cuddle Fister a bit. May be a mask could help?

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-17-2008, 04:47 AM
You are going to England ?? How about a "pit-stop" in Belgium ;) , we have a guestroom with full sight on the garden!! :D ;) :D

04-17-2008, 06:57 AM
Thank you! She is taking allergy medicine already, and I doubt she'd want to wear a mask. :D An air filter might be a good idea though.

Lut, it would be lovely to visit - and I could probably get my Belgian Francs changed in a bank, but I don't have much time, I'm also visiting a friend in London, so the schedule is a bit tight.

04-17-2008, 08:56 AM
I know Fister won't like this one bit, but bathe him, it truly works. I had to bathe Minion every month or so when I first adopted him because I was TERRIBLY allergic. I've had 2 allergists tell me that I should either get rid of my cats (not going to happen) or bathe them every week. I only bathe them two or three times a year now and I notice a huge improvement in my allergies for about a week after I bathe them.

04-17-2008, 09:11 AM

I've also heard that bathing a cat will help with allergic situations. It may be worth a try if Mr. Fister is a willing participant ;)

It certainly is good of your neighbour to look after Fister when you're away - she is indeed a wonderful friend and must love your little buddy lots :D

Enjoy your trip :D

04-17-2008, 09:21 AM
Old-fashioned white gloves - just cloth gloves that she can wear while giving him extended petting, and then immediately throw in a laundry basket might help. I used to have to use a paper towel to pet a cat I was cat-sitting, as he would be desperately lonely, and want to rub against my arm as I was measuring out his food!

04-17-2008, 10:07 AM
LOL! There's no way Fister would let me bathe him, so that's out of the question! He would get so stressed that he'd probably get sick. Thanks anyway! ;)

The gloves is a good idea, I'll talk to her about that. I do brush Fister every day with a wet rubber brush, and he loves it, so maybe I should make it a bit more wet or use my exfoliating glove and run over him. In any case, we'll find a way to make it work so she can cuddle with him. :)