View Full Version : Need a name for Pet Resume Service...

04-09-2008, 10:34 PM
Hi - after finding there just weren't enough of us in Calgary to handle a chapter of Pets and Apartments, we have gone back to Plan A - a Pet Resume service to help pet owners get rental accommodation.

Any ideas?

A letter and sample resume are attached.


04-10-2008, 02:14 PM
PetRes is good.

I see one for people called ResAmaze.com So maybe PetsAmaze? Except it doesn't work as well (might prod someone else with an idea, so I toss it in.)

PetSumes (You definitely need the accent mark for that one)


Pet Pro Resume

Pet Perspective
Resumes for Your Pet

Pet Intro

Pet Resume Package
People Rehoming with Pets

I couldn't get this to print the way I wanted, with the huge PRP and the other words using the same initial letters.

04-10-2008, 04:55 PM
I was discussing this with the gal who is helping me out - and she told that she learned in an ad class once that the company name has to tell what you do.

PetCV is cute!

Another one we hit on is Refurred Tenants or Prefurred Tenants. I like the first because it means 'references' - but I like the second one because it hints that pets with a resume have a leg(or four) up on ones without.

"Res" is a bit risky because the term "rez" up here is used a lot to refer to a First Nations reservation - like "going to the rez". It wouldn't be offensive at all, but would have a bit of 'off' meaning. :)

Thanks! :)

Aspen and Misty
04-10-2008, 05:00 PM
Another one we hit on is Refurred Tenants or Prefurred Tenants.

I love either of these two!! They are so cute and catchy!
