View Full Version : I thought giving her a bath was tough...

04-08-2008, 01:09 PM
Ginger was due for her next dose of Frontline Plus today... My husband isn't here at the moment so I had to do it myself! Even with a huge pile of doggy biscuits to distract her while I did the application she still wrestled like a wild bear! I'm very lucky to have managed to get all but a drop or two between those wiggly little shoulderblades! Is the puppy stage over yet? ;) :)

04-08-2008, 04:51 PM
ohh in about a year and a half :p

04-08-2008, 04:57 PM
Hee hee! All wiggles and golden fluff for fur and sweetness and you wanted her to hold still? Silly mommy!

04-08-2008, 06:09 PM
Is the puppy stage over yet?

I feel your pain. :p But aren't they fun? :D

04-08-2008, 11:14 PM
I finally put on those rubber gloves 'cause I wound up with more K9A on ME than on Mz Princezz K-lo!And that stuff don't smell to yummy. :rolleyes:

We've been teaching Logan to accept a muzzle when she gets her nails cut, so now, it's a snap. Muzzle, K9A, and way too many cookies!

Uh.... when Master Cody was a rambucious puppy (1/2 GR and 1/2 YL), my poor, exhausted mom asked the vet when Cody was about a year old.. "How long will he act like this"? Dr Fox replied, after rubbing his chin and laffing.."Oh, about 7 years!!!!" Mom just about fainted. Cody matured yearly but always played like a puppy.

04-08-2008, 11:16 PM
ohh in about a year and a half :p
naahh she's a golden retriever -
give her 2 1/2 years!! AT LEAST!!!