View Full Version : Livvy's birthday Contest! All answered!!!

04-05-2008, 04:08 AM
Lady Olivia d'Flufferuni turns 9 next Friday (11 April) and we were discussing how she would like many, many cats to celebrate with her. We are going to set up a contest for kitties to earn an ounce of catnip to wallow in… To maximize the joy, the first correct response for each question will earn a prize for a household, therefore since we’re having 9 questions, one for each year, 9 different Pet Talk households will get catnip.

Please PM your response to AmberLee, do NOT post them on this thread. If you would include your mailing address with your responses, it would aid in getting your catnip quickly.

1 Who is the Pet Talk cat who is Romeo and Knight in Furry Armor to Livvy’s Jewel-iette?
Ans. Tatsxxx11's Oliver is Livvy's own true love. Identified by Barbara

2 Fill in the blank: When Lady Olivia secretly competed in the World Wrestling Federation: Feline division, her nom du ring was “The Wild, Wicked, Wanton, Whiskered _Wahine_ in the Furry Bikini.”
Ans. Randi submitted the first right answer re our feisty darling's nickname

3 Which Pet Talk cat was Livvy’s roommate on the kitty cruise around the Atlantic? (Identify either the cat or the cat’s Meowmy/poster.)
Ans. Her roommate was Tubby and Peanut's Mom's Peanut, a marvelous girl who shared many feminine tips. Identified by Edwina's Secretary.

4 Our Livvy/Jeweliette and her Romeo met and rendezvoused twice most romantically. Where?
a. Paris, France and Rome, Italy
b. New York, New York and St. Louis, Missouri
c. Boston, Massachusetts and Tampa, Florida
d. San Francisco, California and Washington, D.C.
Our two rascals supped on oysters at the Plaza Hotel during their first meeting; on the second they met in a city 'halfway' between their homes and took a carriage ride under an arch along a major river.
Ans supplied by Killearn Kitties!

5 What hat was Lady Olivia wearing on her photo shoot?
a. A cowgirl hat
b. A jockey cap
c. A Scarlett O’Hara sunhat
d. A pirate hat
Answered, most romanitically by Tatxxx11's Oliver, with a love declaration. Swoonies, absolute swoonies!!!

6 Fill in the blank: Livvy was Miss _April_ on the first Pet Talk Cat Calendar.
Ans. first correct answer came from Auntie KAK. Livvy was Miss April a mere mumblity-mumble years ago.

7 Livvy and her Romeo’s romance has led to soap opera names suggested. Which name was NOT suggested over the years?
a. As The Hairball Turns
b. Days of Our Nine Lives (… Like Sand in the Litterbox)
c. Tango, Tuna, and True Love
d. The Young and the Frisky
Answers a and b have both been suggested for the Romeo/Jeweliette threads Ramath suggested (a), and trinity suggested (b). Which of the remaining two haven't? Addtl hint: the third was suggested by Tatsxxx11 herself and did not include the word 'young'.
Ans selected by CassiesMom. She's chosen to donate Cassie's catnip to another pair of PT kitties.

8 When Livvy posted cooking tips online, what favorite food did she demonstrate how to ‘tucky up like this’?
Livvy's cooking tips were provided to insure the world served more of this particular 'big bird' on holiday tables. Yum! (Can you believe birds get this big? Sometimes bigger than our 12.5 pound girl herself. Amazing!) And the bird pan has been eyed as suitable, with a blankie, of course, for a cat bed.
Ans: A TURKEY, was provided by jenluckenbach! Round of applause, all!! :D :D

9 Livvy and her Meowmy had a dust-up last autumn because Meowmy had the temerity to laugh at our furry princess. This related to leaves that static’d on our darling’s back. Why did Meowmy laugh?
a. The leaves looked like devil horns and were SO appropriate!
b. The leaves looked like tiny cherub wings and were SO appropriate!
c. The leaves attached to her rump and were SO cute!
d. The leaves crinkled when Livvy walked and irritated her.
[Ans received from Don Juan's Mom. Whoohoo! Two more kitties to virtually party with!]

We're hoping for many responses, please!

Addresses on hand for catnip dispersal:
Barbara, Edwina's Secretary, Tats, KAK, Randi, DJM, Killearn Kitties, and jenluckenbach. Good show! Cassie'sMom's designated recipient's address is on hand.

Congratulations to all our winners. Thank you for participating. Catnip should be in the mail tomorrow.

04-05-2008, 05:12 AM
Wow- this a very difficult quiz!
Filou and Tigris are standing here and trying to get me going as they want the catnip- but I am afraid I am not regular enough anymore.
Of course I know that Romeo is tatsxxx' Oliver- and I rememeber the title Tango, Tuna and True Love but I had no idea Lady Livvy was a wrestler too! :eek:

04-05-2008, 08:33 AM
What a cute idea! Will need to brush up on my 'search' skills, as many of these things happened prior to me joining PT!

04-05-2008, 09:43 AM
You got your right answer, Barbara. Please PM your address so I can get your prize to you. The soon-to-be birthday girl is head-bumping my left hand and meowing her delight that T&F will soon be celebrating with her. :p :D :p

04-05-2008, 09:57 AM
I have no idea as to the answers to any of these questions. Sorry I must again be from the wrong generation.
Oh I get it now, but am too old to remember

04-05-2008, 10:08 AM
I have no idea as to the answers to any of these questions. Sorry I must again be from the wrong generation.
Oh I get it now, but am too old to remember

:( :confused: :( Livvy would be honored if you'd like to try. Four of the questions are multiple choice and open to guessing... Please PM your responses, though.

