View Full Version : * Jersey went herding! ... [3 pix]

04-03-2008, 02:28 PM
Yesterday Jersey and I went herding. I kept her on leash inside the arena, keeping our distance behind the sheep while the farm's BC (rescue from Wisconsin) herded them around.

All she did was eat sheep poo. Seriously. She chased a few times (I let the leash go when she showed interest in 'herding' them) and had fun, but the majority of the time was just checking things out. We ended by walking up (face to face) to the sheep for a little excitement.

Her second time in we followed them more closely from behind. Had to back off because the ram in the trio was a bit of a prick and was head butting another dog who was herding. She didn't really show any interest in herding, but was paying attention to what was going on. When a sheep would stray, we would go out to it with the dog that was herding and bring it back.

I was a bit disappointed that she didn't show more interest/instinct, but hopefully we can head back out there another time soon. Just thought I'd share how it went and a few pictures!




Thanks for looking. :)

04-03-2008, 02:39 PM
Neat! :) She's a cutie!!
My first BC got a nice head butt from a ram at a herding clinic one time. Didn't phase him one bit!

04-03-2008, 02:45 PM
Great pics!

Keeva just ate sheep poop her first time. I honestly didn't think she had any instinct in her what-so-ever. Her second time around, she was a pro! The woman who ran the clinic is also a herding judge and said that Keeva was the best Mal she'd ever seen. So don't be discouraged! :)

04-03-2008, 03:02 PM
Sheep poop? Man Keva would be all over that. Somehow I think Jersey and Keva would get along great. :D Nice pictures! Maybe she'll have more of a herding instinct as she matures.

04-03-2008, 07:40 PM
Great pics!! I love herding, haven't done it in a while though.. wish I could...

Ben (pictured below) was a awesome herding dog when he was younger!! He hasn't been herding in a few years.. he is 7yrs old now, but he was amazing.. the first time he went it was all instinct, he just knew what to do soon as he saw the sheep... and people think Collies can't herd.. even the lady who owned the farm we (a group of us actually) went herding at thought he was really good!...

He got head butted right between the eyes once by one of the sheep.. didn't phase him at all though... he shook it off and went right back to herding..


04-03-2008, 08:49 PM
Great photos! I used to attend trials in No Conway in Sept annually "just to watch." (Heck everyone knew I went to smooch with the dogs! :rolleyes: I went 10 or 12 years in a row, used to bring photos back each year of the prior year. They all got to know me.) Anyway, I remember quite a few conversations of dogs who didn't "get" it until they were a bit older. So give Jersey time!

Eating sheep poop? I suppose she wanted to kiss you thanks for the fun time on the drive home, huh? :rolleyes:

04-04-2008, 08:56 AM
Oh.... Sheep poop :eek: Sierra would be right there too!
Sheep poop or not, I'm sure she had fun!

04-04-2008, 09:24 AM
I took Ruby herding yesterday too...lol...instead of sheep poop she went after the cow poop...and then some sheep butt. lol - I need to work on the obedience routines...but the guy who helped me (he's an AHBA judge...and I think maybe an AKC one too) said she had talent :) I just need to work on her recall and her stop O.o

I love seeing dogs work...and watching the herding instinct turn on is like WAHOOO! :p He said he'd bring out one of his seasoned BCs next time so I could see how they worked :)


04-04-2008, 01:45 PM
That looks like fun. Even if he wasn't all the interested. I want to try herding with Talon when he's older. Just to see if he's got the working Aussie in him like he should. :D