View Full Version : Chase Away K9 Cancer

finn's mom
04-15-2008, 11:49 PM
This is a great cause, and in the sport of dock jumping, we have a little girl who's dog, Gumpy, has been stricken with lymphoma. She, in lieu of getting birthday gifts, wants to donate money to the Chase Away K9 Cancer fund. Here is her link, and her story, as well as the address to send birthday cards.


I know how this community can come together, and how there are many people from all over the world. I think it would be wonderful for her to not only receive birthday greetings from all over the world, but for her to reach her goal of donating $1000 to the fund.

I'm posting this in Dog General as well, Karen, I hope that's all right.

finn's mom
04-17-2008, 10:18 AM
Just in case anyone wants to send a birthday card to Sarah-Simone...I'm bumping this back up...