View Full Version : Book suggestions for dealing with Mourning Grief Loss Death of a parent

04-15-2008, 09:30 PM
It's been almost 4 months since we lost my father. I am still in the thick of my grief. I am seeing a psychiatrist, but unfortunately I didn't think to ask her about book titles when I saw her this week. I was hoping fellow PTers could offer up some titles that they have found helpful. I am interested in anything that has proved useful-- the books do not need to be specific to the death of a parent. I've been looking on Amazon.com for over an hour now, but nothing is jumping out at me...

I think I am seeking solidarity in my grief, sometimes it feels like I am the only one on earth who feels this way... :(

Thank you for reading.

04-15-2008, 09:46 PM
Kater - a number of hospitals offer, or know of, Grief Counselling programs. They can be group or one-on-one, and I found it wonderful after the death of my sister two years ago.

One gentle and small book that is a classic is: "How to Deal with the Loss of a Love". It applies to bereavement...to many situations where we lose a great love, our health, a career we adored.

You can likely find it second hand. Look it up - it's easy to read, smaller doses, not overwhelming.


I am attaching a document I saved several years ago - it is gentle also. You may want to print it out in colour and have it around.

Also - if you lurk on these, you may feel less alone:



04-15-2008, 10:23 PM
You aren't only the one. My boyfriend lost his dad almost two years ago on the 25th of this month. It is a very rough time on him right now; so I cannot imagine what it is like to go through a life experience like losing a parent. He is pretty much solidarity with his own things. I think he is still angry/upset over it, he keeps his feelings bottled up, so it is rough on me sometimes, but I understand. All I can really do is be there. I just want you to know that it is okay to really let your feelings out, say what you want, just don't keep it all inside. We're here if you need to talk to us. :)

*hugs* to you!!

04-15-2008, 10:44 PM
Kater, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I lost my dad too and it is so hard. :(
I don't have any specific titles to recommend but I do have some ideas regarding what to read that might help.
I've found that reading books about the possible spiritual connection we might still have with loved ones that have passed on really helped me. I was so sad and a few things that gave me comfort when nothing else would were the concept that he could see me, was near me, still loved me etc.. that was so important for me. I truly believe in this and that I will see him once again at the end of my life. Reading books about this subject gave me strength.
The other idea is to maybe read some books that your dad liked. My dad left alot of books behind and lately I've been looking through them and reading them. It's been neat to read what he chose to read when he was alive and see things kind of through his eyes. I know that sounds strange but it provided a connection and that's what I needed.
I hope each day gets a bit easier for you.

04-15-2008, 11:35 PM
I'm so sorry Kate, that I can't help you - but please know I'm sending lots of love and hugs along the way.

finn's mom
04-16-2008, 12:25 AM
I hope you are able to find what you're looking for. I know, for me, time was the only thing that truly helped with the grief when I lost my father. It's been over twenty years for me, believe me you are not alone.

04-16-2008, 07:03 AM
I can't recall the title of a book that helped me years ago, so I'll look through my book case and get back to you on this one. In the meantime, know that you're in my prayers....

04-16-2008, 10:20 AM
"When Bad Things Happen to Good People"

Pawsitive Thinking
04-16-2008, 12:30 PM
You are most certainly not alone. I didn't read any books to help me come to terms with losing my Dad but I found a lot of solace and support here. There are websites for those of us who have lost parents if you do a google search.

Can I just say that your bereavement is still so recent that your pain will still be very raw.......give yourself time to grieve.....

04-16-2008, 03:38 PM
Kate, just reading your post and thinking of my own father dying makes me feel very sad. I can't imagine your pain.
Please know your in my thoughts.

04-16-2008, 04:29 PM
I've found that reading books about the possible spiritual connection we might still have with loved ones that have passed on really helped me. I was so sad and a few things that gave me comfort when nothing else would were the concept that he could see me, was near me, still loved me etc.. that was so important for me. I truly believe in this and that I will see him once again at the end of my life. Reading books about this subject gave me strength.

This has always worked for me too. I am sorry that you haven't yet found
comfort in some way. I imagine that with your hectic schedule, (classes,
etc) It's sometimes hard to find the time to just stop thinking & let your-
self grieve.

I do hope someone has advice that truly helps you in coping with your loss.

04-16-2008, 04:58 PM
I lost my Mum 14 years back. It was at least a year before I felt back on earth again. :( Time was the big factor. Now, sometimes it seems ages and ages ago since I last spoke to her; and other times, I am reaching for the phone to tell her something! I wish I had something most specific, more concrete, to share, but time was the big thing and we can't 'manage' that it just happens.

Best wishes

04-16-2008, 06:32 PM
Sweet Kate,

I'm going to PM you, OK??

Hugs, Kelly xoxoxo