View Full Version : Link For Pet-friendly Homes In Usa

04-05-2008, 08:19 PM

04-06-2008, 02:05 PM
Thats a great article!!
It may be that one day if I get older I may have to go to an apartment as going up and down stairs is getting harder. I will stay here as long as I can because we love it here so much. But it would be nice to have eveyrthing on the same level. in 2011, I will start getting old age, maybe then we will move!!!
Although I will stay, and make the top floor the floor where I live 90 % of the time!!!

04-06-2008, 03:47 PM
...she knows why! ;) :D


04-06-2008, 05:14 PM
Thanks, Candace; that's a great resource to know of.

Have you expanded your operation to the U.S. now, or did you just find this on line?

04-06-2008, 05:49 PM
Pat - no, we haven't expanded into the States.

As a matter of fact, we are putting it on indefinite hold in Calgary area, as there are just two of us - and you'd need four people, one of them an organized business/office manager - to pull off the work.

It was founded by a wonderful, creative enthusiastic person, and they still do some work in Vancouver - but there isn't a hard-headed business person to take it and make it more viable.

One small example - there are no pre-existing documents that the Calgary office can adapt for contracts that may come in, and there wasn't even any kind of disclaimer on the services. I created one and suggested to the founder that he look at it, and have a lawyer buddy go over it. He never did.

SO...nothing much to go on, and certainly no seed money at this point.

Here we WILL be doing a resume service for pet owners seeking housing, and I think that will be easier and viable. In time, it MAY grow to a point where P&A will become viable...but all the time I waste trying to get P&A up and running could have been spent helping pet owners get resumes with references for them and their pets.