View Full Version : Belle "layed" eggs?!

04-03-2008, 03:34 PM
Okay, excuse my ignorance, but this is my first time having a female betta. I noticed she was rather "bloated" last night, and I just passed it off as her eating too much. She's a pig. However, this morning, I notice little white specks in the bottom of her tank.

Are they eggs? There's no way they can "hatch" right? - she's never been with a male as far as I know (or is she hiding something from me!? :eek: )

She's still rather bloated - does this mean there's more eggs coming!?

04-03-2008, 03:45 PM
yup!!... theyīre eggs!! :D ........ and no none will "hatch" they need a male to fertilize them and they need to be in a bubblenest..... so donīt worry...

the females Iīve had also always seemed "bloated"... and I *think* it means they are ready and thatīs why they produce eggs.... sometimes too many they just "pop" out .....

I donīt have much experiece either but I can tell you that they are in fact eggs and that they will not hatch.... that I know ;)

04-03-2008, 06:02 PM
Yup, definitely eggs! You have a healthy, eggy girl Kay! I wouldn't be too worried if she kept laying eggs.

Don't worry -- there's no way they'll hatch. They need to be fertilized and placed in a bubble nest. :)

04-04-2008, 09:50 PM
That's interesting, none of my females ever layed eggs.

04-04-2008, 10:20 PM
Usually eggs are absorbed into the body and not released unless the female is mated with but very rarely they do release the eggs with no male present. She is a beautiful yellow girl!