View Full Version : 6 pictures!

04-08-2008, 01:38 PM
Here are some new photos mostly of my foster Jackie, but the rest of my gang make a few appearances! Hope you like them. :)







Ginger's Mom
04-08-2008, 02:21 PM
*waves* Hi little Bella, I see you sitting there. :)
Jackie and Tito look so cute together. Looks like she is getting along well with everyone. It's good to see your three, we get to see them so infrequently.

04-08-2008, 02:26 PM
It's great to see some pictures from you! They're such a happy looking bunch. :)

04-08-2008, 03:32 PM
I can't figure out why the pictures are so large...

I didn't include any good ones of Bella because I
took them before she had been to the groomers
and she looked a bit scruffy. :o

We just got back from out walk, so I took a few
of her so she wouldn't feel left out.



And finally a family shot, which took about 15 tries before
they all were facing the same way and could all fit into the frame.

We are still trying to find Jackie the perfect home,
her epilepsy is a problem for some people, but I am
certain that she will make someone a great
companion. The organization was considering
shipping her to Germany, but I would prefer she
remained here on the island where I could keep an
eye on her, and she is welcome to stay as long as
it takes for her to find her human match. There is
a wonderful article in the newspaper just about her,
and that has generated some interest, so fingers
crossed that she finds someone. ;)

04-08-2008, 03:36 PM
Oh she's beautiful!
She and Tito look so perfect together! :D
It's great to see your fur crew!

04-08-2008, 03:56 PM
I was soooo excited to see this thread!

Your 3 are just adorable. : D Bella looks so cute all nakies!

I agree that Jackie and Tito make a cute couple... Jackie is beautiful. She looks like she could be a designer dog! hehe.

Ginger's Mom
04-08-2008, 04:04 PM
Oooh, I love the family picture. They all look absolutely adorable and happy and kissable. :) What a great shot. I am so glad you kept trying.
Bella looks like two different dogs in her two hairstyles. Both are adorable though. :)

04-08-2008, 04:26 PM
Bella looks like two different dogs in her two hairstyles. Both are adorable though. :)

Hehehe, I know! When we first got her from the shelter she looked like a rasta dog with huge, long, hanging dread locks. We took her to the vet two days later, and I didn't believe it was my dog they were trying to give me back. When she came home from the groomers this time, Jackie didn't even recognize her!

I have been trying to re size these photos for the last hour, and the vein in my forehead is about to explode, I apologize now if they take ages to load for you.

04-08-2008, 05:33 PM
Oh, that family shot is just wonderful. What happy smiling faces. And Bella, I love the new cut.. Around here we call that skint. But Ginger's mom is right. You look adorable in it and it allows for some close cuddling.

Jackie is adorable. Fingers crossed that she finds the perfect home.

04-08-2008, 06:12 PM
Don't worry about the pictures, they're fine. It is so great to see your
fur family. Don't think I've seen pictures before this. They are all just
adorable. :) Thanks so much for posting pictures. :)

04-09-2008, 06:17 PM
Great photos, especially the group shot. All of your dogs, and your foster pup, are beautiful! I love Tito's crazy hair. :D