View Full Version : Dentist appointment booked!

08-23-2002, 12:58 PM
for Fister! - on Tuesday 27th. at 10.45

As some of you know, Fister had 2 teeth out last year (the long sharp ones) One had come loose after a fight in the yard with this nasty new male cat. One of the remaining broke when he was a kitten - before we got him. So he's got one and a half left. - He certainly can still defend himself though, I tell you!!

His breath is becoming rather smelly, so we think it's about time he has another cleansing! - and his annual shots! - and perhaps an x-ray to see whether any crystals are stuck in his bladder (he's on the edge of having bladder problems again :() - even though we stick to the diet food.

I'm not too worried about getting him to the vet this time, because I managed to get the pills down his throat last time - for 10 days! I noticed, (from experience) that it is sufficient to give him only half a sedative pill - to be able to get him in the box! (Plegicil 10mg.) To do that, my vet gave me this great tip: crush the pill, mix half of it with butter and smear it on his front paw - and he will lick it off to clean himself! Easy! - well, let's see!!

By the way, we have a really nice vet - and he has got an orange tabby too! Looking just like Fister, but a little smaller How lucky can you be! :D

Please, fingers crossed anyway!

Former User
08-23-2002, 01:01 PM
Keeping fingers and paws here crossed for Fister-boy! I hope there's no crystals, and that the white coat visit will go smoothly. What a wicked idea of how to give that pill to him :D
Good luck Fister, no crystals, right!?!

08-23-2002, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
What a wicked idea of how to give that pill to him :D
Good luck Fister, no crystals, right!?!

I can hardly wait to see if it works! We'll get him inside the box somehow! :D

By the way, my machine is dead (a virus) - but I expect to be up and running over the weekend!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-23-2002, 03:29 PM
We've got all fingers & paws crossed here that Fister has no crystals. Don't know if I could handle another "Boots" situation. My doctor says I'm under stress (tense shoulders causing severe headaches). He asked me if I had a stressful job. I told him no, but worrying about all the critters here on Pet Talk is another story. ;) :)

Don't worry, Fister, everything will be ok when you wake up again. :)

Please let us know how things go, Randi, and hopefully the virus didn't do too much damage to your computer.

08-23-2002, 03:31 PM
Now you be a good little sweetie and lick the yummy butter off your paw and everything will be fine. We're all here crossing our fingers/paws and praying for NO crystals.

Tell mommy that if you have to get any more teeth pulled, you should get some ice cream! :)

Let us know how it goes Randi.

08-23-2002, 05:40 PM
I sure hope that your vet visit goes well Fister. Please be good for your mommy and daddy so that the vet can clean your teeth and check you out for crystals. All fingers and paws are crossed here. Good luck.

08-24-2002, 06:01 AM
Yuk,Fister! Dentist appontament,I hope you will more brave than I'm.:D
I never heard before a cat loosing teeths as a result of a fight.It must be a rough fight.Who won?

What a creative idea to mix the sedative pill in butter and smear to our paw! I will try next time we needs to take koxka to the Vet, but she would rather prefer chocolate,and dark please! :p

And for the matter of cristals,stick to your diet,take the pills and you will be as healthy as a apple. Let the crystal for the glass craft's in Bohemia.!

Be good, be on your best, and don't scare Mom and Dad. And everytihng will go smooth.OK? Remenber here at PT we all love you :)

Koxka :cool:

PS:Randi you know I have 4 cats,twoo of them are 10 an 9 yrs.old,already down to the hill! they eat Royal Canin Feed.32 and any problen since...
no furball, no throw up, no crystals....nothing! :)

08-24-2002, 06:24 PM
how is Fister?

Edwina's Secretary
08-26-2002, 08:33 AM
Dear Fister...

I feel your pain. I broke part of a tooth while eating ice cream on the airplane coming home. Now I have to go to the dentist sometime this week --when I'm suppose to be on vacation with my family.

I will think of you my friend and wish you a minimally horrid trip to the health care provider!

08-26-2002, 09:12 AM
Thanks everybody! :) We're not nervous - yet! Have taken his transport box up from the cellar, and he's been in it once, so far. He's not the least suspicious! :D

Spoke to the vet just now, and we have arranged that Fister will be given a full anesthesia on arrival and the cleaning of his teeth will be done first. Then they'll take a blood sample to find out about the condition of his liver and kidneys and he'll be x-rayed to see whether there are crystals in his bladder. I forgot to ask about the vaccination shots - will see if that can be done as well.

So, he is not allowed to eat after 24.00 this evening, he'll probably come walking all over us tonight asking for food. :rolleyes:

Will send a report tomorrow! :)

Sorry to hear you broke a tooth, Sara! :(

Former User
08-28-2002, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by Randi

Will send a report tomorrow! :)


08-28-2002, 07:44 AM
Oeps , did not see this thread yesterday ..!
How did Fister do ??? All okay , I hope ?? Please let us know !!!

08-28-2002, 02:05 PM
Hi! Sorry for the late reply! Fister licked his half pill off his front paw as we hoped, and we could get him inside the box rather easily! :) When we arrived at the vets, Fister had a check-up and the vet didn't think his teeth was that bad, so he got a shot of antibiotic (Synolux, his gums were a bit red) I got pills to give him for the next 5 days - twice a day. No problems so far! He didn't spit it out the window this time! :D Fister also got the annual vaccination, so we can take a holiday anytime now, without having to deal with that. He didn't get an x-ray, the vet didn't think it was neccesary, as he's still peeing more or less as normal. When we got home, he slept for 5 hours under the cupboard, then he staggered to the kitchen, tried to jump on the table to have have a look out in the yard to see what was going on - but he didn't quite make it. Of course, we felt sorry for him and lifted him up there. Today, he's back to his normal self, being demanding again.

Ps. I'm glad he wasn't in yard yesterday, because that nasty new male (Ib) chased another kitty up in a tree and someone had to get a latter to get him/her down. John went down there and told the owner his opinion!! :mad:

08-29-2002, 12:12 AM
I'm glad to hear that everything went well at the vets and that Fister is in good health too. :) Thanks for the update.