View Full Version : 15 Years ago I lost Pouncer , My First Cat

04-06-2008, 02:31 PM
She had gotten ill with cardio myotherapy and her one lung had collapsed.
I was torn as to the course to take as I was unemployed and had recently been turned down for two minimum wage level jobs.
Pouncer would lie on the floor, not eating not wanting to be where it was soft, just lying gasping for life.
I am sorry as I took her to the shelter , not to the Vets who wanted 200 dollars to relieve her pain.
I am sorry to have done that as she died as stray , not as a Companion Cat.
I wished I had given her a dignified passing not have her in a cage and then thrown on a cart and cremated .
I am sorry Pouncer , I wish I had done the right thing but we get smart sometimes too late.
With all the Found Cats , she will always be the First Cat and I am sorry she never experienced the Found Cat Hotel when she was with us.
I hope you forgive me Pouncer when we meet again,
One Fine Day.

04-06-2008, 03:07 PM
Aww you did what you could for her and you gave her what no one else would, LOVE! She knew you loved her and she knew you did the best thing you could.

04-06-2008, 05:21 PM
Oh, Gary. I'm welling up again with LES. I am so sorry to read of this sad anniversary. As you said, sometimes we get smart too late. (I certainly have, all too many times.) You did the very best you could for Pouncer. She knows that, and she waits for you with all her love.

She didn't get to experience the Hotel, but she was the inspiration for it and the one who started you on your mission of caring for all the cats you can. She has watched every bit of all that has happened and is so proud to be the Founder!

Rest in peace, dear Pouncer, and God bless you Gary and all the cats and lovers of cats who have been part of your life.

04-06-2008, 06:07 PM
Gary!!!!!!!!!!!! No beating yourself up for something that happened such a long time ago, when you were having a rough time. You know that Pouncer was very much aware of what was happening, and she loved you because you tried to help her the best way you could!!! She is high up in the Traveling Angels Army. She has been to many places that she will take you when you both meet. One Fine Day.....Sleep softly, sweet Pouncer.....

04-06-2008, 09:22 PM
I agree with the others Gary. You did what you could with what you had.
At least Pouncer knew love because of you.
I'm sure, no, I know that she has forgiven you, now it's time to forgive yourself.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} dear friend.

04-07-2008, 04:45 PM
Gary, I think that what I love more than anything about cats and animals in general is that they're quick to forgive. Pouncer forgave you instantly. And, really, there was nothing to forgive anyhow. You did what you could w/what you had at that time and the fact that you're still sad about it 15 years later proves that you had her best interests at heart. Ease your mind, my friend, and know peace about this because Pouncer will be the first to greet you at the Bridge, as you say, "one fine day".

04-07-2008, 05:39 PM
Thats true that Pouncers passing gave me the idea of buying the Found Cat Hotel.
And her passing made adopting Michael possible as my brother was thinking of taking him back to the shelter where he would have been PTS as a returned Cat.
So maybe things do happen for a reason. I know I made some mistakes with Pouncer as she was My First Cat in feeding her a lot of rich fattening foods as I was slowly killing her with kindness.
She looked so happy with her pizza, potato chips and cooked ham.
And we will share these again I pray.
One Fine Day.

04-07-2008, 08:15 PM
One fine day you and Pouncer will be back together there is no doubt. Pouncer knew she was loved by you and that she was the beat of your heart. We all become smarter as we go through the growing up process with our animals. I had to do the same thing with my first kitty, Slyvester. I can understand your grief and heartache, and guilt as I feel it also. But Pouncer opened a door, just as my Slyvester did. Sometimes something that seems bad is really a catalyst to something better than we could imagine. You may not have done the Found Hotel without Pouncer and look how much you have done. Look at the wonderful friends you have made here on Pet Talk and all that you share with the Pet Talkers. Pouncer never had nothing to forgive, she was part of a bigger plan.

04-08-2008, 05:39 AM
Pouncer knows that you loved her and she loved you back ten fold. And life is hard both for humans and cats and that things happen that just can't be avoided. And she sent you Michael as a thank you and Michael has had the best life he could've ever wished for at the found cat hotel. You will be able to see Pouncer again one day and you can have a long chat about your life together on earth. And I'm sure it will all end in a hug and a headbutt :)

04-08-2008, 12:34 PM
Oh Uncle Gary I never this.. You did what you could for this baby.. You gave her what no-one else would give her & That Was Kindness & Love.. RIP wittle one & I know you are the one that Greats All the Angels Entering Rainbow Bridge..