I was rather surprised to discover how long Livvy and Oliver have been an item though. :eek: My, she was a forward kitten!

Killearn Kitties
04-05-2008, 11:15 AM
Good heavens! The only one of these I know off the top of my head is the first one! S,J&D will need to brush up on their search skills if they are to be celebrating Livvy's birthday in catnip!

04-05-2008, 03:53 PM
Edwina's Secretary knew the answer to #3. :D :cool: :D Seven more to go. :rolleyes: :p

(I hadn't realized quite how obscure some of these were. I guess most people have gotten rid of their 3 year old calendars, eh?) :eek:

04-05-2008, 07:52 PM
Four correct answers, five to go. I think I'll post hints tomorrow morning, I didn't think through how difficult this would be... :o :eek:

04-05-2008, 08:16 PM
Oh good.:) I'm glad that I got this one right. I even took the her picture for this calendar.;)

04-05-2008, 09:52 PM
Oh good.:) I'm glad that I got this one right. I even took the her picture for this calendar.;)

You sure did. You also took the photo with the "Scarlett O'Hara" hat, and the "tucky in" cooking tips. Most of the good photos of my fur kids are due to you, thank you. :cool: :)

04-06-2008, 01:48 AM
Five correct answers received, four to go! We're so excited that so many are playing. Thank you, all!

04-06-2008, 09:38 AM
OK, I sent a PM and I'm pretty sure I got no. 2 right. :)

04-06-2008, 10:05 AM
OK, I sent a PM and I'm pretty sure I got no. 2 right. :)

Yep, you got 1, 2, 3, AND 4 right, but we're counting #2 since it was the first unanswered correct answer. Well done you!!!

04-06-2008, 07:50 PM
* bump *

Huh. All guesses were sent prior to adding clues. :eek: :( We have gotten comments saying we made the contest too hard. :o :(

Well, two of the three remaining questions are multiple choice, that should be easier.

Edwina's Secretary
04-06-2008, 10:32 PM
I know #4 and I think #7 but I am not eligible to enter again, am I?

04-06-2008, 10:59 PM
I know #4 and I think #7 but I am not eligible to enter again, am I?

Hmmm, I guess you could donate your second right answer to another PTer... Would you be interested in doing this? :confused:

Don Juan's mom
04-07-2008, 01:04 AM
I know Zerlina is looking forward to Livvy's pot... sorry, I mean CATNIP party!


04-07-2008, 01:41 AM

Good one, Liz!

04-07-2008, 01:27 PM
Congratulations to Killearn Kitties!

04-07-2008, 10:15 PM
Here is a repeat of all the questions, answers, and the name of those supplying the answers.

1 Who is the Pet Talk cat who is Romeo and Knight in Furry Armor to Livvy’s Jewel-iette?

Ans. Tatsxxx11's Oliver is Livvy's own true love. Identified by Barbara

2 Fill in the blank: When Lady Olivia secretly competed in the World Wrestling Federation: Feline division, her nom du ring was “The Wild, Wicked, Wanton, Whiskered _Wahine_ in the Furry Bikini.”

Ans. Randi submitted the first right answer re our feisty darling's nickname

3 Which Pet Talk cat was Livvy’s roommate on the kitty cruise around the Atlantic? (Identify either the cat or the cat’s Meowmy/poster.)

Ans. Her roommate was Tubby and Peanut's Mom's Peanut, a marvelous girl who shared many feminine tips. Identified by Edwina's Secretary.

4 Our Livvy/Jeweliette and her Romeo met and rendezvoused twice most romantically. Where?
b. New York, New York and St. Louis, Missouri

Our two rascals supped on oysters at the Plaza Hotel during their first meeting; on the second they met in a city 'halfway' between their homes and took a carriage ride under an arch along a major river.
Ans supplied by Killearn Kitties!

5 What hat was Lady Olivia wearing on her photo shoot?
c. A Scarlett O’Hara sunhat

Answered, most romanitically by Tatxxx11's Oliver, with a love declaration. Swoonies, absolute swoonies!!!

6 Fill in the blank: Livvy was Miss _April_ on the first Pet Talk Cat Calendar.

Ans. first correct answer came from Auntie KAK. Livvy was Miss April a mere mumblity-mumble years ago.

7 Livvy and her Romeo’s romance has led to soap opera names suggested. Which name was NOT suggested over the years?
d. The Young and the Frisky

Ans selected by CassiesMom. She's chosen to donate Cassie's catnip to another pair of PT kitties.

8 When Livvy posted cooking tips online, what favorite food did she demonstrate how to ‘tucky up like this’?

Ans: A TURKEY, was provided by jenluckenbach! Round of applause, all!!

9 Livvy and her Meowmy had a dust-up last autumn because Meowmy had the temerity to laugh at our furry princess. This related to leaves that static’d on our darling’s back. Why did Meowmy laugh?
b. The leaves looked like tiny cherub wings and were SO appropriate!

Ans received from Don Juan's Mom. Whoohoo! Two more kitties to virtually party with!