View Full Version : I met a Balinese

08-22-2002, 05:48 PM
Today I had the honor of receiving the attention of a Chocolate Seal Point Balinese. What a treasure. Zoe's eyes were the most beautiful blue crystals, and and she allowed me to give her rubs and skritches and even gave me the most delightful purr, although she was also intent on chewing on her dad's antique pens and trying to knock a bottle of ink off his desk....how dare he work in the presence of a Goddess?

Amazingly this delightful and beautiful creature was a rescue. Needless to say, if I ever need to inquire about insurance again, I will surely visit Zoe's dad.

08-22-2002, 11:41 PM
When I went for a walk in my parents neighborhood, I also met a Balinese. Her name is Tai and she was very friendly. I had her picture in my thread called "Neighborhood Cats". Here's a picture of her. I think she'd a bit overweight. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid28/p61c478ed580b5c54503ee522dc1f17e6/fd6a6514.jpg